Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

I guess we don't actually have concrete proof that TheGuy isn't a wolf. He Is the only player on OneApproved's list. So it may be possible.

@ One Approved and KA. It was already stated quick recap: Investigative role- Found "Perish song on Blah and Investigate MK II on Blob.[/align]
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Ohhh right derp. I remember that now.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Read the intro thing at the beginning about Canton Falls, the werewolves and all the madness started before I, Thomas Martin, got there, so I have to be a townie.

I still think it's either One Approved or HL, where is the evidence of the role blocker again, aside from this night?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

That doesn't make you a townie <_<. That just means you were here.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

I want to talk about HypnoLux

I know that there have been claims I was role blocked, and if that's the only evidence of role blocking, then we shouldn't be sure there is a role blocker because every time I've remembered to send in a message for the news, it's been posted. And I've only forgotten twice.

@TPO3: It may seem like a stupid argument but when you think about it, why would the role mentioned in the first post as the one trying to solve the mystery not be a townie?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

TheGuy said:
I want to talk about HypnoLux

I know that there have been claims I was role blocked, and if that's the only evidence of role blocking, then we shouldn't be sure there is a role blocker because every time I've remembered to send in a message for the news, it's been posted. And I've only forgotten twice.

@TPO3: It may seem like a stupid argument but when you think about it, why would the role mentioned in the first post as the one trying to solve the mystery not be a townie?

Well, you have an interesting argument if it's HypnoLux. Right before the end of last night I finally gave in and said "I guess technically we have no evidence of Hypnotic's alignment." to which at the start of today he's like "JK I didn't roleblock KA I blocked Teapot instead." and it would make sense that he somewhat supports me. As long as I"m alive, people will at least consider lynching me instead of him. If they decide to lynch me, he can be like, "yeah I guess it is teapot, I was on the border but now there's too much evidence. On the other hand, I did tel him to switch his roleblock up, so it's entirely possible that he just listened to me.

Considering the possibility that the shooter just held off for the night and was attempting to frame Arceus. Who has wanted Arceus dead for a while? If anybody? That would be something to look at.

And Guy, you have a good argument, but at the same time, I've seen people who are 100% confirmed as masons end up being wolves before. It's this late in the game, we can't just overlook people because they have some confirmed roles or names. I'm not saying you're 100% the shooter, I am saying that we can't just exclude you because you're the newspaper person and have the name. It would be a similar situation to a wolf who is also a mason. A newspaperman who is also the shooter. And the fact that the shooter can kill somebody every night (possibly 2 if the amulet)'s not like you can give him a broken ability on top of that. If any role at all. In addition to the fact that you are the ONLY person alive today that used their night ability 3 times by night 3. It's just too much to overlook, you know?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

I don't want to give you guys too much credit

but the day is ending in a little less than 36 hours. I don't know if you guys noticed it or not, but I don't want you to act surprised when the day ends without a lynch because you guys waited to vote :>

(game days will continue being three rl days until the game is over)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Teapot, what ate you rambling on about?

Not once did I say who I was going to roleblock... The way your talking is presenting me in a completely diferent stance then I took.

The way I see it, Puff and Guy are confirmed. Puff was publicly revealed, while I have roleblocked guy. What reasons do you have to believe I've been lying? Every single person I've roleblocked have reported to not having been able to use their role that night. You're really accusing me because of a memory lapse?

Meanwhile, everyrhing teapots said this day have struck me as very panicky. Freaking out because I didn't roleblock the right person?
Vote: One Approved
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 12 ends November 25 at 3 PM CST.

HypnoticLuxray said:
Bisharp37 said:
Okay now I believe what Spammy said it's either KA or One Approved.
So the way I see it we have two options.

1) Lynch KA and have HL roleblock One Approved.
2) Lynch One Approved and role block KA.

Both are very feasible options.There is logic and reasoning to explain why I feel these are our only two options.If you need an explanation just ask. HL who did you role block last night? SL who did you seer?

I can only roleblock on odd #'d nights.

Now, six players left. I'm not the shooter, and a confirmed roleblocker. Guy was roleblocked once, so he can;t be the shooter either, he's the reporter guy. Puff's role was revealed at some point. Bisharp has claimed some sort of Investigative role and has shown evidence supporting it.

That leaves KA and Teapot. KA was a lover, and apperently a nerd(read from Rustik's role) So, I think I'll

Vote: One Approved
The role he claimed is a Carbon Copy of Nengeni's last game, and I'm no longer sure I buy it. Also, he's probably the best playerexcluding me out of the people left. So, genius's must die?

I assumed this meant you were roleblocking KA?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: OneApproved

He's been too much of a loose cannon today and has been very desperate. If it isn't him, I will be turning my head toward HypnoLux, whom I have suspicions for.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

HypnoticLuxray said:
Teapot, what ate you rambling on about?

