What do you want from us?

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Charizard88 said:
Oh yes Mybb does and I know it's installed on the beach. Haha sorry I forgot about that feature. It's called "Trash Can Forum". Only mods can see it however.
It's called the Recycle Bin over here, though we stopped using it.
You have to be a verified seller before you can sell. For more information, look in the Trading Corner sticky threads.
Zyflair said:
It's called the Recycle Bin over here, though we stopped using it.
Last time I remember the feature was spoiled and didn't work. Last time, when you deleted a thread/post, it'll go straight there, but something went wrong and once you deleted them it disappeared forever, which is why I always had to move threads to that forum manually, and also why I am perplexed at why the Chillax Zone was deleted instead of hidden/moved/locked forever.

Maybe Brett can fix it lol?
Wait... sorry to refresh this topic.... but why was the delete button even thought about being deleted. Whats the problem with it? It seems harmless.
I think spoiler tags would be useful. Going back quite a few pages, is the newsletter possible?
I don't believe many (if any) mods at the moment have a large amount of time to invest in such a project, and the issue of getting such a thing posted on the main page is significant (traditionally causes a lot of problems since WPM is busy with news of course). As such, I won't personally be making a new section or anything for a newsletter thing right now.

However, let's see... where would you put it at the moment to try and get something started... I guess either here or Pokémon World or something. If you can drum up significant interest, and actually get something GOING rather than people just SAYING they are interested (because we all know what this forum is like in general with these sorts of things), I think you might stand a chance of getting this noticed a bit more. Because as well as time, I think scepticism about the actual level of interest is fairly abundant too, especially since this was supposed to be more of a member-driven endeavour (iirc, from your description before).

Still don't know about tackling front page type issues, but if this got big enough I'm fairly confident we could work SOMETHING out there.
Noobnerd said:
Last time I remember the feature was spoiled and didn't work. Last time, when you deleted a thread/post, it'll go straight there, but something went wrong and once you deleted them it disappeared forever, which is why I always had to move threads to that forum manually, and also why I am perplexed at why the Chillax Zone was deleted instead of hidden/moved/locked forever.

Maybe Brett can fix it lol?

I would but if they don't want the feature not going to bother. Haha.
I will put something in my sig and if we get enough articles I will make a thread and the first Newsletter. If anyone is interested in helping I would very much appeciate it.
I am reposting this here because I was redirected for my thread to go here. So here it is:

One problem I have noticed are some moderators. Now most of the moderators here are great and do their job. But some are like they have a power craze, and being rude to members because they can. Locking forums and editing peoples posts while being rude. It's more rude than helpful. Now I'm not bagging on all the moderators. Alot of you guys are great. I just want to make it known that some moderators seem to be less helpful than if they were to just keep out of it. So please don't ban me. I just want to maybe suggest on having moderators for moderators or just moderating each other. Because alot of you guys are great and do your job but there are some that just make it a bit harder to use PokeBeach than it needs to be. Another problem I have is the Rate My Team forum. Okay so how can a moderator tell me that me team isn't competitive? Just because it's my in game team and I can't EV train it doesn't mean I don't use it for competitive battles. I spent hours creating a thread for RMT only to be rejected because they didn't see MY TEAM which I use COMPETITIVELY AS WELL AS IN GAME as competitive enough. I would like to hear from you guys and what you think.

Now tell me what you think. And like I said in the message this isn't all mods. The one who redirected me was very friendly and respectful about it. So thank you Xous
Ste182 said:
I am reposting this here because I was redirected for my thread to go here. So here it is:

One problem I have noticed are some moderators. Now most of the moderators here are great and do their job. But some are like they have a power craze, and being rude to members because they can. Locking forums and editing peoples posts while being rude. It's more rude than helpful. Now I'm not bagging on all the moderators. Alot of you guys are great. I just want to make it known that some moderators seem to be less helpful than if they were to just keep out of it. So please don't ban me. I just want to maybe suggest on having moderators for moderators or just moderating each other. Because alot of you guys are great and do your job but there are some that just make it a bit harder to use PokeBeach than it needs to be. Another problem I have is the Rate My Team forum. Okay so how can a moderator tell me that me team isn't competitive? Just because it's my in game team and I can't EV train it doesn't mean I don't use it for competitive battles. I spent hours creating a thread for RMT only to be rejected because they didn't see MY TEAM which I use COMPETITIVELY AS WELL AS IN GAME as competitive enough. I would like to hear from you guys and what you think.

