XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

The thing with pre-evolutions is that it allows GameFreak to make a strong Pokémon available early on, thus not always having to wait until around the 7th gym to own a [insert strong Pokémon]. Onix however, is weak enough to be a wild Pokémon from the start, so it probably won't need a pre-evolution for that reason.

There are also Pokémon like Kecleon and Lapras, which are more a novelty Pokémon, they usually don't get pre-evolutions either.

And what is wrong with a standalone Pokémon? I think it's more pleasing to have them every now and then scattered through the Pokedex, they are becoming more rare as more evolutions are added every generation.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pokequaza said:
The thing with pre-evolutions is that it allows GameFreak to make a strong Pokémon available early on, thus not always having to wait until around the 7th gym to own a [insert strong Pokémon]. Onix however, is weak enough to be a wild Pokémon from the start, so it probably won't need a pre-evolution for that reason.

There are also Pokémon like Kecleon and Lapras, which are more a novelty Pokémon, they usually don't get pre-evolutions either.

And what is wrong with a standalone Pokémon? I think it's more pleasing to have them every now and then scattered through the Pokedex, they are becoming more rare as more evolutions are added every generation.

Snorlax and sudowoodo were/ are novelties too right? And they got pre-evos, not to say lapras must have one as well. I think Lapras would benefit from one since it is pretty hard to come by. The easiest way is in FR/LG and in HG/SS. Kecleon would be better suited for an evo. I also agree that standalones are fine the way they are, stuff like farfetch'd, shuckle, castform, lunatone, solrock, zangoose, and seviper look fine the way they are.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pokequaza said:
The thing with pre-evolutions is that it allows GameFreak to make a strong Pokémon available early on, thus not always having to wait until around the 7th gym to own a [insert strong Pokémon]. Onix however, is weak enough to be a wild Pokémon from the start, so it probably won't need a pre-evolution for that reason.

There are also Pokémon like Kecleon and Lapras, which are more a novelty Pokémon, they usually don't get pre-evolutions either.

And what is wrong with a standalone Pokémon? I think it's more pleasing to have them every now and then scattered through the Pokedex, they are becoming more rare as more evolutions are added every generation.

Onix should, because one it has really high defense with decent speed, which would make it a great supporter. I also see that they are kinda hard to find in the games(which that would probably be me) but I do see your point also. Also my friend wants me to post this about his idea of a battle royal type deal in Pokemon, 4-player battle but each player defends only there self.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Sky Pillar said:
Pokequaza said:
The thing with pre-evolutions is that it allows GameFreak to make a strong Pokémon available early on, thus not always having to wait until around the 7th gym to own a [insert strong Pokémon]. Onix however, is weak enough to be a wild Pokémon from the start, so it probably won't need a pre-evolution for that reason.

There are also Pokémon like Kecleon and Lapras, which are more a novelty Pokémon, they usually don't get pre-evolutions either.

And what is wrong with a standalone Pokémon? I think it's more pleasing to have them every now and then scattered through the Pokedex, they are becoming more rare as more evolutions are added every generation.

Snorlax and sudowoodo were/ are novelties too right? And they got pre-evos, not to say lapras must have one as well. I think Lapras would benefit from one since it is pretty hard to come by. The easiest way is in FR/LG and in HG/SS. Kecleon would be better suited for an evo. I also agree that standalones are fine the way they are, stuff like farfetch'd, shuckle, castform, lunatone, solrock, zangoose, and seviper look fine the way they are.

Hence I said ''usually''. Snorlax and Sudowoodo were always novelty Pokémon for me, and it is somewhat sad to see them being downgraded to ''normal'' Pokémon. However, since Bonsly and Munchlax were somewhat already part of the third generation, it feels as if they are special in their own way. I'm fine with some, as long as they don't mess with old Pokémon too much, it just doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I think you got to have some ''useless'' Pokémon. GameFreak is never to evolve Farfetch'd, just because it is the perfect troll Pokémon.

benehime said:
Onix should, because one it has really high defense with decent speed, which would make it a great supporter. I also see that they are kinda hard to find in the games(which that would probably be me) but I do see your point also. Also my friend wants me to post this about his idea of a battle royal type deal in Pokemon, 4-player battle but each player defends only there self.

