Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

One wolf down! I will wait for clues, but I am ready to jump on either Electimortar or Power of Three right now with the current facts.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

^That's a warning you n00b -_-
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

I know I messed up before the start of Day One. However, I am willing to redeem myself. If it's okay with z-man, I'd like to sign up as a replacement.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

I believe that ElectiMortar has some power that if he were to be lynched, some magic would happen that would auto-kill a wolf. He probably decided to use it early to cripple the wolves. So, I say that we take advantage of this again and try to vote electimortar off again.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

Its night, don't post unless signing up as a replacement.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

Snorchu, you're banned from the next game. You've been too stupid to play this game, it has shown. You've made so many stupid bannable mistakes. SRY ;P
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/22

About a 3rd of the required roles have gotten in. I will extend the night another day. Warning: I'm going to make replacements, so send in your roles ASAP!
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 3 Start. Ends 3/23

z-man said:

You are Steve Urkel. You are a nerd who creates much misfortune to those around you.

Ability: Error Prone

Once per night, PM one of the moderators the name of another player. They will suffer a misfortune due to your presence.

Win Condition: Pink Geek Dies.

As one can see, sonicyellow did not survive the fun house. He appeared to be really drugged up. His blood was think and bright pink. In three parts of his body, there were jigsaw pieces cut. He suffered a grusome death. As a result, the square glasses have dissapeared.

No attacks were made last night! dmaster is surviving in the funhouse. He sent a message in sonicyellow's corpse saying "... lvr". Most of the letter was covered in pink blood.

Someone may claim the letter in an atempt to decypher it. The letter has been taken

Finally, there has been no geek activity. His team is regrouping after the death of one of their own. Obviously the Geek has a heart: one of black fire.

There have been some replacements. Please check the front page.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Guys, only claim the letter if you're good at deciphering codes. If you aren't, our only hint would be gone.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Or don't. ITSA PROBABLY A TRAP :eek:ooooooooooooo
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Do you guys think the lvr means shaymin lvr?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch


^ This above theory now can die in a pit of fire. God it caused me a ton of misfortune, but now it's been disproven with sonicyellow's death.

Anyway, I am still not so certain whether I've recovered my marbles yet, so until I've received some actual conformation that my marbles aren't still missing, I will not be voting because MODKILLZ SUCK.

Anyway, I wouldn't try deciphering a code that we are missing an entire half (?) of, because we could easily be misled. z-man was very careful with his words, and we're only getting what he wants us to see. :D

Anyway, Electimortar is apparently still in this. She DOES NOT have a revenge role, so he's told the truth up until this point. It would seem that Electimortar cannot be lynched and that whenever he is the target of the lynch, someone else dies, perhaps a target of his own. This theory is further supported by one of z-man's posts (not going to look for it I'm too lazy) where he said, "I will announce immunity..." and I can't remember the rest but basically I think he was preparing.

Also, z-man, ArceusShayminLvr has been permanently banned, so your replacement kind of... yeah... he's not replacing anybody anytime soon.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

You guys do realize we never got the votes to lynch mortar? So the theroy that he has a role that "reflects the votes and kills someone else" is kinda null at this point.

It's probably just a random kill that we got REALLY lucky on.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeChamp said:
Anyway, I wouldn't try deciphering a code that we are missing an entire half (?) of, because we could easily be misled. z-man was very careful with his words, and we're only getting what he wants us to see. :D
For your information, I was the one who took the blasted note. With it, a few important things were brought to light. First up, it accused Mew Jadester of being a wolf. Second of all, um if someone here is a doctor, works at an apothecary, knows 'bout medicine, please PLEASE make an antidote for pink blood very soon, because I got poisoned by pink blood and I'm gonna die before day 6. so yeah. if needed, I will give you hints to my identity (as I can't quote my role or my ability or risk mod kill)
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

So pink blood is actually a poison?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeChamp said:
Also, z-man, ArceusShayminLvr has been permanently banned, so your replacement kind of... yeah... he's not replacing anybody anytime soon.

You may vote.
I'll replace ASL later. That's what happens when I don't pay much attention D:
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Mapleboy86 said:
Do you guys think the lvr means shaymin lvr?

No, I think 'lvr' will have more to do with a certain role of one of the people in the game. Just my guess.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

or the fact that lvr is 3 letters long and is replaced by Mew Jadester (whom as you may recall was accused in the letter I got from sonicyellow)
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

That's a warning! Please read your pms. Don't you love how I can abuse my powers now? ~Zero
Vote: Power of Three
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