XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Keeper of Night said:
If they give us another snake, I hope it will be either ground or water type, living in either the desert or the swamp.

I'd prefer a fire snake!

Robot said:
Speaking of t-rexes, it's about time we should finally get one as one of the fossil Pokemon. Maybe the other could be a plesiosaur or megalodon?

Cranidos/Rampardos? They look like it, but they're not t-rexes, right? =|

I love the idea of having a megalodon, though. We need a real shark!
My other thoughts for fossils are a saber tooth tiger and an iguanodon
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

camoclone said:
Ok. So you want to see a toilet Pokemon. You do realize why Pokemon will never make it. Pokemon has a target audience of little kids. And anyways what kind of person are you having that toilet thing as a prized toy as a kid?

You do realize that Pokemon are made by Japanese? Not trying to be a racist, but let's be honest; their culture is considerably different.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I know they probably won't do an overt demon reference for pokemon #666 (it'd enrage certain parents, I'm sure) but since it would have to be pretty early in the dex anyway, I dream of it being a simple fly. Tons of other video games and anime have demonic fly monsters based on Beelzebub already.

Cranidos/Rampardos? They look like it, but they're not t-rexes, right? =|

They're Pachycephalosaurs, bipedal herbivores with beaklike mouths and huge, domed skulls they probably used for ramming enemies.

You do realize that Pokemon are made by Japanese? Not trying to be a racist, but let's be honest; their culture is considerably different.

Yeah, if you watch Japanese kid's TV it's full of toilets, body functions and concepts that Western audiences usually consider more twisted, but to the Japanese they're fairly innocent and silly.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Stegosaurus! Come on, Game Freak. Grass/Rock maybe, or Steel/Rock. And a velociraptor for the other fossil Pokemon. Fighting/Rock? It'd be the fastest rock type yet, that's all I know. Or it should be.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I don't know PB... Terrakion and Aerodactyl already borderline too fast as it is. Making something even faster might cause problems. A fast rock type like that's not a bad Idea though, though rock type fossils are getting a little cliche despite the sense it makes... I mean were all ancient pokemon really supposed to be part rock type even before they became fossils (thus excluding the immortal legendaries)?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
I know they probably won't do an overt demon reference for pokemon #666 (it'd enrage certain parents, I'm sure) but since it would have to be pretty early in the dex anyway, I dream of it being a simple fly. Tons of other video games and anime have demonic fly monsters based on Beelzebub already.

They could probably do some early game Ghost or Dark type if they wanted to go that route.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

iSharingan said:
. I mean were all ancient pokemon really supposed to be part rock type even before they became fossils (thus excluding the immortal legendaries)?

I always assumed they came out rock type because they were resurrected from fossils, but retained the original fossil/mineral matter in their reconstituted body.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

As did I... that is until those time-travel episodes of the Anime where the ancient pokemon (before they became fossils) all had part rock typing anyway.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

>still comparing anime logic to videogame logic

The anime isn't even canon but they can't teach kids the wrong types.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

iSharingan said:
I mean were all ancient pokemon really supposed to be part rock type even before they became fossils (thus excluding the immortal legendaries)?


Rock pokemon tend to be much more mineral-based on a biological level, or (usually secondary Rock) have certain features/extras that are very mineral.

And because of this, their DNA is much better preserved instead of decaying in a few years like regular Pokemon.

In other words, fossils are Rock, because non-Rock pokemon DNA doesn't preserve well.

I wish they'd either add some random modern Rock pokemon as obtainable through fossils to confirm this theory, or make a fossil that isn't Rock to disprove it.

The other popular logic is that they are Rock from being resurrected, but IMO that makes much less sense, since then their looks would naturally change to more Rock-like too, if the process was the cause.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Mitja said:
The other popular logic is that they are Rock from being resurrected, but IMO that makes much less sense, since then their looks would naturally change to more Rock-like too, if the process was the cause.

Actually, I think that's the logic behind it. Most of them really look more like Rock-type creatures, and the fact they come from fossils is what makes them part Rock-type.
Like, Archen, do you really think it is rock-type because its body is (or rather, was) made of Rock (in the past)?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Metalizard said:
Mitja said:
The other popular logic is that they are Rock from being resurrected, but IMO that makes much less sense, since then their looks would naturally change to more Rock-like too, if the process was the cause.

