Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

@Teal, yes that is possible. Do you have ability that kills your killer or something?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

I'm not going to reveal what exactly my role does as we also have a person who shoots one player every night, I think you can deduce enough from what I just said.
superpokemon67: Why the sudden unvote/revote? :eek:
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Welp, I would vote Cinesra, but I'd like to hear a defense from first. We've got plenty of time, but the fact that Cinesra hasn't responded yet is making me even more suspicious of him. I do think we should wait a bit though, hear hat he has to say.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

TDL is modkilled.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Blob55 is modkilled.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Now that that's out of the way

Suddenly, TDL switched his name tag, but little did he realize as soon as he put it on he was crushed by the hand of Black God. TDL was:

Role: Eli Frazer
Alignment: Town

You are Eli Frazer, an eccentric inventor who makes up all sorts of crazy gadgets. As the inventor of the Lynch Machine, you have been tasked with its upkeep. Should you die, don't know what would happen. Probably bad things.

Ability 1: Eureka!
As an inventor, you have the ability to create many different things, but because you are making them in a single night, they break after the night is over. Once each Night, you may PM me "Inventing <item> for <player>," where <item> is a Shoddy Bomb, Toy Robot, or Fishy Shield and <player> is a living player. You will give that player your invention, which they must use during that night.

Shoddy Bombs can be thrown at another player. If the bomb explodes, it will kill the person it is thrown at. If it doesn't explode, the bomb may fall apart or remain intact. If it remains intact, the person you threw it at may choose to throw it back at you (they won't know your identity), with the same chances of explosion. If, however, the bomb does not explode, it will definitely fall apart.

Toy Robots allow players to learn an ability name of a person they send it after.

Fishy Shields protect the holder from death.

These are not Items and players may hold them alongside actual Items.

You may not give yourself an invention, and you may not give out the same invention until you have given out the other two first.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated

Blob55 went to laugh, but she was backhanded by Black God and sent TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. Blob55 was:

Role: Kronar
Alignment: None

You are Kronar. You and Gale came here in a time machine powered by equal parts rage and lust. You forgot to bring Gale's medicine with you, essentially sentencing him to death. He's rightfully upset about this, so he isn't speaking to you right now. Is there any way you could possibly make up for this blunder?

Ability 0: Bloody Sacrifice
Every time a werewolf is killed (but not lynched), the chances of Gale losing at Surgery Roulette decrease by 20%. If you are killed (but not lynched), the chances of Gale losing at Surgery Roulette decrease by 50%. If a werewolf is lynched and you were on his or her wagon that Day, Gale will forgive you and you will be able to speak to him freely.

Ability 1: Investigate Mk II
Once each Night, you may PM me the name of a player. You will learn one of their ability names, chosen at random. You may choose the same person on multiple nights to learn different ability names.

Ability 2: rkScan
Once each Night, you may PM me the name of a player. If Gale PMs me the same player's name, you will each learn that player's entire role PM.

Win Condition: Gale survives until the end of the game

The town looked uneasy. With Eli dead, who would operate the Lynch Machine?

Day continues as normal.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: Cinesra

We know TDL was a townie, so wei wei

Also this:
Toy Robots allow players to learn an ability name of a person they send it after.
Is totally not the un-item I had, :F Hint: I'm lying

I... probably should have figured it was TDL who gave it to me.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Yeah... Uhhhhh. Wow. I don't really have anything to say except:

Vote: Cinesra
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: Cinesra

Not much else for me to say. None of you believe what I said earlier, despite it being the truth.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: Cinesra

Jump on the wagon.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: Cinesra

Great TDL just died we're all screwed now. Who's going to work the lynch machine? I've got a bad feeling it's going to malfuntion and kill someone important.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

I can't vote because of the Dirty Magazine. Also those modkills were rather random.

And anyone who questioned why we should kill Puff, I would say there are 2 reasons:

1) If Puff gets killed by the wolves tonight, then we just wasted a reliable Ability.

2) We can save Cinesra for tomorrow if we have to, since he's pretty much a confirmed wolf.

I'm just throwing out an idea. We could lynch Puff, who could hit King Piplup or someone else on Teal's suspicion list and there's always that chance he's scum/indie. My ideas can be pretty stupid and redundant, so if it sounds stupid, then LMK.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

However, if I get killed tonight, it takes the kill away from you guys. I'm pretty much meatshield material now, since that unlynchable indie is already dead. Cinesra is almost definitely a wolf, so we should kill him.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

The Yoshi said:
I can't vote because of the Dirty Magazine. Also those modkills were rather random.

And anyone who questioned why we should kill Puff, I would say there are 2 reasons:

1) If Puff gets killed by the wolves tonight, then we just wasted a reliable Ability.

2) We can save Cinesra for tomorrow if we have to, since he's pretty much a confirmed wolf.

I'm just throwing out an idea. We could lynch Puff, who could hit King Piplup or someone else on Teal's suspicion list and there's always that chance he's scum/indie. My ideas can be pretty stupid and redundant, so if it sounds stupid, then LMK.

TDL changed his username and Blob hasn't talked in forever.

.....we have a confirmed wolf. And you want to save him for tomorrow.

I don't understand.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

I told you he TDL was town. =P

With his death, I can only imagine what will happen to us. x_x
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 8 ends October 20 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: Cinesra
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