XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Oh, and a coati (nasua, how do you call it in English?), too! One of these came running to me and stole my food on the table in a park 2 years ago. So adorable
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Cinesra said:
We need a Bug/Dark vampire mosquito, Bug/Grass grasshopper, and a Fire/Water flamingo. Frostwind's Normal/Ghost Schrodinger's cat idea was gold.
Flygon2071 said:
Beetle pokemon. We need one of this as they are pretty easy to find in real life.
MistahFuji said:
I'd personally love to see a wash of new type pairings - a fighting/ flying type, an electric/fire type, and a grass/ghost type being top of the list
Heat Rotom
Froxy said:
Also, one of these as a Pokemon would be siiick http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-strange-yet-beautiful-sea-slug-glaucus-atlanticus
I lol'd at the Kyogre bit.
Last I checked Kyogre was based off of an orca or whale not a sea slug. :p
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I know gen 6 is already there, so i jump to gen 7 with two legendary pokemons, both different yet they want the same thing, both pokemons are powerful god like entities, one stands for as the creature of light, a creature that wants a perfect world without any violence, but to create a new world... it has to destroy the old one, the other pokemon is a creature of pure darkness, a beast that wants a world for its own, a world were he can live without all those pathatic beings around him.... the last pokemon... yes, a third legendary, is a pokemon straight from the apocalypse, he was stuck in an other world, but the new badguy team awakened it after the awakening of the light and dark pokemon, this creature... only seeks destruction, he doesn't want a new world... he only wants chaos.... jup, that is all, hope u liked it :3
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I'd like to see gender based starter final evos, like this

Chespin Male lv36 = Dark/Grass (Hedgehog with big claws, sharp spines and high Attack)
Chespin Female lv36 = Grass/Rock (Hedgehod with hard chestnut shell and high defence)
Froakie Male lv36 = Water/Ice (Giant Frog wih Ice beard)
Froakie Female lv36 = Water/ Electric (Giant frog, Beard becomes long electric hair)
Fennekin Male lv36 = Fire / Psychic (Giant Lionlike thing, Diamond in head gives psy powers)
Fennekin Female lv36 = Fire/ Psy (Large, very furry fox)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

ZeroSoul000 said:
I know gen 6 is already there, so i jump to gen 7 with two legendary pokemons, both different yet they want the same thing, both pokemons are powerful god like entities, one stands for as the creature of light, a creature that wants a perfect world without any violence, but to create a new world... it has to destroy the old one, the other pokemon is a creature of pure darkness, a beast that wants a world for its own, a world were he can live without all those pathatic beings around him.... the last pokemon... yes, a third legendary, is a pokemon straight from the apocalypse, he was stuck in an other world, but the new badguy team awakened it after the awakening of the light and dark pokemon, this creature... only seeks destruction, he doesn't want a new world... he only wants chaos.... jup, that is all, hope u liked it :3

The third Pokemon is Giratina. The other 2 are Cyrus becoming a Pokemon :p
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Beetle pokemon have included Heracross, Pinsir, Ledian, Escavalier, Illumise, Volbeat, and technically Kricketune, since its design is taken from a violin beetle rather than any actual cricket.

We could still use a lot more, though. Around a quarter of the living species on earth are beetles. A few I'd love to see as pokemon:

Diving beetle - we're long overdue for a tough, fully evolved water/bug.

Dung beetle - SO much you could do with this. Bug/poison is obvious, but you could turn the dung ball into a fireball or snowball for other types.

Bombardier beetle - practically already a real pokemon, with its ability to spray boiling hot chemicals from its tail.

Tiger beetle - these are beautifully colored, fierce predators and among the fastest runners in the animal kingdom. They actually run so fast, they can't even see while they're moving; they run faster than particles of light are able to enter their eyes.

Haunted Water said:
Also, give it a good design. I want a ghost type that makes you say 'I want it.'
'Dude, it probably suc-'
Haunter is a good design, along with Rotom and Chandelure, but that's it for good ghost designs as far as I'm concerned.

Banette, Duskull, Dusclops, Sableye, Yamask, Cofagrigus, Shedinja, Spiritomb, Jellicent...none of those are cool designs to you in the least? Really?

All the ghosts we have are highly appropriate. They're strange, eerie things, like you expect from ghosts, and their typings have been great so far; virtually every ghost has been useful.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?


This people, is a lion.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Flygon2071 said:
ZeroSoul000 said:
I know gen 6 is already there, so i jump to gen 7 with two legendary pokemons, both different yet they want the same thing, both pokemons are powerful god like entities, one stands for as the creature of light, a creature that wants a perfect world without any violence, but to create a new world... it has to destroy the old one, the other pokemon is a creature of pure darkness, a beast that wants a world for its own, a world were he can live without all those pathatic beings around him.... the last pokemon... yes, a third legendary, is a pokemon straight from the apocalypse, he was stuck in an other world, but the new badguy team awakened it after the awakening of the light and dark pokemon, this creature... only seeks destruction, he doesn't want a new world... he only wants chaos.... jup, that is all, hope u liked it :3

