XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

on action replay = wait until they revel 3 seceret pokemon

Porygon-X said:
I wouldn't mind a new Porygon evolution. Hopefully not a Porygon-X, though. Then I won't be original. :<

mabey porygon-3
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Porygon-3 is called Porygon-Z. Also GF wouldn't make a fourth linear evolution for any pokemon. All current pokemon have a maximum of 3 pokemon in a linear chan, so a fourth in any chain would tip the balance of the game drastically. With Eviolite, Porygon-Z would soar in power due to it's then incredible defenses and already amazing SpAttack. A new evolution is a nice thought, but a bit unrealistic even considering branching evolution, which doesn't make much sense for a pokemon that's made of upgradable code.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

iSharingan said:
Porygon-3 is called Porygon-Z. Also GF wouldn't make a fourth linear evolution for any pokemon. All current pokemon have a maximum of 3 pokemon in a linear chan, so a fourth in any chain would tip the balance of the game drastically. With Eviolite, Porygon-Z would soar in power due to it's then incredible defenses and already amazing SpAttack. A new evolution is a nice thought, but a bit unrealistic even considering branching evolution, which doesn't make much sense for a pokemon that's made of upgradable code.

i ment an alternative evolution of porygon 2
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

iSharingan said:
. A new evolution is a nice thought, but a bit unrealistic even considering branching evolution, which doesn't make much sense for a pokemon that's made of upgradable code.

Huh? Branching evolution ESPECIALLY makes sense for something made of code. Code can be upgraded, edited and modified an unlimited number of different ways.

Plus, Porygon-Z is canonically an "unofficial," glitchy upgrade not authorized by Porygon's original programmers, thus leaving things wide open for an official, stable evolution.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:

Excuse me, but, why is this even necessary to say? Animals already make up 90% of pokemon, and the most objects in any generation was still only six lines in Gen 5. That's not anywhere near enough to be in your way...do you really need every single pokemon to just be an animal?

I, for one, would prefer MORE objects, because they're always always great. Garbodor is my single favorite pokemon of all time, Vanilluxe is a fun and adorable concept, Cofagrigus, Chandelure and Golurk are wickedly awesome ghosts and the Klink line is a neat homage to the Magnemite line. In past gens, we got Drifblim, the Rotom forms, Banette, Claydol, Lunatone...I could go on and on, but there has never been an object-based pokemon that wasn't interesting, stylish and charming in some way.

What, would you erase all those just for more monkeys, pigs and birds? :p

You can bet you'll always see more of them anyway; object-monsters are extremely common and popular in Japanese mythology, where they're known as "Tsukumogami." Dusclops, though resembling a mummy, is more closely based on Chochin-obake, a Tsukumogami derived from a paper lantern:


One of the very most popular of these monsters is the Karakasa or Umbrella Ghost, a one-eyed hopping umbrella or parasol I'm shocked isn't a pokemon yet, since it appears in very nearly every other manga, anime and video game series with any supernatural monsters at all. It's probably one of the single most famous types of "ghost" in Japan. Here's a bronze statue of one at a park in Tokyo:


People in ancient Japan believed that objects had their own souls, and when they were thrown away and became trash, they could become monsters just as dead people might become undead :)

Well, I just think they had a good object-to-animal ratio until b/w, where it was just kinda BAM! THERE THEY ARE! I don't like a lot of the objects, im sorry. Im not saying some of them arnt absolutely awesome, just I don't want them to be totally useless if they do make a ton of objects, because I never end up using them. I personally think they don't live up to their full potential, they could make objects much better than they are.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

dark arceus said:
Well, I just think they had a good object-to-animal ratio until b/w, where it was just kinda BAM! THERE THEY ARE!

Do you care doing some counting?
Especially since you say "ratio", keep in mind that bw added a record-high 156.

It also of course depends on which you count.
-completely object based and resembling
-merely object inspired (like Jigglypuff or smth)
-things that arent animals/monsters/humanoids

My guess would be

Then further back in gen IV

gen III

gen II

gen I

So...wheres the trend?
I probably missed stuff, but depending on what you add, theres usually something similar to add in some of the other generations. (Like if Ferroseed bothered you, youd have to add Pineco to gen II, Exeggcute to gen I, and probably even Seedot in gen III... same for living rocks or amorphous creatures etc..)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I also feel that literally anything can be made into a cool-looking creature. That is, I do not believe a bad concept for a pokemon is ever even possible. It's only the execution that matters.

One of my favorite digimon is canonically a pile of feces. Sukamon is awesome. I genuinely wish the clearly hokey rumors floating around were true because a fighting type shoe sounds like hilarious fun.

I've legitimately always wanted a toilet and a vacuum cleaner, either of which could make a great poison-type Rotom form (there are electric toilets) and while it'd likely never happen, I'd love if Garbodor evolved into a garbage snail with a trash can shell.

A chainsaw, or a pokemon with a chainsaw-like appendage (steel type sawfish??) would just be killer.