Now tell me what you think. And like I said in the message this isn't all mods. The one who redirected me was very friendly and respectful about it. So thank you Xous

Well, some mods here can get snarky to those who show a clear disrespect to the rules (I speak for myself primarily). It's either that, or we have fun editing VERY EXPERIENCED member's posts. I.e. we'll joke on a very witty post from a longtime vet of a site. If you noticed mods being rude to you, perhaps see in yourself what you did wrong. I went through your posts, and picked out a few that I would assume that some mods might have gotten snarky in. Read the rules and follow them like a Bible. :D

As for the RMT, I'm not 100% on what makes it competative. You often have to have an EV list and all the moves. Not just this: "Arceus, Kyogre, Blissey, Groudon, Dialga, Palkia". We have some of the most competitive battles on this website. They will often IV breed for hours and EV train. If you go into their forum with a poor team that doesn't have a helpful nature and proper EVs, they're gonna get angry. EV = competitive usually...
Yeah I read the rules. But it's not just me I've noticed it. It's with other people. And I have noticed mods editing and adding to posts of members who haven't been on too long.

Well for RMT it isn't EV'd because I found out too late BUT I have still beaten some formidible players. those with EV teams. So I don't see the problem in having it as long as you do battle others competitively
EVs IVs Natures and Movesets must be able to be used competitively. Not some team like this:

Charizard @ Oran Berry
Dunno the EVs
Dunno the IVs
Moves: Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Wing Attack/Fly

Anything even remotely close to lacking the obvious Competitive edge is not going to be accepted. Normally to get that edge you must provide IV's (If specific), EV's, Nature, and Moveset. Those three things seperate the In game teams from the Competitive side of battling. Try and get those three things down and together.

If you use your in game team for competitive battling, Great. But do note that team isn't going to get you anywhere in a real competitive environment.

Edit: Also, on that point of editting. Editing to like this, or this is what bothers you?
Yeah Charizard that's what I mean. Like even when they edit the posts when people do nothing wrong. I just find that rude. But as well as the RMT I do put the IV's, Nature, Moveset, Description of how it all works so it's not like I'm not doing it right

pmj was here
In both of those threads, they broke the rules did they not? I'm not getting this...are you against people folowing the rules or are you against me warning them lol. Also, if you only had a problem with me (because I'm the main only that edits posts...), you could have just PM'ed me.

dmaster out.
Ste182 said:
Yeah Charizard that's what I mean. Like even when they edit the posts when people do nothing wrong. I just find that rude. But as well as the RMT I do put the IV's, Nature, Moveset, Description of how it all works so it's not like I'm not doing it right

pmj was here
This is great.
Ste182 said:
Yeah Charizard that's what I mean. Like even when they edit the posts when people do nothing wrong. I just find that rude. But as well as the RMT I do put the IV's, Nature, Moveset, Description of how it all works so it's not like I'm not doing it right

pmj was here

If it was deemed as not competitive, you could always use the In-Game Team Rates thread under the casual video game section. Its a stickied thread even.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't ban you right here for this. I clearly told you in PM that the matter was over. That does not mean you can go public with it. All that says to me is that you are going to try and play one mod against another, trying to get others on your side against me here.

Well guess what. I'm the head of the VG section, so even if you got others on your side it is me that inevitably calls the shots for that part of the forum. I have more than enough knowledge in the field of actual competitive battling to know what is and isn't competitive, and I'm pretty confident that the staff team wouldn't go against me on my judgements here as a result.

Plus, you said it yourself:

Okay so how can a moderator tell me that me team isn't competitive? Just because it's my in game team and I can't EV train it doesn't mean I don't use it for competitive battles.

You said your team is in-game. Therefore by definition it is not competitive, since competitive pokémon requires specialist attention that you just don't give in-game. The two things are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Now I am openly telling you to drop this. This matter was over at the end of my last PM to you, and you're not doing yourself any favours whatsoever here.

Regarding poor attitudes or w/e the rest of your post was about, I bare fangs at those who persistently or blatantly disregard the rules, or who attack me first. I know I can come off as somewhat harsh to a lot of people regardless mind you, but that is largely because of the hard-line approach I tend to take. Those who actually know me know that I am not nasty (like some people would like to claim), and generally I'm nice to people, unless they do stupid stuff that they know they shouldn't.
How about a generosity section? A section or sub-section that will allow people to post their Wish Lists for cards they want. Then, people who are willing to GIVE them cards can send the cards to them. Just a thought. XP
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