XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

Mitja said:
The only part of IVs thats awful is how Hidden Power is calculated, because its practically impossible to get one you want without unintended methods or pure luck. But even there, its not the IV mechanic that needs adjusting, but the move itself.

Player selfishness and perfectionism.
Seems like very few players know how to make due with what they have and need to have it perfect and use Smogon's and Serebii's ideal pokemon or they'll face total annihilation or something ridiculous. Seriously, do you know how many times i've read of people proudly constantly soft resetting to get a starter with "the perfect nature and characteristic" so they can play? It's ridiculous.
Mitja said:
You made one specific point I find interesting:
Variation from IVs is miniscule.

So it shouldn't bother anyone, right?
Why get rid of them if the main point of them is just to add uniqueness (through barely noticeable stat variation)?

Ive always found it silly how seriously they are taken (compared to EVs and natures for example, where you actually feel a difference..)

The only part of IVs thats awful is how Hidden Power is calculated, because its practically impossible to get one you want without unintended methods or pure luck. But even there, its not the IV mechanic that needs adjusting, but the move itself.

That is what makes Hidden Power fun, you have to find the right pokemon with the right results, makes it a bit more of a challenge. Actually I would love to see more small details in the game that you don't notice until someone hits you on the face with said small detail. Actually I watched a playthrough of Pokemon White by Marriland and he wants to be able to see stuff like glasses on pokemon when you equip them. Seriously a Houndoom equipped with Blackglasses and actually wearing them in battle would look pretty boss.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

NoDice said:
TokenDuelist said:
A way to eliminate RNG abuse, perhaps easier ways to get IVs to 31, or faster ways.
I am awfully sick of RNG abusers, especially when they try to say it's not cheating.

Its not cheating. It was officially stated by a representative of Pokemon (years ago, at a tournament or something) that it is not considered cheating. It "violates the spirit of the game", but its not cheating.

It still requires the use of a program to detect such things, you aren't touching the game with any device, but you are still tinkering and abusing it's exploits. As far as I'm concerned - that's cheating.

but people will play how they please, I am hoping for a possible way to alter IVs now that they are more visible though, just to make it fair game for those transfering RNG'd Pokemon from Gen 5. c'B
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
I agree with Arami!
Either re-type Shinx's evolution line to Electric/Dark starting with Luxio, or make a good Ele/Dark!

Sky Pillar said:
+1 Luxray was the perfect chance for ele/dark but GF just had to make it boring old pure electric

Luxray is black, therefore it should be a Dark type. I'm just glad GameFreak's logic isn't as bad as this. Luxray has no connection with the Dark type, pure Electric fits it perfectly.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

TokenDuelist said:
NoDice said:
Its not cheating. It was officially stated by a representative of Pokemon (years ago, at a tournament or something) that it is not considered cheating. It "violates the spirit of the game", but its not cheating.

It still requires the use of a program to detect such things, you aren't touching the game with any device, but you are still tinkering and abusing it's exploits. As far as I'm concerned - that's cheating.

but people will play how they please, I am hoping for a possible way to alter IVs now that they are more visible though, just to make it fair game for those transfering RNG'd Pokemon from Gen 5. c'B
Which is why Im for just blocking transfers altogether and starting fresh. New mechanics, new evolution in Pokemon games, no transfers.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pokequaza said:
FloodBadge said:
I agree with Arami!
Either re-type Shinx's evolution line to Electric/Dark starting with Luxio, or make a good Ele/Dark!

Sky Pillar said:
+1 Luxray was the perfect chance for ele/dark but GF just had to make it boring old pure electric

Luxray is black, therefore it should be a Dark type. I'm just glad GameFreak's logic isn't as bad as this. Luxray has no connection with the Dark type, pure Electric fits it perfectly.

Luxray, being a lion, has more connections with fire, dark, fighting, and ground than any other types.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
Pokequaza said:
Luxray is black, therefore it should be a Dark type. I'm just glad GameFreak's logic isn't as bad as this. Luxray has no connection with the Dark type, pure Electric fits it perfectly.

Luxray, being a lion, has more connections with fire, dark, fighting, and ground than any other types.

Luxray isn't a lion. A lion is a lion, a Luxray is a Luxray. It would be based on a lion, but that isn't true either. If they are based on anything, it are lynxes (and x-ray vision). The name Shinx is directly derived from lynx. Luxray is said to be able to see through objects, just like the lynx in many European mythologies.

