XY What Kind of New Gym Leaders and Champions Will There Be?

98Greener said:
So we've got four more gyms to go...

Yeah, those symbols behind the leaders could definitely be the badges. Although Clemont's looks just a bit over-detailed.

As for what gyms I want....

1. Dark type gym, why not. Almost EVERYBODY wants one, and it's about high time they add one.
2. Flying type gym. Maybe there could be an option where you could only Sky Battle her/him, and you'd get an extra reward.
3. Psychic? Haven't seen a Psychic gym, plus it'd be definitely be interesting in many ways. Puzzles and whatnot.
4. Grass type. We really need a powerful grass type gym with giant trees, or majestic leaves and flowers everywhere.

But we HAVE seen 2 psychic gyms, sabrina's and tate/liza, just not in a while. Besides, we know fairy will be there according to the leaks, so no psychic. The rest I am fine with.
[private]Edited for spelling/grammar and issued a warning since he's been warned for it before but his posts haven't improved.
Original: "But we HAVE seen 2 psychic gyms sabrinas and tate/liza just not in a while besides we know fairy will be there according to the leaks so no psychic rest i am fine with."
zappy800 said:
98Greener said:
So we've got four more gyms to go...

Yeah, those symbols behind the leaders could definitely be the badges. Although Clemont's looks just a bit over-detailed.

As for what gyms I want....

1. Dark type gym, why not. Almost EVERYBODY wants one, and it's about high time they add one.
2. Flying type gym. Maybe there could be an option where you could only Sky Battle her/him, and you'd get an extra reward.
3. Psychic? Haven't seen a Psychic gym, plus it'd be definitely be interesting in many ways. Puzzles and whatnot.
4. Grass type. We really need a powerful grass type gym with giant trees, or majestic leaves and flowers everywhere.

But we HAVE seen 2 psychic gyms, sabrina's and tate/liza, just not in a while. Besides, we know fairy will be there according to the leaks, so no psychic. The rest I am fine with.
[private]Edited for spelling/grammar and issued a warning since he's been warned for it before but his posts haven't improved.
Original: "But we HAVE seen 2 psychic gyms sabrinas and tate/liza just not in a while besides we know fairy will be there according to the leaks so no psychic rest i am fine with."

Sorry, I meant to say that we haven't seen a Psychic in a while.
But what about this Fairy Gym you're talking about?
98Greener said:
zappy800 said:
But we HAVE seen 2 psychic gyms, sabrina's and tate/liza, just not in a while. Besides, we know fairy will be there according to the leaks, so no psychic. The rest I am fine with.
[private]Edited for spelling/grammar and issued a warning since he's been warned for it before but his posts haven't improved.
Original: "But we HAVE seen 2 psychic gyms sabrinas and tate/liza just not in a while besides we know fairy will be there according to the leaks so no psychic rest i am fine with."

Sorry, I meant to say that we haven't seen a Psychic in a while.
But what about this Fairy Gym you're talking about?

In the leaks on page 4 or 5 on the main site the leaker says second gym is fairy type.
I'm guessing that the Elite Four members will be Grass, Fire, Water, and something else (Normal?), with a Cynthia-type champion that doesn't focus on any single type. Also, Dragon for the first gym and Rock for the last would be really awesome.
While a Dark type gym, I am satisfied.

Right now I Bug-type is confirmed, and according to the medals of the new gym leaders, Fighting, Electric and Rock (the latter I have my doubts and could also be Earth). There could also be clearly Fairy-type gym.
The elite four if the new type is Poison weak, I hope that some of its members have the Poison type and / or steel, or to the Dragon type.

I hope Champion powerful a mixed team.
1st gym Viola - bug
2nd gym ??? - fairy [according to reliable sources ]
3rd gym Clemont - electric [my intuition]
4th gym Korrina - fighting [according to reliable sources]

6th gym Grant - Rock [my intuition]
It's obviously Grant is Rock type user . I'm pretty sure his pokemon will be dinosaur that revived from fossil .
But i wonder which dinosaur will be . Can't wait to see fossil pokemon .
yammark said:
1st gym Viola - bug
2nd gym ??? - fairy [according to reliable sources ]
3rd gym Clemont - electric [my intuition]
4th gym Korrina - fighting [according to reliable sources]

6th gym Grant - Rock [my intuition]
It's obviously Grant is Rock type user . I'm pretty sure his pokemon will be dinosaur that revived from fossil .
But i wonder which dinosaur will be . Can't wait to see fossil pokemon .