Not once did I say who I was going to roleblock... The way your talking is presenting me in a completely diferent stance then I took.

The way I see it, Puff and Guy are confirmed. Puff was publicly revealed, while I have roleblocked guy. What reasons do you have to believe I've been lying? Every single person I've roleblocked have reported to not having been able to use their role that night. You're really accusing me because of a memory lapse?

Meanwhile, everyrhing teapots said this day have struck me as very panicky. Freaking out because I didn't roleblock the right person?
Vote: One Approved
Don't forget Bisharp, who we know is an ability seer.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: One Approved
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Welp. I suppose I should make an argument on why the shooter isn't me.

This would have to be the most broken role in the entire history of werewolf. Think about it. I get to know as soon as somebody uses a role for the 3rd time. I have an immunity to being lynched/eaten/shot/sirened/whatever once. And you think I get to shoot somebody on top of that? I don't care if the win condition is 'be the last man standing' (since at this point, we can probably assume that it is.) That would be extremely broken. I've had an entire list of people who could be the seer, the priest, and every other extremely important role since night 3. Any smart player has known that SL was the seer since earlier in the game, as soon as I started defending him. Everybody was like "SL tell us your role or we kill you." I was the dude that defended him. If I was the shooter, why would I risk getting seer'd? I wouldn't. I've just known who SL is for a long time, so I decided to try and keep him alive. (Of course he ended up geting modkilled by black god, but I tried.) If I was the shooter, SL would have been dead a long time ago. An ability that doesn't activate until night 3 in addition to not getting lynched once. Obviously a buffer to try and keep myself alive until night 3. But a shooter role on top of that? broken much?

The shooter probably has another role that can get him 'confirmed' townie without actually confirming him as a townie. Or something that could potentially influence the town in a small way to aid him. Something else that isn't broken. Blah was the one who originally (iirc) thought it was me, but of course blah was going to say it was me, I had been trying to lynch him for days. I've kept on poking at TheGuy, it's no surprise he's wanted me dead for a while. In addition, TheGuy is the only player left alive who has used a night ability 3 times by night 3. He's the most logical choice in my view. Once again I would like to re-iterate: We have no evidence of Guy's alignment. Just of his newspaper role.

Vote: TheGuy
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

The evidence of Guys alignment is that I used myroleblock on him the same night a shot was fired. Unless it somehow bypasses roleblocks, he's innocent. Also, I think you forgot that the shooter usef his role multiple times on one of the first nights. Shouldn't the update have come in before Night 3?

Also, I left Bisharp out for a reason, Puff. In my eyes, he is not confirmed. The only evidence we have is of his own words. Not trustworthy enough.[/align]
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

The amulet lets an ability happen twice, but it doesn't let you use it on two separate occasions. I can't really come up with a good analogy. It's like... the shooter has to use the ability once to shoot at two people. Like with Spammy's list, he uses his ability once, but gets to go through two people on the list. If that makes any sense at all. It's like Raichu Lv. X, where he levels up, and gets to attack twice immediately once after another. You don't get to attack with Raichu Lv. X, play a trainer, a supporter, a stadium, attatch some energies, and then attack again. You enter the attack phase once and only once and pull off the double attack. The amulet works in the same way. (Sorry, I really can't come up with a better analogy.)

The other option is that the ability could be an Ability 0 (like Moonlight Confrence.) and I can't see if the shooter uses it, however granted that there was not a shooter kill last night, I don't think this is the case. It would mean either 1) I am the shooter (which I am not.) or 2) the shooter held off his shot, which means the ability is not always on, like other ability 0's.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Damn. Too late to reconsider anything, day is ended.

/me hopes for the best.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 13 ends November 27 at 3 PM CST.

Day 13

One Approved was lynched. Again. This time, God was not on his side, and he died. One Approved was:

Role: Lloyd Mitchell
Alignment: None

You are Lloyd Mitchell. You're a really friendly sort of guy, and your goal is to make friends with everyone. Well, it would have been, had your wife not been ripped to shreds by a werewolf. Now, you're out for revenge, and you've got plenty of silver bullets. Fortunately for you, silver bullets kill humans just as well as regular bullets.

Ability 0: By the Grace of God
You will survive the first attempt on your life, be it by werewolf or by lynch.

Ability 0: One Eye Open
You will be notified whenever a player activates one of his or her abilities for a third time.

Ability 1: Thinning the Herd
Once each Night, you must PM me the name of a player excluding yourself. That player will be shot and killed. If you don't make a choice, one will be made for you.

Win Condition: Be the last player in the game or let nothing prevent the same

With One Approved's death, an aura of calm pervaded Canton Falls. Everyone felt 20% safer. They knew that the town would soon go back to normal.

Werewolf XIV ends with a Town victory! Congratulations to our winners:

King Arceus
Nature's Profit
Lucky Fire
corn bread

You can now post freely in this thread. Postgame will be up as soon as I get home.
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