And there is no connection between those types and a lion.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

NoDice said:
TokenDuelist said:
It still requires the use of a program to detect such things, you aren't touching the game with any device, but you are still tinkering and abusing it's exploits. As far as I'm concerned - that's cheating.

but people will play how they please, I am hoping for a possible way to alter IVs now that they are more visible though, just to make it fair game for those transfering RNG'd Pokemon from Gen 5. c'B
Which is why Im for just blocking transfers altogether and starting fresh. New mechanics, new evolution in Pokemon games, no transfers.

Personally, part of me doesn't want Pokemon to be transferrable to Gen 6, but at the same time really does.

It feels good having them on older games still, but it feels more fun to have them all in a later generation aswell. Though if you lose the cartridge or it gets stolen, there goes all those fine memories. It happened to me with my platinum version months before B/W's release, which was rather upsetting because it had my Pokemon from Ruby version onward, a near complete Pokedex, and my lucky shiny charizard (merely wanted a charmander from my friend, bred her charizard, egg hatched shiny on the first try! )

But I can see where you're coming from, I would love to transfer my Pokemon, but if it won't be allowed and they're doing it for the sake of the metagame, I am all for it.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Luxray never reminded me of a lion, other than its "mane". And even then, it didn't, really.
Just because a Pokemon is black doesn't necessarily mean that it should be dark type.

And I too, would love to keep the transfer system in the games. But all of my games are still in Florida, where I used to live.
And I live in Texas. Sooo...
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pokequaza said:
FloodBadge said:
Luxray, being a lion, has more connections with fire, dark, fighting, and ground than any other types.

Luxray isn't a lion. A lion is a lion, a Luxray is a Luxray. It would be based on a lion, but that isn't true either. If they are based on anything, it are lynxes (and x-ray vision). The name Shinx is directly derived from lynx. Luxray is said to be able to see through objects, just like the lynx in many European mythologies.

And there is no connection between those types and a lion.

Their bodyshape doesn't look like a lynx to me. No fur jowls, no bob tail, no devil ears. In fact, they could be another mixed-animal Pokemon, like Pikachu (a pika and a mouse), or Infernape (ape and monkey), or even Krookodile (crocodile and gharial/gavial). Speaking of whom, I realized Sandile's family is Ground/Dark because of Egypt (where some Gharials/Gavials live), and the rather scary vibe they give people (Intimidate).

Anyway, Shinx's english and japanese names are the only ones that could possibly use the word lynx. Luxio is latin for light, and a corupption of leo. Luxray's JP name mentions tigers, the Chinese names mention cats, but no other language's name mentions lynxes. We don't even know if they used lynx for shinx, but could have since Luxio resembles a young lynx. It could also be sphynx, i mean, it's shiny could have been mistaken as it's original coloring, or could have been it's original coloring.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Here's another one, I hope they break some of the more annoying patterns in Gym/Elite 4 distribution, it's getting very repetitive lately. So avoid the following:

-early game Normal type gym
-Electric type for 3rd or 4th gym
-Flying or Steel type for 6th gym
-Ice type for 7th gym
-Dragon type for 8th gym
-Ice, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, or Dragon Elite 4

On the flip side, I'd like to see them include some of the following:

-Fairy type gym (preferably no earlier than 4th or 5th)
-Normal, Grass, Electric, Rock, or Flying Elite 4
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Bolt the Cat said:
Here's another one, I hope they break some of the more annoying patterns in Gym/Elite 4 distribution, it's getting very repetitive lately. So avoid the following:

-early game Normal type gym
-Electric type for 3rd or 4th gym
-Flying or Steel type for 6th gym
-Ice type for 7th gym
-Dragon type for 8th gym
-Ice, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, or Dragon Elite 4

On the flip side, I'd like to see them include some of the following:

-Fairy type gym (preferably no earlier than 4th or 5th)
-Normal, Grass, Electric, Rock, or Flying Elite 4

I'm pretty sure i saw the same exact post, word for word, in another thread.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Bolt the Cat said:
Here's another one, I hope they break some of the more annoying patterns in Gym/Elite 4 distribution, it's getting very repetitive lately. So avoid the following:

-early game Normal type gym
-Electric type for 3rd or 4th gym
-Flying or Steel type for 6th gym
-Ice type for 7th gym
-Dragon type for 8th gym
-Ice, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, or Dragon Elite 4

On the flip side, I'd like to see them include some of the following:

-Fairy type gym (preferably no earlier than 4th or 5th)
-Normal, Grass, Electric, Rock, or Flying Elite 4
Just add bug and rock to that list, and you've basically got the same wishlist as I do.

