XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

Mitja said:
Raptor9229 said:
Not me, dream world sniper Fearow, Spearow, Beedrill, Spinarak, and Ariados could be helpful at some point.

That's irrelevant as hidden abilities are not exclusive to the dreamworld, they were merely introduced through it.

True but for me that was the easiest way to get those.
Raptor9229 said:
Mitja said:
That's irrelevant as hidden abilities are not exclusive to the dreamworld, they were merely introduced through it.

True but for me that was the easiest way to get those.

If there was no DW, there would be some other way to obtain them.
DW never really worked for me. Like, seriously. It did not like me or my account. I eventually lost access to whatever account i had. Hope i didn't have a mon in there .__. didn't bother making one for W2. So personally i don't care what happens to it.

I think it was mentioned somewhere about finding eggs on the field? That'd be neat, though something was said about 'moral' or something, like the pokemon abandoned their egg. Depends on how you see it, maybe its lost, maybe someone put it there for you/whoever [who leaves the pokeballs with random items around?]. 'Fainting' can be taken different ways too; too tired to battle, or the pokemon dies. In the latter case youre pretty much going around slaughtering everything around you. Which is worse; masacre or taking in an egg you found which may or may not have been abandoned?

Ie im for finding random eggs. Likely just local commons, maybe with special natures or something [ie high-speed stat mons hatch with a random nature that +speed]. Maybe an alternate for the DW, with hatching mons having the DW ability? Just throwing ideas out there :U
The idea of randomly finding special eggs with the DW abilitiy is very good, and before someone even thinks about bringing up the morals issue, this is a game where 10 year olds travel the world beating wild creatures with their own creatures (and possibly killing them, depending on your interpretation), and sometimes they abduct them, leaving their families (and possible eggs) abandoned.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I definitely would like to see some more Fire types that we have.
That is one of the most underpopulated types we have, unfortunately.
I want to see more Ghost types too. Why do we not have a stereotypical ghost Pokemon yet?
Like, a white blob, or some sort of thing with a "sheet" over it.

I also would really like to see a jack-o-lantern Pokemon. It could start off as a small Pumpkin with arms/legs,
and evolve into this massive, badass Pumpkin king sort of thing.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

A way to eliminate RNG abuse, perhaps easier ways to get IVs to 31, or faster ways.
I am awfully sick of RNG abusers, especially when they try to say it's not cheating.
I was playing over my B2 the other day, and I realized that I would appreciate a potion that replenishes 100 points. I find the difference between the super potion and hyper potion is too drastic. I feel like I'm always needing just slightly more than a super potion, but less than a hyper.

Also, it makes sense to me that water types should be able to damage electric types regularly, but I think it would be cool if water type moves raised the power of electric type moves on electric pokemon, without needing a special ability,
FT10 said:
Also, it makes sense to me that water types should be able to damage electric types regularly, but I think it would be cool if water type moves raised the power of electric type moves on electric pokemon, without needing a special ability,

I'd like to see that working in one turn instead of... let's say it's a single battle
Turn one- water gun
Turn two- thundershock
i say it should only work like that in one turn and work for grass and fire (with moves like leech seed and then a fire-type attack)

Oh, and, I was thinking about the "PPP I stepped on attacked!" thing..
What if it attacks before you get a turn, and has slightly higher stats?
For example, let's say there's a pokemon caught normally and a pokemon caught stepped on. They both have the same nature, characteristic, everything
Normal- Lv. 5: 8 for all stats, 20 HP - Lv. 15: 20 for all stats, 70 HP
Stepped- lv. 5: 9 for all stats, 22 HP - Lv. 15: 26 for all stats, 80 HP
Like, the more you raise it, the more it's stats raise higher than normal. And, to balance it, they should make the step-on of pokemon rather rare, but a bit more rare the larger the pokemon obviously.
FloodBadge said:
FT10 said:
Also, it makes sense to me that water types should be able to damage electric types regularly, but I think it would be cool if water type moves raised the power of electric type moves on electric pokemon, without needing a special ability,

I'd like to see that working in one turn instead of... let's say it's a single battle
Turn one- water gun
Turn two- thundershock
i say it should only work like that in one turn and work for grass and fire (with moves like leech seed and then a fire-type attack)

Oh, and, I was thinking about the "PPP I stepped on attacked!" thing..
What if it attacks before you get a turn, and has slightly higher stats?
For example, let's say there's a pokemon caught normally and a pokemon caught stepped on. They both have the same nature, characteristic, everything
Normal- Lv. 5: 8 for all stats, 20 HP - Lv. 15: 20 for all stats, 70 HP
Stepped- lv. 5: 9 for all stats, 22 HP - Lv. 15: 26 for all stats, 80 HP
Like, the more you raise it, the more it's stats raise higher than normal. And, to balance it, they should make the step-on of pokemon rather rare, but a bit more rare the larger the pokemon obviously.
So basically you want the stepped on Pokemon to have higher "semi-set" IVs than normal Pokemon? Like the shiny Pokemon did in the original Gold and Silver?

