XY What Kind of New Gym Leaders and Champions Will There Be?

Honestly, I don't really care what's in X & Y, looks good and all, I won't mind. Though I'll just absolutely rage if there's a type-biased Champion. A bit of variety in the E4 and maybe even some Gym Leaders would be great. bloody metagross skarm hydreigon lapras shit wat is this

You're all real creative though. The Normal type late-game Gym sounds pretty good too, but god, on one condition. None of that Whitney's Milktank hax shit. No. Please. Halp. And the hell happened with the Double battle Gyms? I enjoyed messing Lunatone and Solrock's shit up with just one Surf! If they brought it back, and have like a couple instead of twins, and them Gender different Pokes, that'd be cool. I was so waiting to encounter some Jellicent couple somewhere, or even the Nidos, but nop. You let me down yet again guys. /tear
They should use types that haven't been used for a while, like Poison, Bug, Psychic, and Steel. A big thing is we need a Dark Gym. I also predict a Ghost Gym, as every even-generation has a Ghost Gym while every odd-generation has a Ghost E4. In addition, I'd like to see a Double Battle Gym, like Tate+Liza's: with two Gym Leaders.

As for the E4, I'd like to see types that haven't been used very much or not at all, such as Normal, Electric, Flying, Rock, Grass, or Poison. As for the Champion, I don't care either way.

They should use strategies that'll somehow cover weaknesses. The levels should be bumped up a bit, but not too much.

As for the order goes, here's my prediction of how it'll go:

Gyms: Fighting, Bug, Steel, Psychic, Ghost, Poison, Dragon, Dark
E4: Normal, Electric, Flying, Rock
Champion: ???

Level of final Pokemon (Gyms): 15, 21, 30, 33, 37, 45, 51+51, 53
Level of final Pokemon (E4): 58, 60, 61, 63
Champion: 66
I completely agree with having non typical types for the elite four. I'm tired of having dragon in the elite four, we have had that type in four of the five generations. I would like the irregular types, types you wouldn't expect.

As for the levels of the elite four, I think they should bump them up a lot, like for the champion be at level 90. And I know that might be too much for some people, so i think they should have a hard level that you can choose at the main screen like in black and white 2, but make it available right away instead of having to beat the game first.

And I would like the return of a strongest trainer in the game, like red in gold and silver, or Steven in emerald. And have their level be very high like 95.

And I have a few ideas for the strongest trainer, like have him have actual legendaries like Lugia, Rayquaza, Mewtwo, etc. instead of the legendary trio type Pokemon that only have a BST of 600/580.

Or have him just have regular pokemon just really beefed up like red and Steven. And with that, maybe have him be a main character from a previous game. Although, I kind of would like to have the character be new. And maybe have him be the character that helps you through the game/ just occasionally bump into throughout the game, an just have it be a twist to find out how strong he is.

I think the pokemon games have become a little too predictable so I would like to have a lot of surprises, things you wouldn't expect for a pokemon game.
.Towelette said:
A Dark-based Gym would be great, but in the trailer it looks like there is already a Bug-based Gym designed. [The spider webs in trailer may be a Bug-based Gym puzzle

I'm also rooting for a Grass type Gym. Get it? Rooting? Root? Grass/Plants? Never mind....

Well, Steel or another Psychic Gym would be cool. I really hope there'll a late Ground type Gym. I mean, fighting a Gym leader's Swampert or something would be cool.

I see what you did there...root...
I think the champion should be either electric or fire, and their last Pokémon should be a legendary. For the electric it could be like Zapdos or Raiku or Zekrom. For fire, it could be like Entei or Moltres or Reshiram.
I would really like a multi-type Champion again. It be was really fun playing against all the ones we've had so far. I would also like another Fire type gym. The last one we had was Flannery, right? Maybe late game, around 5th or 6th would be great placement for it.
I really don't want anymore type-specialist Champions. I found Cynthia harder than like, Iris, Lance, Wallace and Steven put together.

The idea of a Champion having a Legendary is interesting, maybe it could be linked into the story having the opposite legendary ala N?
I would like the Champion to use more than one type, also.

It would be neat if the Champion were to use more.. underused pokemon.

I mean like say, a Kingler. It's a pretty powerful pokemon and I don't remember any Gym Leader/Boss/E4 Member use one.

Here's a team of what I think the Champion should use.

