XY What Kind of New Gym Leaders and Champions Will There Be?

Actually i'm one of those people who thinks Dark will be a forever Elite 4 type, and not a Gym Leader, lol.:D

I think it'll be interesting if the champion in X is different from the one in Y, like how the BW with the 8th gym leader.:rolleyes:

And for the Elite 4, i'm thinking of Grass, Fire, Water, Electric. Yeah, i think it would be cool if the basic four typing becomes the Elite 4 xP
Ririka said:
And for the Elite 4, i'm thinking of Grass, Fire, Water, Electric. Yeah, i think it would be cool if the basic four typing becomes the Elite 4 xP

I think thats gonna have to wait... We already have Clemont who looks very electric (his badge and he uses Dedenne), as well as the tree where the player swings on ropes which could easily be a Grass gym.
Extremely unlikely, but I would love it if each of the members of E4 were to focus on a specific type of battle.


Sky battles probably won't be included since it greatly limits the pokemon that can be used for the battle. Unless maybe there's an option to switch it between single or sky.
P.DelSlayer said:
I think thats gonna have to wait... We already have Clemont who looks very electric (his badge and he uses Dedenne), as well as the tree where the player swings on ropes which could easily be a Grass gym.

Ah, how can i totally forgot about Clemont :facepalm:

Yeah, probably it will have to wait.
Have you ever noticed that every other generation adds new Pokémon type specialists to the E4?

Gen 1: All new because it's the first Gen.
Gen 2: 3 new ones added.
Gen 3: All of the types are the same as Gen 1 and 2.
Gen 4: 3 new ones added.
Gen 5: All of the types are the same as ones used in Gens 1-4.

So I'm guessing 6th will have 3 new ones, as that seems to be the pattern.
Blob55 said:
Have you ever noticed that every other generation adds new Pokémon type specialists to the E4?

Gen 1: All new because it's the first Gen.
Gen 2: 3 new ones added.
Gen 3: All of the types are the same as Gen 1 and 2.
Gen 4: 3 new ones added.
Gen 5: All of the types are the same as ones used in Gens 1-4.

So I'm guessing 6th will have 3 new ones, as that seems to be the pattern.

Assuming that they don't repeat gym types, the only three available types that are unused are Normal, Grass, and Flying.
Bolt the Cat said:
Blob55 said:
Have you ever noticed that every other generation adds new Pokémon type specialists to the E4?

Gen 1: All new because it's the first Gen.
Gen 2: 3 new ones added.
Gen 3: All of the types are the same as Gen 1 and 2.
Gen 4: 3 new ones added.
Gen 5: All of the types are the same as ones used in Gens 1-4.

So I'm guessing 6th will have 3 new ones, as that seems to be the pattern.

Assuming that they don't repeat gym types, the only three available types that are unused are Normal, Grass, and Flying.

I was talking about E4 types, not Gym types and BTW, all types but Dark and Fairy have been used by a specialist in a Gym.

E4 members on the other hand, still have Normal, Flying, Grass, Water, Electric, Rock, Steel and Fairy types to be used.
Blob55 said:
I was talking about E4 types, not Gym types and BTW, all types but Dark and Fairy have been used by a specialist in a Gym.

E4 members on the other hand, still have Normal, Flying, Grass, Water, Electric, Rock, Steel and Fairy types to be used.

I know, that's what I was saying.

I don't count Water and Steel because those were Champion types, and I'm doubtful that Electric and Rock will be Elite 4 types because they're already gym types and they rarely use the same type for a Gym Leader and an Elite 4 member within the same game. Same with Fairy, there's been no confirmation of a Fairy specialist, but there's probably going to be a Fairy gym, so Fairy may be out as well. That leaves Normal, Grass, and Flying as the most likely candidates for Elite 4 types.
Bolt the Cat said:
Blob55 said:
I was talking about E4 types, not Gym types and BTW, all types but Dark and Fairy have been used by a specialist in a Gym.

E4 members on the other hand, still have Normal, Flying, Grass, Water, Electric, Rock, Steel and Fairy types to be used.

I know, that's what I was saying.

I don't count Water and Steel because those were Champion types, and I'm doubtful that Electric and Rock will be Elite 4 types because they're already gym types and they rarely use the same type for a Gym Leader and an Elite 4 member within the same game. Same with Fairy, there's been no confirmation of a Fairy specialist, but there's probably going to be a Fairy gym, so Fairy may be out as well. That leaves Normal, Grass, and Flying as the most likely candidates for Elite 4 types.

Not to mention the fact that they like to break patterns and grass might have a gym already that we don't have the GL for.
Bolt the Cat said:
Blob55 said:
I was talking about E4 types, not Gym types and BTW, all types but Dark and Fairy have been used by a specialist in a Gym.

E4 members on the other hand, still have Normal, Flying, Grass, Water, Electric, Rock, Steel and Fairy types to be used.

I know, that's what I was saying.