What I'd like to see, in order:
Bug (I might as well put this here, because it's already been confirmed)

Elite Four
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Alix Rooker said:
Just add bug and rock to that list, and you've basically got the same wishlist as I do.

That too, but I didn't think it was worth mentioning since we already know that Bug is 1st in this game.

But yeah, Rock type for 1st gym and early game Bug types are starting to get annoying as well. I would've loved to see the Bug gym later in the game, like 6th or something. But it could be much worse.

Alix Rooker said:
What I'd like to see, in order:
Bug (I might as well put this here, because it's already been confirmed)

Elite Four

Not bad, but I have a few problems with this one. I don't think Fairy should be 2nd because then they won't be properly shown off, we'll be fighting them when their still weak and won't really get to see their power. And Psychic is an overused Elite 4 type, so give that one a break.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

My hopes for gen six would be a pokemon based on this:


Yes, now you will probably have nightmares after seeing this if you do not know what it is but it is a very well known monster from the Godzilla movies (even if it only appeared in one movie it is still a well known monster)
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Raptor9229 said:
My hopes for gen six would be a pokemon based on this:

Yes, now you will probably have nightmares after seeing this if you do not know what it is but it is a very well known monster from the Godzilla movies (even if it only appeared in one movie it is still a well known monster)

That reminds me of the monsters they used to have in the original run of Power Rangers lol.

I think its a little to complex and demon looking to be Pokemonified though....
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

NoDice said:
Raptor9229 said:
My hopes for gen six would be a pokemon based on this:

Yes, now you will probably have nightmares after seeing this if you do not know what it is but it is a very well known monster from the Godzilla movies (even if it only appeared in one movie it is still a well known monster)

That reminds me of the monsters they used to have in the original run of Power Rangers lol.

I think its a little to complex and demon looking to be Pokemonified though....

It's called Destoroyah and is an oxygen eating demon made by science. It has 5 life stages in the film. The most known 3 are...
But, didn't you know that so many other Pokemon are based off of very much so more violent and/or demonic things? (i.e. Houndoom, Aggron, Gastly, Spiritomb)
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pokequaza said:
FloodBadge said:
I agree with Arami!
Either re-type Shinx's evolution line to Electric/Dark starting with Luxio, or make a good Ele/Dark!

Sky Pillar said:
+1 Luxray was the perfect chance for ele/dark but GF just had to make it boring old pure electric

Luxray is black, therefore it should be a Dark type. I'm just glad GameFreak's logic isn't as bad as this. Luxray has no connection with the Dark type, pure Electric fits it perfectly.

It has some connections albeit none are all that significant. The only real connection is it's stalking prey (yet it can't learn pursuit oddly enough). It's not a dead ringer for the dark-type but if it was originally that type, no one would complain. It's design fits in with the rest of our dark pokes.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Sky Pillar said:
Pokequaza said:
Luxray is black, therefore it should be a Dark type. I'm just glad GameFreak's logic isn't as bad as this. Luxray has no connection with the Dark type, pure Electric fits it perfectly.

It has some connections albeit none are all that significant. The only real connection is it's stalking prey (yet it can't learn pursuit oddly enough). It's not a dead ringer for the dark-type but if it was originally that type, no one would complain. It's design fits in with the rest of our dark pokes.

You know, looking at the fact that all their names have to do with light, them being a Dark-type would be ironic, but still very fitting with the dark and powerful look.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I'd love an Electric/Dark Luxray.
It doesn't matter if Dark is fitting for whatever Luxray is now...if they made it Electric/Dark, it would have been designed "Dark" enough or have "Darker" flavor or whatever you guys deem to be qualities worthy of gaining the type.

It would simply be cool, no one said it should be just because its black.

But tbh, stalking its prey with x-ray vision sounds Dark enough to me though.

FloodBadge said:
You know, looking at the fact that all their names have to do with light, them being a Dark-type would be ironic, but still very fitting with the dark and powerful look.

Dark type isn't about darkness, its about being sneaky.