Level 58
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Item: Macho Brace
Moveset: Crabhammer, Blizzard, X-Scissor, Brick Break

Level 60
Ability: Limber
Item: Focus Sash
Moveset: Sunny Day, Toxic, Aerial Ace, U-Turn

Level 59
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Miracle Seed
Moveset: SolarBeam, Reflect, Light Screen, Petal Dance

Level 62
Ability: Compound Eyes
Item: Quick Claw
Moveset: Sleep Powder, Substitute, Stun Spore, Hyper Beam

Level 60
Ability: Levitate
Item: Macho Brace
Moveset: Destiny Bond, Venoshock, Explosion, Thunder

Level 63
Ability: Mummy
Item: Leftovers
Moveset: Hex, Toxic, Shadow Ball, Embargo

I know the Champion will have some 6th Gen pokemon, but this is just what I'd like to see.
In terms of gym leaders, I'd like to see it in this order:

Grass, Steel, Fighting, Dark, Dragon, Ghost, Bug, and Fire

For elite 4,

Flying, Electric, Normal, and Poison
I think the GLs should have themes other than types, but only post-game, so you get to learn what their faviourite kinds of Pokémon are.

One could have Snake theme: Arbok, Serperior, Seviper, Steelix and Dunsparce.
Another a Dog theme with: Arcanine, Stoutland, Houndoom, Granbull and Mightyena/Manectric.
One with Monkeys: Ambipom, Infernape, Simisage, Simisear and Simipour.
One with Pigs: Primeape, Emboar, Grumpig, Mamoswine and a possible 6th gen Pig.
One with Crabs/Crayfish: Kingler, Crustle, Crawdaunt, Parasect and Slowbro.
One with Cats: Persian, Liepard, Luxray, Purugly and Delcatty.
One with femenin Pokémon: Jynx, Gothitelle, Gardevoir, Lopunny and Froslass.
And one with Fish Pokémon: Seaking, Basculin, Lanturn, Qwilfish and Lumineon.
Honestly, I hope there isn't a dark type gym. I feel it would take away something. The raging of the fans. The adding of it specifically in hacks. That kind of thing.
DrEspeon said:
Honestly, I hope there isn't a dark type gym. I feel it would take away something. The raging of the fans. The adding of it specifically in hacks. That kind of thing.

What would it take away?
Rusty Sticks said:
DrEspeon said:
Honestly, I hope there isn't a dark type gym. I feel it would take away something. The raging of the fans. The adding of it specifically in hacks. That kind of thing.

What would it take away?

The whole thing of fans being mad about a lack of dark type gym. I may seem crazy, but I would actually sort of miss the craze.
I think that high lvl trainers should have a more interesting assortment of Pokemon. A legendary doesn't sound too bad. Kind of like how the frontier brains had some. On that note, I've also always wanted trainers to react to the fact that I own a legendary Pokemon. Like "Wow, that I've never seen that Pokemon!" Lol small, but I'd love it.

A champion like Gary and Cynthia.
I don't care what Pokemon the champion uses, I just want them to be a badass female like Cynthia, and not some lame one that nobody seems to remember....like Steven.
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
I hope that your rival is a female that becomes Champion, only to reveal she is the head of the evil team. Then you and the Professor summon the legendary Pokémon to stop her.

I also want the evos of Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie, Xerneas, Yveltal and Sylveon to be Fire/Fighting.

1) too cliche (not for pokemon, i mean, but somewhat close to RGB's story)

2) so, you want all 3 starters, the 2 mascots, and sylveon to all evolve into a fire/fighting type? -.- so many things wrong with that statement
I'd love a triple battle gym, like what Chili, Cress and Cilan could have done, but they didn't. That's all I want.

Thief said:
On that note, I've also always wanted trainers to react to the fact that I own a legendary Pokemon. Like "Wow, that I've never seen that Pokemon!" Lol small, but I'd love it.

I'd like it as well - In HeartGold, I had Ho-oh behind me, and a trainer was like : Oh, have you ever seen the legendary Ho-oh?
Obviously, there HAS to be a dark type gym leader. So far, it's pretty much confirmed that there's a grass type gym and a bug type gym from the trailer. The insider information that WPM posted said there would be a Fairy type gym, and a Fighting type gym as well. The part in the trailer with the fire leads me to believe that there is an Fire-type specialist in the Elite 4.

Dark? (hopefully)
Ice? (there's a very snowy place in Kalos, so...)
Water? (Every gen so far has had at least one)
Poison? (We need more. All we have is Koga, Janine, and Roxie)

Normal? (Hasn't happened yet, so...)
Flying? (Also hasn't happened yet)
Rock? (Haven't had one)
Actually with WPM's information (and the trailer) it would be (IMO):

Dark (I would put it here)
Poison (I liked the idea of Poison and Ice gyms)

Fire (it seemed to me that it would be last)