RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.
Alright, sorry I've been inactive recently. I'm away from home with limited free time.
To start, I must say that Teal's pretty good to have figured that much out.
I guess since he did, there's no point in lying anymore. I'll tell you straight up that I'm an indie. And yes, I was trying to "lure" people into targeting me because that is the way my ability activates. HOWEVER, what Teal got wrong is my win condition. I win by surviving until the end of the game, not by simply the geting the two targets. Once two people target me though, my single ability activates, which basically just helps me survive. It in essence slows the game down; it stops wolf kills, let's me find out information about other people, and kill someone every few nights.
Now, while its true that I could use this ability to harm the town, it can also be of GREAT benefit to you guys. I'll be more than happy at this point to kill wolves instead of random townies and find out information about people. Keep in mind I can also stop wolf kills at night (not every night, but a decent amount). You can trust me on this because if I start using it for my own purposes instead of to help the town, I'll just be lynched immidietly.
Teal's also wrong that I lied about protection. I did get protection, although it's only for two nights, not three. I also am not the one who killed Chariblaze. I did target him, but I'm not the one who caused his death.