Okay, judging by this (which actually seems likely)
1) Viola - Bug - Photographer
2) ??? - Fairy - Fashionista*
3) Clemont - Electric - Inventor/Scientist
4) Korrina - Fighting - Rollerskater
5) ??? - Psychic - Business Woman/Doctor/Professor (not main)*
6) Grant - Rock - Sporty Guy
7) ??? - Dark - Spy*
8) ??? - Ghost - Blind Musician*
*rumor or hopes; not confirmed
DrEspeon said:
yammark said:
1st gym Viola - bug
2nd gym ??? - fairy [according to reliable sources ]
3rd gym Clemont - electric [my intuition]
4th gym Korrina - fighting [according to reliable sources]

6th gym Grant - Rock [my intuition]
It's obviously Grant is Rock type user . I'm pretty sure his pokemon will be dinosaur that revived from fossil .
But i wonder which dinosaur will be . Can't wait to see fossil pokemon .

Okay, judging by this (which actually seems likely)
1) Viola - Bug - Photographer
2) ??? - Fairy - Fashionista*
3) Clemont - Electric - Inventor/Scientist
4) Korrina - Fighting - Rollerskater
5) ??? - Psychic - Business Woman/Doctor/Professor (not main)*
6) Grant - Rock - Sporty Guy
7) ??? - Dark - Spy*
8) ??? - Ghost - Blind Musician*
*rumor or hopes; not confirmed

Oh my god that would be awesome

If they really wanted to go for a dark theme with the dark leader they could make him/her a mafia boss, with the mafia being the gym trainers

they could be the leader of team flare, I'm sure that'd be plenty evil enough

this would be my ideal list:
1 - Viola - Bug - Photographer (confirmed)
2 - Fairy - Artiste (but a lot more touched upon than Burgh - they could have a room where all the walls are painted with fancy designs that have no correlation with each other, just done when the fancy takes them)
3 - Clemont - Electric - Inventor (confirmed)
4 - Korrina - Fighting - Skater (confirmed)
5 - Grass - Fashion designer
6 - Grant - Rock - Sports person (confirmed)
7 - Ghost - Opera performer
8 - Dark - Mafia boss/Team Flare leader
What I would love to see in a region but I doubt it would happen due to some being confirmed already! Not in any particular order.


As for the Elite 4, dragons should stay towards the end for the challenge, but I also think the teams should be mixed types. Sometimes it's just too easy to blow through a challenge with one super effective move for all Pokemon on a team.
Fairy, Dark and high-level Rock-type Gyms need to exist in Kalos. They just need to.

Other than that, Grass, Poison and Ghost as they were done only 2 times before.

For the Elite Four, I really want to see Normal there. Normal-types are full of diversity and a very tricky yet formidable E4 team can be created with them.
Other than Normal, I am guessing Ice and Dragon will return as E4 types. And for a surprise, Steel, as it too, like Normal, has a lot of diverse Pokémon.

The Champion should have a mixed team like Cynthia and Blue. Makes the challenge so much more worthwhile.
Viola = Bug
Grant = Rock (Probably)
Clemont = Electric (Probably)
Korrina = Normal/Ghost/Ice (She looks the most like a Normal type GL, but she could also be Ghost or Ice, as she looks a bit like Froslass in-game).

I'd also like to see Fairy, Dark, Ghost (If Korrina isn't one) and Ground/Dragon type Gym Leaders.

For E4, I want to see: Poison, Water, Grass and Steel.

The Champion uses mostly Fire-type Pokémon. (Like how Alder used 3 or 4 Bug types on his team).
Blob55 said:
Viola = Bug
Grant = Rock (Probably)
Clemont = Electric (Probably)
Korrina = Normal/Ghost/Ice (She looks the most like a Normal type GL, but she could also be Ghost or Ice, as she looks a bit like Froslass in-game).

I'd also like to see Fairy, Dark, Ghost (If Korrina isn't one) and Ground/Dragon type Gym Leaders.

For E4, I want to see: Poison, Water, Grass and Steel.

The Champion uses mostly Fire-type Pokémon. (Like how Alder used 3 or 4 Bug types on his team).

I like your E4 list. I'm tired of the common Ghost, Dark, Psychic, Fighting, etc.

I'd like the champion to not special in any type, but to have a variety as to really challenge us.
nightkeeper said:
Blob55 said:
Viola = Bug
Grant = Rock (Probably)
Clemont = Electric (Probably)
Korrina = Normal/Ghost/Ice (She looks the most like a Normal type GL, but she could also be Ghost or Ice, as she looks a bit like Froslass in-game).