Wouldnt be a bad idea. Then again, Id rather IVs to just go away altogether.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

TokenDuelist said:
A way to eliminate RNG abuse, perhaps easier ways to get IVs to 31, or faster ways.
I am awfully sick of RNG abusers, especially when they try to say it's not cheating.

Its not cheating. It was officially stated by a representative of Pokemon (years ago, at a tournament or something) that it is not considered cheating. It "violates the spirit of the game", but its not cheating.

I have RNGd a fair bit, and it can be consuming just like actual breeding, just not as monotonous. Even though I have done it, and know how to do it efficiently in BW, I still think they need to just do away with IVs altogether and add a simpler, less varied way to get decent stats onto mons.

Over on Pokegym, I suggested that they just cut IVs, and add in about 20 or so NEW natures that have more variance the stats they affect. Like a nature could add 5% to ATK and Sp ATK but -10% from SPEED. Its simpler to find a good natured mon and less frustrating and time consuming than breeding/throwing your life away.

On another note- I posted this in the Gen 1-5 hopes thread:

You know, thinking about how many total Pokemon we have now, what if each game had a totally different regional dex?

Both games would have the breadth of the 6th generation mons, with a couple version exclusives, but the rest of the Gen 1-5 mons would be COMPLETELY different based on the version you get. For example, #XXX in Pokemon Xs regional dex would be Bagon, while in Ys regional dex it would be Axew?

Or, they could just have the regional dexs be 500+ mons and each version would have a total of 350 ish, with each version having about 150-200 exclusives.

I guess this idea just comes in part from me wanting more variety if I play through both versions... and running into the same exact creatures in an area with the exception of one or MAYBE two version exclusives. This would make the games much more diverse/different from eachother, and would allow for more varying play throughs between them.

Hopefully my wall of text has some discussion value- at least a little lol.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
Christian said:
All I want is an BA dunsparce evolution that is either normal/dragon or fairy/dragon. It's been too long.

I think a legendary wolf pokemon is guaranteed due to the parallels of Norse mythology. It will probably be based off of Fenrir, the son of Loki and the father of wolves, and will look like a monstrous wolf pokemon, think Peter Hale in alpha form. I think a pure Dark type would suffice but maybe a secondary fighting type might be added or something cool like electric.

OMG i just got a freaky idea
if they did something like ze- wait... legendary big cats... they're already Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.... nevermind..

If you are referring to Entei, Suicune, and Raikou then those are the legendary beasts, not legendary cats or dogs (Though I fail to see how anyone could have ever called them legendary dogs due to Raikou). Anyway I hope that this gen introduces a new legendary beast like trio.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I hope they will include Staraptor. I like using Close Combat on my flying-type weaknesses. Hiyah!
NoDice said:
FloodBadge said:
I'd like to see that working in one turn instead of... let's say it's a single battle
Turn one- water gun
Turn two- thundershock
i say it should only work like that in one turn and work for grass and fire (with moves like leech seed and then a fire-type attack)

Oh, and, I was thinking about the "PPP I stepped on attacked!" thing..
What if it attacks before you get a turn, and has slightly higher stats?
For example, let's say there's a pokemon caught normally and a pokemon caught stepped on. They both have the same nature, characteristic, everything
Normal- Lv. 5: 8 for all stats, 20 HP - Lv. 15: 20 for all stats, 70 HP
Stepped- lv. 5: 9 for all stats, 22 HP - Lv. 15: 26 for all stats, 80 HP
Like, the more you raise it, the more it's stats raise higher than normal. And, to balance it, they should make the step-on of pokemon rather rare, but a bit more rare the larger the pokemon obviously.
So basically you want the stepped on Pokemon to have higher "semi-set" IVs than normal Pokemon? Like the shiny Pokemon did in the original Gold and Silver?

Wouldnt be a bad idea. Then again, Id rather IVs to just go away altogether.

removing IV's makes every pokemon a clone, and makes having natures, certain abilities, certain strategies, and having characteristics pointless. it's better to keep them in, when you look at the big picture.
FloodBadge said:
NoDice said:
So basically you want the stepped on Pokemon to have higher "semi-set" IVs than normal Pokemon? Like the shiny Pokemon did in the original Gold and Silver?

Wouldnt be a bad idea. Then again, Id rather IVs to just go away altogether.

removing IV's makes every pokemon a clone, and makes having natures, certain abilities, certain strategies, and having characteristics pointless. it's better to keep them in, when you look at the big picture.

Agreed, I do not see why a lot of people hate IVs.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Matty said:
I hope they will include Staraptor. I like using Close Combat on my flying-type weaknesses. Hiyah!

