BW/BW2 What could they possibly do in Generation 5?

What I see thats going to happen a lot are prevos and evos of many Generation 1-4 Pokemon. More Eeveelutions and more Fossil Pokemon. And must not forget, the Pikachu look-a-likes! :D
more freedom and choices would make the game fun, like not requiring battling and badges to progress.i know it will never happen in one game but maybe make more career choices besides trainer and breeder and expand them all to have an storyline. (idk what they could be maybe researcher, ranger, legendary hunter lol, maybe even team rocket lol) also choosing more diverse starters besides fire, grass, and water.

also if they made new baby pokemon they should make them more useful and have a battle option in multiplayer with only baby or primary stage pokemon.

a.k.a. A Pokémon that is twice Wailord's size but is lighter than Gastly, as well as one that's like an inch but is quite a few tons.
I'm just waiting for evolutions/pre-evolutions of the following:
Kanghaskahn [pre-evolution]
and Zangoose.
I think some new attacks that required user input would be cool. Such as correct timing to get extra hits on moves like Bullet Seed and Double Kick to get more hits. This would take more luck factor out of the game, and make it more skill-based like the Mario RPGs. I'm not saying to copy them outright, but I think it would be a neat feature that could completly change competitive battling, like the physical/special split in D/P. Maybe not all moves should have it, but just a select few. And maybe you could turn it off for the no-change type of people. More user involvment would be a great addtion to the series. Also what could be cool is more anti-stereotype Pokemon in terms of typing like a physical based psychic or a special based fighter. That's my two cents, which compared to your two cents is like, 50 bucks
I really want more special attacks for pokemon, ex. Ablsol's special attack used to be Razor Wind (until others were able to learn it).
hahaha i really want the game to have the capacity to have more than 1 save file, that way you can have the ultimate game on one file, and then just keep restarting the second file and playing through.
For starters, they could let pokemon's attacks come where they should come from, not from one random point. like hyper beam outta your pokemon's belly
They did a lot of evolutions and pre evolutions in Generation 4, Gen 5 could at least be a bit more original. Take a leaf out of Gen 3 again and use original ideas.
They could possibly have more fossil Pokemon that would be pretty cool.
what i thought they would do is start combinding pokemon. I know sounds completely stupid but come on!! they have already made the alpha pokemon Arceus (and by doing that they backed themselves into a corner!)
Quilfish definitely needs an evo because I think that's the most unknown Pokemon today. I wonder if Pokemon will ever make a LIGER. It would be interesting.
elite said:
They can do whatever they want but the day they make a Car Pokemon..I'm out


(Rotom by Bacon, colors by me)
Car enough?
Azul said:
I wonder if Pokemon will ever make a LIGER. It would be interesting.
That would be pretty cool. It would be nice to see more myth creatures in the game. I know that they have unicorn and dragon covered, but there are sooo many other really cool myth beasts out there that they could use.
(i know that the liger isnt a mythical creature)
Ice Arceus said:
They could possibly have more fossil Pokemon that would be pretty cool.
In every generation they do from now they will probably include fossil Pokemon.

elite said:
what i thought they would do is start combinding pokemon. I know sounds completely stupid but come on!! they have already made the alpha pokemon Arceus (and by doing that they backed themselves into a corner!)
I wouldn't be surprised if they did that. :p