I don't count Water and Steel because those were Champion types, and I'm doubtful that Electric and Rock will be Elite 4 types because they're already gym types and they rarely use the same type for a Gym Leader and an Elite 4 member within the same game. Same with Fairy, there's been no confirmation of a Fairy specialist, but there's probably going to be a Fairy gym, so Fairy may be out as well. That leaves Normal, Grass, and Flying as the most likely candidates for Elite 4 types.

Oh right, now I see what you mean.

Including all GL, Champion and E4 type specialists, these are the type that have been used from most to least (Excluding Kalos):

7: Dragon (Including Elite 4 and Champion Lance and Gym Leader and Champion Iris).
6: Water and Psychic (If you count Tate and Liza as separate).
5: Fighting, Ghost, Psychic (If you count Tate and Liza as one Trainer) and Ice.
4: Normal, Poison (Including Gym Leader and Elite 4 Koga), Ground, Bug (Including Alder), Fire and Electric
3: Flying, Rock, Steel, Grass and Dark.
0: Fairy.

Including Kalos, Fighting goes up to 6, Bug and Electric 5 and Rock 4.

I'd like to see these Gym types: Steel, Dark, Fairy and Grass (Grass is already speculated to be a GL type).
And these for the E4 types: Flying, Ground, Normal (As if) and I guess Fire is maybe-confirmed.
Basically, any typing for elite 4 is fine, as long as the character design is good! With addition of strong battle tactics they would be perfect. :D

I like how the Gen 5 elite four got some pretty sleek character design with each characteristics fully shown, while Gen 4 elite four is kinda meh when compared to them. :v
I know this going to be crazy, but what if the Elite four members you have already met? like maybe your rivals :) it would be cool, I can not remember there names so forgive me if I get them wrong.

Elite Four Members:
1st member: Tierno
2nd member: Shauna
3rd member: Trevor
4th member: Calem or Serena

Champion: Professor Sycamore

I was happy about 4 rivals and a professor to battle you on occasion, then it hit me what if they are your final test :)
I'm pretty sure Korrina can mega evolve one of her Pokemon, if you zoom in on her exposed hand you can you see that she has some kind of variation of the mega ring, since you can see the DNA symbol in the sphere.
And now that I think of it Diantha can probably Mega evolve her Pokemon as well, zoom in on her pendant and you see another variation of the mega ring.
I'm pretty sure Korrina can mega evolve one of her Pokemon, if you zoom in on her exposed hand you can you see that she has some kind of variation of the mega ring, since you can see the DNA symbol in the sphere.
And now that I think of it Diantha can probably Mega evolve her Pokemon as well, zoom in on her pendant and you see another variation of the mega ring.
Gym Leader: We all now the 1 Gym Leader, The 2 Maybe Electric, The 3 Maybe Grass, The 4 Maybe Fire, The 5 Maybe Rock, The 6 Maybe Water, The 7 Maybe Steel, The 8 Maybe Ice.
The Elite Four: The 1 Maybe Fairy, The 2 Maybe Ghost, The 3 Maybe Dark, The 4 Maybe Dragon and Maybe The Champion is Calem or Serena.
This is supposed to be the gym badges, from kosthedin's leaks,


Let's see, my guess is:

1 - Bug (confimed)
2 - Rock/Ground (it's Grant anyway)
3 - Fighting (Korrina's)
4 - Could be a Dark or Ghost or Normal
5 - Electric (Clemont's)
6 - A spread wings? Flying? Or a Ground?
7 - A rather fancy badge, betting on Grass or Fairy, or Poison (as in a ninja's smokescreen)
8 - Could be a snowflakes or a boat steering wheel, so Ice or Water
Ririka said:

For me
1. Bug
2. Rock
3. Fighting
4. Ghost
5. Electric
6. Dark or Psychic
7. Flying ( it's look like small bird carry something )
8. Ice (obviously)
I don't really care about the types as much as I do the party, you can literally use 'throwaway' Pokemon for each gym, they don't even seem official with various party numbers. They they have multiple of the same Pokemon! Idiots! I would much rather see all leaders with 5 Pokemon (no Pokemon from the same line unless it is a branch like Vileplume and Bellossom,) 3 of their specialized type and two counters. Then do the same with the Elite Four (maybe add another counter.)

An example team for a Rock Gym would be (from weakest to strongest):

Here is the updated list of the amount of people who specialize in a certain type:

Normal: 4
Fighting: 7
Flying: 3
Poison: 4 (Including Gym Leader and Elite 4 Koga)
Ground: 4
Rock: 5
Bug: 6 (Counting Alder as a Bug Specialist)
Ghost: 5
Steel: 4
Fire: 5
Water: 7
Grass: 4
Electric: 6
Psychic: 6 or 7 (Depending on if you count Tate and Liza as seperate)
Ice: 6
Dragon: 8 (Including Elite 4 and Champion Lance and Gym Leader and Champion Iris)
Dark: 3
Fairy: 1

Flying, Poison and Dark all need another specialist quite badly.