I'd also like to see another "virtual" line besides Porygon. Why, once they developed such an amazing technology, would they never try it again? Porygon being a nondescript bird, they could do other VR pokemon resembling other animal groups, like a fish, an arthropod ("web crawler" spider?) or a reptile.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

You want a toilet? You already got it:

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

But that's only accidentally toilet-shaped, I want to see a pokemon more like one of my favorite childhood toys:


Sludge Wave
Lick :(

Also, I've always wanted a new ghost/poison type that's actually poisonous thematically. The gastly line has little to do with poison and does nothing with the concept. I want to see a dripping, toxic slimy spirit or some vampiric pokemon with venomous fangs.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

You want a toilet Pokémon. Excuse me but what the actual...
What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Ok. So you want to see a toilet Pokemon. You do realize why Pokemon will never make it. Pokemon has a target audience of little kids. And anyways what kind of person are you having that toilet thing as a prized toy as a kid?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

This evolving into a peacock, PLEASE. Thanks

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I would want a Lion, Peacock, Chicken, Leafy Sea Dragon, another dog pokemon, lynx, snake, Fossa, Ring-tailed lemur, vampire squid(this is real, just look it up), Hoatzin, Raccoon Dog(also real), otter
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

And anyways what kind of person are you having that toilet thing as a prized toy as a kid?

Okay, wow, isn't that a little harsh, asking what's wrong with me for my childhood? Every kid I knew loved that guy, they all tried to trade me their other toys for mine, because their parents wouldn't buy them one!

Let me show you what children's toys normally looked like in the 80's:





When I was little, EVERYTHING popular with kids involved slime, sewage, garbage, bugs, mutants, guts, corpses and rot. Stuff like this was as popular then as pokemon is now; every single kid insisted on having a madball (second pic,) until they even had to be banned from schools. Monsters like these remain my favorites, which would be why I created Mortasheen. You want to know "what kind of person" I am, you can check that out or the rest of my artwork. : )

It's only very recently that games, cartoons and toys have focused so much more on cleaner, sleeker designs. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE pokemon, but to me, it's downright weird how everyone now prefers "pretty" monsters all the sudden. When I was little, slobbering ooze creatures were favored far above shiny dragons...and it was great, because kids weren't as judgmental about appearances. Things that were considered ugly and gross before were just considered fun and cool, and were often the good guys in these cartoons and toy series.

You do realize why Pokemon will never make it. Pokemon has a target audience of little kids.

You do know that in Japan, they already have lots of toilet-related kid's characters? They're considered cute there, and not very offensive or tasteless. Kid's characters in Japanese stuff get very morbid, even:


Most American "otaku" have never even heard of it, but one of (if not the) most beloved series for little kids in Japan is Gegege no Kitarou. It's been around since 1959, has its own parks and museum and still a new series every so many years. The main character is a supernatural boy who crawled out of his mother's grave, and is accompanied by the talking undead eyeball of his dead father.

I just like freaky pokemon. Every generation I hope for more like Weezing, Gloom, Garbodor, Pinsir, Shedinja or Duskull. What's wrong with that?

You know, in Gen 1 they had parasect...and that's based on a real world fungus that takes over insect behavior zombie-style, kills them, and then grows its mushrooms out of their corpse. I think the series does just fine handling some "gross," dark concepts and could go plenty farther before it hurt anything : D
What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

All I'm going to say us "I can see why you loved that toilet when compared to the other kids toys". Still it is important to remember that we're talking about today not 20 or so years ago.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Keeper of Night said:
SkySheild21 said:
lynx, snake, otter

Shinx, Ekans (and others), Oshawott.

I meant i wanted new pokemon that looked more familiar to the actual animals. (Except for the snake. I just want a new snake pokemon.)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

All I'm going to say us "I can see why you loved that toilet when compared to the other kids toys". Still it is important to remember that we're talking about today not 20 or so years ago.

20 or so? I'm not even 30 yet ; p
The scary monster craze kept going almost right up to when Pokemon and tons of anime flooded the states after 1995...I don't know how old most fans are now, but I still vividly remember the months of hype leading up to red/blue, everyone talking about this "weird crazy Japanese pet monster game" and pronouncing "pokemon" totally wrong.

Like I said though, "creepy" things still show up in Pokemon. Every gen has had some dose of morbidity, if not in the designs, than in the underlying concepts; the pokedex tells us all sorts of graphic ways pokemon kill their prey, or suck out souls, and of course 5th gen brought us the first ghost type said to be an actual dead human being (and then we stuff it in a pokeball and force its soul to battle, like some kind of living hell)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

If they give us another snake, I hope it will be either ground or water type, living in either the desert or the swamp.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I think it would be pretty cool to have the Gen's 'bird-line' (like Pidgey, Starly, Pidover, ect.) to be Cockatoos. Not sure why, but I'd feel awesome as heck sending a Cockatoo the size of a t-rex into battle.

Speaking of t-rexes, it's about time we should finally get one as one of the fossil Pokemon. Maybe the other could be a plesiosaur or megalodon?