The third Pokemon is Giratina. The other 2 are Cyrus becoming a Pokemon :p

so u are telling me that giratina could use a move called apocalypse roar and that giratina is a fire/dark pokemon? i am not hating or anything but please, respect my ideas for just a bit, and cyrus does come back in my story line, with a new team with an AWESOME name.... u ready, here it is.... TEAM CHAOS, what a great name(sarcasme)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I never said that they weren't cool just that the third one was like Giratina. in Platinum (is asleep in the other world and when Cyrus try to get Dialga and Palkia, the other world portal appears and they go to the distortion world and meet Giratina). And I said the part of Cyrus as a joke (trying to make a new world for himself).
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I really do want a wolf or spirit wolf of some sort here, and I feel like they could do that with an absol evolution easily. Maybe a ghost/dark type would be in order. Other than that

-2 new eeveeloutions, ghost and flying (I feel like they would have to look beautiful)
-some kind of dolphin with a stage 1 evolution
-an early game raccoon (zigzagoon just isn't cutting it)
- a dragon/grass type with a stage one evolution and a movie premiere (like lucario or zoroark)

The grass/dragon might seem like a stretch, especially for a movie, but if they made it a beautiful work of art, they could give it a good backstory, a sort of mother nature even.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?


Excuse me, but, why is this even necessary to say? Animals already make up 90% of pokemon, and the most objects in any generation was still only six lines in Gen 5. That's not anywhere near enough to be in your way...do you really need every single pokemon to just be an animal?

I, for one, would prefer MORE objects, because they're always always great. Garbodor is my single favorite pokemon of all time, Vanilluxe is a fun and adorable concept, Cofagrigus, Chandelure and Golurk are wickedly awesome ghosts and the Klink line is a neat homage to the Magnemite line. In past gens, we got Drifblim, the Rotom forms, Banette, Claydol, Lunatone...I could go on and on, but there has never been an object-based pokemon that wasn't interesting, stylish and charming in some way.

What, would you erase all those just for more monkeys, pigs and birds? :p

You can bet you'll always see more of them anyway; object-monsters are extremely common and popular in Japanese mythology, where they're known as "Tsukumogami." Dusclops, though resembling a mummy, is more closely based on Chochin-obake, a Tsukumogami derived from a paper lantern:


One of the very most popular of these monsters is the Karakasa or Umbrella Ghost, a one-eyed hopping umbrella or parasol I'm shocked isn't a pokemon yet, since it appears in very nearly every other manga, anime and video game series with any supernatural monsters at all. It's probably one of the single most famous types of "ghost" in Japan. Here's a bronze statue of one at a park in Tokyo:


People in ancient Japan believed that objects had their own souls, and when they were thrown away and became trash, they could become monsters just as dead people might become undead :)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I'd love to see those oriental festival dragons dragon/ghost

Like these

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Oh yeah, I love those windsock fish, they're by this artist.

I dream of an impossible, magical day when Gamefreak starts hiring fakemon artists off the web. An American got to design a few for Black and White, so it's not impossible, but there's enough fakemon out there that I'd love to see made, it'd take another five generations.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Oh yeah, I love those windsock fish, they're by this artist.

I dream of an impossible, magical day when Gamefreak starts hiring fakemon artists off the web. An American got to design a few for Black and White, so it's not impossible, but there's enough fakemon out there that I'd love to see made, it'd take another five generations.

Actually, James Turner is British, not American. But he still is the first and only Western person to design a Pokémon.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I always liked the idea of a Water/Ghost Pokemon. It would be, well, a ghost-ship. Like a wrecked, transparent, green-glowing, pirate ship. A Bug/Electric firefly/lightning bug would be cool too. Maybe we could also get a little cloud that evolves into a big storm cloud and then a giant hurricane? It seems very Pokemon-like. I think a leafy sea dragon Pokemon would also be very cool.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Oh yeah, I love those windsock fish, they're by this artist.

I dream of an impossible, magical day when Gamefreak starts hiring fakemon artists off the web. An American got to design a few for Black and White, so it's not impossible, but there's enough fakemon out there that I'd love to see made, it'd take another five generations.

Thanks for the name, I had no idea how it was called.

GameFreak could, at least, make competitions in which the winner could design 2 or 3 chains for the game
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Those windsock pokemon are amazing. They're ready-made for the game!

I'd love a Grass/Ghost hollow/haunted tree, or maybe even a Grass/Fire Jack'O'Lantern pumpkin.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

oakbark said:
Those windsock pokemon are amazing. They're ready-made for the game!

I'd love a Grass/Ghost hollow/haunted tree, or maybe even a Grass/Fire Jack'O'Lantern pumpkin.

Personally, I'd rather have a Grass/Fire tiki and a Grass/Ghost pumpkin.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Lots of people have already said this, but a wolf Pokemon. One that's Ice or Ghost typed would be cool. Also, tiger Pokemon. I don't recall there ever being a tiger Pokemon.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

9Tailz said:
Lots of people have already said this, but a wolf Pokemon. One that's Ice or Ghost typed would be cool. Also, tiger Pokemon. I don't recall there ever being a tiger Pokemon.
Raikou, again.