XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Mitja said:
But I always done all of that, why would I have to choose suddenly D:

I mean, a Pokemon adventure specifically focused on contests sounds pretty lame to me.

This is 3DS. They can make it more spectacular, like it was in the anime.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
Mitja said:
But I always done all of that, why would I have to choose suddenly D:

I mean, a Pokemon adventure specifically focused on contests sounds pretty lame to me.

This is 3DS. They can make it more spectacular, like it was in the anime.

you could do all of it, it would be better.
SunRiver said:
I just want to know from where will Blastoise shoot his water attacks, mouth or cannons?

I always imagine certain attacks coming from its mouth (Water gun)

Summoning water (Surf is kinda obvious)

Cannons (Hydro pump and Hydro cannon)
It would make sense to come from the cannons of course...but technically it should be the same effect as when any other pokemon uses, which I then doubt has water coming from 2 sources instead of one. Or maybe they made exceptions and whatnot, idk. Sounds like a lot of work.
Mitja said:
itd make sense to come from the cannons of course...but technically it should be the same effect as when any other pokemon uses, which I then doubt has water coming from 2 sources instead of one. Or maybe they made exceptions and whatnot, idk. Sounds like a lot of work.

Stadium had particular animations for certain Pokemon using certain moves, with Blatoise's Hydro Pump being one example. It shot two blasts of water out of its cannons, whereas every other Pokemon just shot one out of their mouth or whatever. Ice Beam and other less-noteworthy attacks came out of its mouth.
For Rollout, some Pokemon (Miltank was one) actually rolled into the opponent, whereas most turned into a boulder for some reason. Things like that. I'll bet they'll take the way certain Pokemon use moves in unusual ways into consideration.
I would like to see changes to how specific attacks damage Pokémon. I especially think that there are too many Pokémon with wings that for some reason still get hit by Ground-type moves. I think making the moves have different effects on Pokémon (not based just on their types), will make it more exciting, since it will no longer be as easy to figure out what move to use. It will require a lot more thinking and specializing to be good at competitive battles.

Luxray has the ability to see through as stated in his Pokédex, so maybe he should be able to hit Ghosts types and not be affected as much by moves such as Double Team, etc.
Flygon has its eyes covered, so why be affected by the move Sand Attack?

These problems can all be covered with abilities as well, so I think it would be great if more abilities were added that are more specifically designed for the Pokémon, and that they are able to have several abilities, instead of one. I mean, does a Bronzong with the ability Heatproof not know how to levitate? It is a Psychic Pokémon and always seen levitating. Also, a lot more Pokémon should have Levitate, next to their other ability. Beedrill and Heracross for example.
Drohn said:
These problems can all be covered with abilities as well, so I think it would be great if more abilities were added that are more specifically designed for the Pokémon, and that they are able to have several abilities, instead of one. I mean, does a Bronzong with the ability Heatproof not know how to levitate? It is a Psychic Pokémon and always seen levitating. Also, a lot more Pokémon should have Levitate, next to their other ability. Beedrill and Heracross for example.

Except this would mean Pokemon would need to have 2 abilities, but here's what I'm thinking could happen:

Basically, every Pokemon that's seen flying or levitating, yet doesn't have those abilities (Beedrill, Chandelure etc), but would logically be able to participate in a Sky Battle (like, what would be the difference between a Butterfree or a Venomoth participating?), will get a hidden code thing, which would just be something like: Sky Battles on or Sky Battles off. Every Pokemon that could fly/levitate would have Sky Battles on, which would mean that they'd essentially have Levitate, but not as an ability.

Eg Chandelure would be immune to Ground, but it would still have Flash Fire/Flame Body.
Then it would change over evolutionary lines as well, eg Venonat wouldn't fly but Venomoth would. Litwick would be on the ground, but Lampent and Chandelure wouldn't.

Another thing, have something akin to the Sky Jukebox from PMD Sky, where we can play music from the game. It could also have a feature where we can choose which track we want on a Wifi battle, as opposed to it being the normal battle music.
P.DelSlayer said:
It could also have a feature where we can choose which track we want on a Wifi battle, as opposed to it being the normal battle music.

This was confirmed by Masuda in the Q&A session back in E3.
I'd like to see the clothing drop glitch fixed. You can see it with Xavier's glasses in the first trailer as he swings on a rope.
FloodBadge said:
I'd like to see the clothing drop glitch fixed. You can see it with Xavier's glasses in the first trailer as he swings on a rope.

That was just a one time small glitch in an early beta version of the game, the footage was never even claimed to represent the final game.
Not sure if this is the right place, but I want reversible cover art. I noticed that the cover for the instruction booklet (especially for BW) looks a lot cooler than the actual cover art. I also don't really like the plants on X version, and I would love to be able to swap the covers out, possibly with Xerneas with a DNA helix in the background and the rainbow helix in the logo, like the Japanese cover art, just for the sake of variation.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

i want a 15 character limit for person names and 20 for pokemon
I mean, Giovanni shouldn't be the only one allowed to have his name break the limit.
I apologize if someone has already said this, but I was looking at the egg groups today and I saw the fairy group, and I thought to myself, "Huh, wouldn't it make sense if the pokemon being retconned are those in this conveniently named group.
Someone's gonna get mad at me for this, but I really want them to take out the guaranteed shiny pokemon. I say this for selfish reasons, I had a shiny Gyarados on my leaf green file and I can't look at it the same way since everyone is guaranteed a shiny Gyarados.

Yeah, sure they're found in different locations, but still it's not unique anymore.
CyberCat5555 said:
Not sure if this is the right place, but I want reversible cover art. I noticed that the cover for the instruction booklet (especially for BW) looks a lot cooler than the actual cover art. I also don't really like the plants on X version, and I would love to be able to swap the covers out, possibly with Xerneas with a DNA helix in the background and the rainbow helix in the logo, like the Japanese cover art, just for the sake of variation.

Not the place xD,
That's one of a physical want than a detail or nuance added in game.

RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

If they dont get rid of the current IV system they could at least make it so that when you breed, the eggs inherit ALL IVs from both parents. Would make breeding a LOT easier.