Actually, I think that's the logic behind it. Most of them really look more like Rock-type creatures, and the fact they come from fossils is what makes them part Rock-type.
Like, Archen, do you really think it is rock-type because its body is (or rather, was) made of Rock (in the past)?

Yeah, otherwise the fossilizing&resurrecting-process would alter its appearance in distinct ways.

And its not even like Rock is their "extra type". Its been their main type for most cases.
Then only exception is Tirtouga who obviously even visually is Rock simply for external armor, hence secondary.

What I' saying is, type is mostly directly related with visual appearance - any case of type change includes a design change.

So unless you suggest that all fossil Pokemon looked DIFFERENT ORIGINALLY than their known designs, I don't see the explanation as logical.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Honestly I'd think that if they're just rock type because of fossil traces then their design most especially WOULDN'T change. It'd be more like their bodies are infused with minerals, but otherwise replicas of their original forms, like they were cast from a mold, or how fossils really do turn out.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Its really likely the case that when gamefreak creates those, they DO design them Rock type because they are fossils... but I also think they had to have the concept set on whether Rock->fossil or fossil->Rock in the games world.

I wish they'd give us something solid to clear it up :<

I just cannot imagine a prehistoric Armaldo or Kabutops roaming around and not being the types they are...
Archeops perhaps because its so reptile/bird-like, but the rest would have been the exact same types back then regardless, right?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Yeah, really could be why they fossilized so well.

lol back to square one.

Honestly I'm amazed that as long and successful as pokemon has been around, there's pretty much never been anything like a "world guide" or developmental art book, very few creator interviews and almost never an official word on what any particular pokemon were inspired by, besides the blatantly obvious ones.

Compared to any other franchise even a fraction as popular, this sort of "behind the scenes" conceptual info is so jarringly absent that it seems highly calculated, like they want to preserve some sort of "magic" or "mystery" by keeping their developmental processes and ideas strictly secret.

I guess I can appreciate that to some extent....but there are things that drive me crazy wondering what they were really going for, what they might have been referencing. Things like Swalot. Why the playing card diamonds?!
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I would like any animal and dragon, and an old favourite, the dinosaur. Actually any pokemon would do! They all look cool and they are all strong. Yes, Magikarp is strong to me.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Pokémon I'd like to see in the 6th gen include:

Modern and recently extinct Animals:
- Koala
- Panda (A proper one)
- Dolphin
- Hammerhead Shark
- Komodo Dragon
- Eurasian Badger
- Shoebill
- Heron
- Tasmanian Devil
- Thylacine (Tasmanian Wolf)
- Echidna
- Platypus
- Dodo
- Manatee

Prehistoric animals (Fossil Pokémon)
- Iguanodon (Since they were fairly common dinosaurs in Europe)
- Mosasaurus
- Arthropleurid
- Pterygotus
- Parasaurolophus

(Pre)-Evolutions :
- Dragon, Bug, Steel, Rock and Flying eeveelutions
- Dunsparce evo (Make it look like Quetzalcoatl)
- Alomamola evo
- Girafarig evo
- Druddigon pre-evo
- Qwilfish evo
- Stunfisk evo
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

God, Qwilfish probably deserves an evolution more than all other unevolved pokemon combined. Since gen 2 it's been perhaps the most forgotten little guy in the whole franchise.

Not to open this whole can of worms again, but Psyduck and Golduck are definitely platypus based, same exact anatomy and swimming habits :)

Dunsparce evo (Make it look like Quetzalcoatl)

I'd much rather a separate Quetzalcoatl pokemon. Dunsparce is based on the Tsuchinoko, a creature from Japanese folklore resembling a short, pudgy snake. It'd be a shame to completely throw out its basis for one from an entirely different culture, and considering how beloved the former legendary critter is in Japan, I doubt they'd ever do that; if they ever evolve Dunsparce, it will probably just be into a bigger Tsuchinoko.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I hope they finally make a poison-type legendary- it's the only type without a legendary...
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

A poison-type dragon, too, is PAINFULLY obvious. Heck, dragons are more often venomous in mythology than fire-breathers.

And the Komodo Dragon is one of the few lizards now proven to have a venomous bite (along with the Gila monster and Beaded lizard), in addition to horribly dangerous, filthy bacteria in its saliva. It's the combination of the two that make even a nip from one potentially deadly.