Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Passively non-dangerous indie:

Just leave him alone for now. Seriously guys. Please.
A non-dangerous indie.

Who killed Chariblaze, is a siren, and denied involvement.

I don't see that as 'non-dangerous'
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

You left out the important word: PASSIVELY.
Teal said:
He [Blah] is no threat as long as nobody visits/targets him. We should focus now on getting wolves and active threats to the town. If we need to eliminate Blah in order to win, we can easily do that after we have wiped out all the wolves. If we lynch Blah now, we just give the wolves one more free night.
= We waste a day where we could be hunting the actual wolves and we even make the wolf win condition easier! That's a no-no!

I wouldn't vote them right now, BUT they are not as "confirmed" to me as those above them.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Sorry for not posting, but I have been kinda busy and didn't have anything to say.
I think we should not lynch Blah yet, idk why are you voting for The Guy.
Not voting yet.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Teal said:
You look sonewhat like a wolf to me:
Puff (Says he can choose someone to kill once he dies, but first he claimed something else...)
Cinesra (dude, get replaced if you only have time for homework, we need replacements!)

Vote: superpokemon67

So, nobody here has seen any dreams?

@HypnoLux: Forming a bandwagon is the best/safest way to get a reaction, and we need those. (They just shouldn't overdo it and people should listen when I say stop that right now LOLOLOL.)

Teal: I'm a town, and I can prove it to you.

No one has had any dreams until tonight because they couldn't. You had a dream about Mokoko tonight because I sent it to you. My role is comprised of two abilities.

1: I seer two people and if I die that night their roles will be revealed publicly. I do not see their roles
2: I had to wait until night 6 to unlock this. I pick a person (x) and another person (y). x has a dream about y, revealing y's role PM to x. Last night, x was you, and y was Mokoko. My win condition is the vanilla townie win condition, at least one town-aligned player alive when all threats to town are eliminated. I was trying to distance myself from the dreams because it seemed like a strong ability, but obviously that didn't work out well for me. I'm new to the game, and maybe this is a big waste on my part, but that is my whole ability, do with me what you will.

If the wolves kill me tonight, at least you'll have two confirmed townie/indies/wolves.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Alright, sorry I've been inactive recently. I'm away from home with limited free time.

To start, I must say that Teal's pretty good to have figured that much out.

I guess since he did, there's no point in lying anymore. I'll tell you straight up that I'm an indie. And yes, I was trying to "lure" people into targeting me because that is the way my ability activates. HOWEVER, what Teal got wrong is my win condition. I win by surviving until the end of the game, not by simply the geting the two targets. Once two people target me though, my single ability activates, which basically just helps me survive. It in essence slows the game down; it stops wolf kills, let's me find out information about other people, and kill someone every few nights.

Now, while its true that I could use this ability to harm the town, it can also be of GREAT benefit to you guys. I'll be more than happy at this point to kill wolves instead of random townies and find out information about people. Keep in mind I can also stop wolf kills at night (not every night, but a decent amount). You can trust me on this because if I start using it for my own purposes instead of to help the town, I'll just be lynched immidietly.

Teal's also wrong that I lied about protection. I did get protection, although it's only for two nights, not three. I also am not the one who killed Chariblaze. I did target him, but I'm not the one who caused his death.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

superpokemon67 said:
You had a dream about Mokoko tonight
Confirming this. Good thing I didn't mention until now what my dream was about, I saved it for a situation like this.

superpokemon67 said:
I pick a person (x) and another person (y). x has a dream about y, revealing y's role PM to x. Last night, x was you, and y was Mokoko.
I didn't get Mokoko's role PM. I know that I had a dream about Mokoko but unfortunately the details are hazy. You have any idea why this is so?

If the wolves kill me tonight, at least you'll have two confirmed townie/indies/wolves.
I would love it if you targeted one of my suspicions and gave the info to a pro-town listed (not me as if the pro-town doesn't tell the info they get or lie about it => interesting). Wolves probably won't dare to kill you for your revealing ability.

Unvote: superpokemon67
adding him to my pro-town list.

Also I put Mokoko in "Wtf should I think of these guys" because of the dream. Now he is again suspicious to me. Especially as I couldn't see his role PM. Sounds like he can't be seer'd or something, which might hint to a wolf. Mokoko, I want an explanation!

@Blah: I don't believe you, that's bull.

PS: Post #1000. 90% of them are probably in WW:s. rofl
*Teal shades
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Can someone fill me in? I spent all of my free time this week getting my reqs for suspect voting. V_V
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

ComfortEagle said:
Can someone fill me in? I spent all of my free time this week getting my reqs for suspect voting. V_V
- Blah is a siren indie and killed Chariblaze but he is not worth killing, just don't visit him
- TheGuy seems to be Thomas Martin (reporter for the newspaper)
- superpokémon's explanation above of his role
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

King Piplup (get replaceeed... does nobody want to replace him either? :C)

Yessssss, Teal, we've all heard your opinion XD. If there were replacements, I would fold to one.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Teal, I swear my ability says full role PM. I have no idea why you didn't get the whole thing.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Fair enough Teal. I'm glad you somewhat understood what I was trying to get from you, because I don't want this to turn into WW12 (or whatever one it was where DNA won). And yeah, I have noticed most of your decisions have been pro-town (except for that one with Lucky Fire trololol).

Well if Blah is telling the truth by saying he can support the town, then I would leave him alone. Looking at Teal's list, Eevee plays this way every game, but I can't be sure because of RNG. Maybe Mokoko because of the dream SP67 sent Teal? I'm not really sure at this point.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

The Yoshi said:
Fair enough Teal. I'm glad you somewhat understood what I was trying to get from you, because I don't want this to turn into WW12 (or whatever one it was where DNA won). And yeah, I have noticed most of your decisions have been pro-town (except for that one with Lucky Fire trololol).
I was going for a no lynch that day, which would have been the best for the town.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

But it did.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Yeah it happened. It was a news headline. Something about Puff.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

Prove it.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

PMJ said:
Prove it.

*click* URL name is relevant
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.


back to game pls
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 7 ends October 10 at 3 PM CST.

I'm sorry, I'm confused forgot that my headline was posted, the Puff thing was mine, it's on the last page also. And considering that my role did actually happen I find a few possible conclusions for this.

1) The Role Block didn't matter since my role goes through the editor.
2) PMJ made mistakes posting the headline in the first place.
3) Someone roleblocked the role blocker.
4) Hypnotic is lying.
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