I'd also like to see Fairy, Dark, Ghost (If Korrina isn't one) and Ground/Dragon type Gym Leaders.

For E4, I want to see: Poison, Water, Grass and Steel.

The Champion uses mostly Fire-type Pokémon. (Like how Alder used 3 or 4 Bug types on his team).

I like your E4 list. I'm tired of the common Ghost, Dark, Psychic, Fighting, etc.

I'd like the champion to not special in any type, but to have a variety as to really challenge us.

The Fire types could all be Dual-type and take up about half of his/her team.
Blob55 said:
Viola = Bug
Grant = Rock (Probably)
Clemont = Electric (Probably)
Korrina = Normal/Ghost/Ice (She looks the most like a Normal type GL, but she could also be Ghost or Ice, as she looks a bit like Froslass in-game).

I'd also like to see Fairy, Dark, Ghost (If Korrina isn't one) and Ground/Dragon type Gym Leaders.

For E4, I want to see: Poison, Water, Grass and Steel.

The Champion uses mostly Fire-type Pokémon. (Like how Alder used 3 or 4 Bug types on his team).

Korrina is a fighting type gym leader. In the trailer she first appears in you can see her gym badge which is a reddish brown punching glove.
I Like Pie said:
Fairy, Dark and high-level Rock-type Gyms need to exist in Kalos. They just need to.

Other than that, Grass, Poison and Ghost as they were done only 2 times before.

For the Elite Four, I really want to see Normal there. Normal-types are full of diversity and a very tricky yet formidable E4 team can be created with them.
Other than Normal, I am guessing Ice and Dragon will return as E4 types. And for a surprise, Steel, as it too, like Normal, has a lot of diverse Pokémon.

The Champion should have a mixed team like Cynthia and Blue. Makes the challenge so much more worthwhile.

We've had 3 Grass gym leaders. Cilan, Gardenia, and Erika :p

I agree with a multi-type Champion. When the Champion specializes in just one type, it's too easy to defeat them. I want a challenge so I feel I really had to work for it.

I really hope for another Ghost gym as well because it's one of my favorite types and i SO under-used
AdamLambert said:
I Like Pie said:
Fairy, Dark and high-level Rock-type Gyms need to exist in Kalos. They just need to.

Other than that, Grass, Poison and Ghost as they were done only 2 times before.

For the Elite Four, I really want to see Normal there. Normal-types are full of diversity and a very tricky yet formidable E4 team can be created with them.
Other than Normal, I am guessing Ice and Dragon will return as E4 types. And for a surprise, Steel, as it too, like Normal, has a lot of diverse Pokémon.

The Champion should have a mixed team like Cynthia and Blue. Makes the challenge so much more worthwhile.

We've had 3 Grass gym leaders. Cilan, Gardenia, and Erika :p

I agree with a multi-type Champion. When the Champion specializes in just one type, it's too easy to defeat them. I want a challenge so I feel I really had to work for it.

I really hope for another Ghost gym as well because it's one of my favorite types and i SO under-used

3 isn't even that many, as Water and Electric have 5 and has Normal 4. In fact, 3 seems to be pretty standard.

Poor Poison (Excluding Koga), Ground, Ghost, Steel, Dragon (Excluding Iris) and Psychic (Sort of) only have 2 GLs each.
I desperately want Poison and Dark to be gyms 7 and 8.

I'd also like to see a Grass, Normal, Flying, and Poison (if it doesn't get a gym) be the Elite Four types. If Poison does get a gym, then maybe Steel or Ground for the last one.

I agree a mixed champion (Blue and Cynthia) is always more satisfying. Slightly mixed (Alder, Iris, Steven) are better than just one type, though. Wallace was by far the most underwhelming champion.
It would be so scandalous if the new Champion was the leader of team flare but because of the two massive a gym leader or elite four member has to have fire types. But i'm with everyone when I say we need a Dark type gym. And it doesn't matter what order you need to battle her in, if Korrina can mega evolve your gonna have a hard time.
SuchADamnLady369 said:
It would be so scandalous if the new Champion was the leader of team flare but because of the two massive a gym leader or elite four member has to have fire types. But i'm with everyone when I say we need a Dark type gym. And it doesn't matter what order you need to battle her in, if Korrina can mega evolve your gonna have a hard time.

I think its actually very possible Korrina Mega Evolves her Pokemon.

a) she looks Fighting (her badge looks like a boxing glove or something)
b) she knows stuff about Mega Evolution
c) Lucario is a Fighting type that has a Mega Evolution

I can see an aftergame trade with her, where she trades her Lucario holding Lucarionite.