To me, Staraptor is, by far, the absolute best bird pokemon EVER. Staraptor NEEDS to be included!
Speaking of Sinnoh... I think they should have some cameo sinnoh trainers, like Dawn/Lucas, and you could battle them and hear the DP Trainer battle music remixed. The same would be for Leaf, Ethan/Lyra, Brendan/May (or Wally?), and Hilbert/Hilda

i just love the whole Red battle thing. I mean, that's you from the past (kinda)!
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
Matty said:
I hope they will include Staraptor. I like using Close Combat on my flying-type weaknesses. Hiyah!

To me, Staraptor is, by far, the absolute best bird pokemon EVER. Staraptor NEEDS to be included!
Speaking of Sinnoh... I think they should have some cameo sinnoh trainers, like Dawn/Lucas, and you could battle them and hear the DP Trainer battle music remixed. The same would be for Leaf, Ethan/Lyra, Brendan/May (or Wally?), and Hilbert/Hilda

i just love the whole Red battle thing. I mean, that's you from the past (kinda)!

Cameo the fifth gen player characters plus N, that would be awesome.
FloodBadge said:
NoDice said:
So basically you want the stepped on Pokemon to have higher "semi-set" IVs than normal Pokemon? Like the shiny Pokemon did in the original Gold and Silver?

Wouldnt be a bad idea. Then again, Id rather IVs to just go away altogether.

removing IV's makes every pokemon a clone, and makes having natures, certain abilities, certain strategies, and having characteristics pointless. it's better to keep them in, when you look at the big picture.

I might like to see some pokemon be genetically related. That pokemon would have no IVs because it was created and all of them are clones of each other. That, or they all have exactly the same ideas.
FloodBadge said:
NoDice said:
So basically you want the stepped on Pokemon to have higher "semi-set" IVs than normal Pokemon? Like the shiny Pokemon did in the original Gold and Silver?

Wouldnt be a bad idea. Then again, Id rather IVs to just go away altogether.

removing IV's makes every pokemon a clone, and makes having natures, certain abilities, certain strategies, and having characteristics pointless. it's better to keep them in, when you look at the big picture.

Raptor9229 said:
FloodBadge said:
removing IV's makes every pokemon a clone, and makes having natures, certain abilities, certain strategies, and having characteristics pointless. it's better to keep them in, when you look at the big picture.

Agreed, I do not see why a lot of people hate IVs.
There are other ways of producing unique Pokemon than just IVs. If they implemented 20 or more new "Natures" to the mix, and made them unique enough with stat increases/decreases we could see "enough" variance, on top of EVs between Pokemon. No IVs needed. All IVs do is add 2 points to a stat for each 1 IV point. Thats miniscule variance. If all Pokemon just had a nature, say that boosted its base attack by 15% but lowered another stat by 10% and another by 5%, you still get uniqueness- and say IVs didnt exist, so the IV would be 15 all around no matter what, then EV train your Pokemon- you could get even more variance.

People have found ways to abuse the IV system through RNG, and honestly, as long as they have IVs there will always be people that are super competitive that will do that (SMOGON), so why not eliminate them altogther, and level the playing field a bit with mechanics that make it easier to obtain competitive-ready Pokemon for everyone.

This way, everything will truly come down to strategy, ability, nature(stat bonuses/decreases) and moveset- instead of who knows how to beat the system the best, or has the most time to waste breeding/SRing for a month for one good competitive Pokemon. This is coming from someone who CAN and HAS RNG'd before.

Honestly, wouldnt it be better to have more PHYSICAL variance between mons anyways, different patterns, scars, etc... instead of it being only in the numbers?
You made one specific point I find interesting:
Variation from IVs is miniscule.

So it shouldn't bother anyone, right?
Why get rid of them if the main point of them is just to add uniqueness (through barely noticeable stat variation)?

Ive always found it silly how seriously they are taken (compared to EVs and natures for example, where you actually feel a difference..)

The only part of IVs thats awful is how Hidden Power is calculated, because its practically impossible to get one you want without unintended methods or pure luck. But even there, its not the IV mechanic that needs adjusting, but the move itself.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Raptor9229 said:
FloodBadge said:
To me, Staraptor is, by far, the absolute best bird pokemon EVER. Staraptor NEEDS to be included!
Speaking of Sinnoh... I think they should have some cameo sinnoh trainers, like Dawn/Lucas, and you could battle them and hear the DP Trainer battle music remixed. The same would be for Leaf, Ethan/Lyra, Brendan/May (or Wally?), and Hilbert/Hilda

i just love the whole Red battle thing. I mean, that's you from the past (kinda)!

Cameo the fifth gen player characters plus N, that would be awesome.

That, and someone other than Looker from the Interpol, and Mr. Pokemon having a Togepi Egg, about to leave to Johto. Idk, he oculd have 2 and give you one for assisting him with something. I mean, Togepi's technically native to no region, since Johto says it's not of that region, and it can't be found in the wild anywhere.