Getting a pre-evolution doesn't make the Pokémon itself better. Onix are quite common, though. Their stats are an illusion, seems great, but even Geodude is better overall. Its Speed is still mediocre, and with that much weaknesses, and no attack stat, it is not that amazing in battle.
FT10 said:
I was playing over my B2 the other day, and I realized that I would appreciate a potion that replenishes 100 points. I find the difference between the super potion and hyper potion is too drastic. I feel like I'm always needing just slightly more than a super potion, but less than a hyper.

But that's exactly what all the alternative HP healing items are there for: to fill that gap.
Lemonades, Soda Pop, Fresh Water, Moomoo Milk..

Almost like its intentionally making you choose; are you the person that sticks to the standardized easy to buy Hyper Potions, or do you take the extra time to get to the specific places where you can buy the alternatives so its not a waste of $ and healing power?
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I just got a pretty (possibly) fun idea. I think we won't get this in X and Y, but the later games maybe.

It'd be cool, if you'd have more choices in your journey. Of course you would always have that goal of becoming the champ, but you could choose a secondary goal. Like becoming a professional breeder or a professional coordinator. :D
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pineapple X said:
I just got a pretty (possibly) fun idea. I think we won't get this in X and Y, but the later games maybe.

It'd be cool, if you'd have more choices in your journey. Of course you would always have that goal of becoming the champ, but you could choose a secondary goal. Like becoming a professional breeder or a professional coordinator. :D

Not sure what you mean by "choices". We already have that. You can do the contests and whatever there is in terms of side stuff in each game, and you can breed as much and as long as you want.

What would be different there? More acknowledgements of some accomplishments in those areas? Rewards? Or wut
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I meant you could make yourself a secondary goal, and it would affect the story. For example, if you choose to begin your coordinator career, you might meet characters you otherwise wouldn't and maybe get new rivals. Pretty complicated though. xD
Mitja said:
FT10 said:
I was playing over my B2 the other day, and I realized that I would appreciate a potion that replenishes 100 points. I find the difference between the super potion and hyper potion is too drastic. I feel like I'm always needing just slightly more than a super potion, but less than a hyper.

But that's exactly what all the alternative HP healing items are there for: to fill that gap.
Lemonades, Soda Pop, Fresh Water, Moomoo Milk..

Almost like its intentionally making you choose; are you the person that sticks to the standardized easy to buy Hyper Potions, or do you take the extra time to get to the specific places where you can buy the alternatives so its not a waste of $ and healing power?

I'm the second example, but I would like to be able to buy fresh water, lemonade and soda pop (and lava cookies) like I buy potions and stuff. I'd rather buy 20 or 30 at a time rather than start mashing A to get as many as I can before getting tired (the occasional bonus bottle is nice, though).
There should be stalls in Lumoise City or in more smaller cities. Each day of the week they will sell a different item. However, I don't want to just see Lava Cookies. I'd like to see other local items that fill that same gap but they are localized to the Kalos region much like a one point Lava Cookies were to the Hoenn region. I think it's crazy how many times we have encountered Lava Cookies outside Lavaridge when it was considered a local special. I get stuff can be exported but come on.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

i guess what Professor Pineapple X is trying to say is, You would be able to choose during the introduction what you would like to become, and what you would like to try.

Prof.: "So, what is it you wish to accomplish on this journey?"
(Become a Professor) - (Become the Champion) - (Become a Coordinater)

And at some point right before the middle of the game...
Important NPC: "If you are unable to fulfill your dream of becoming <goal>, what would be the next best thing? You always need a backup plan, after all."

Something like that, I guess.

Each goal would allow you to see the game differently. Prof. goal would allow you to have a more strategic rival, and fulfilling the Pokedex would be necessary. Doing so would allow you to have the ability to access rare, non-native pokemon easier.
Champion would mean you would have a more balanced party rival, as usual, and be able to participate in in-game tournaments.
Coordinator would make it so your rival does more move combinations (in Single battles as well), and you can participate in contests and musicals.
Your secondary goal would just allow you to have the special bonus of the full goal.
Ysmir said:
There should be stalls in Lumoise City or in more smaller cities. Each day of the week they will sell a different item. However, I don't want to just see Lava Cookies. I'd like to see other local items that fill that same gap but they are localized to the Kalos region much like a one point Lava Cookies were to the Hoenn region. I think it's crazy how many times we have encountered Lava Cookies outside Lavaridge when it was considered a local special. I get stuff can be exported but come on.

Or, there could be different shopes/cafes/restaurants that see different healing/adjusting items. I would find that kind of fun, going to the individual shops and getting a chance to explore more of Lumiose City.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
i guess what Professor Pineapple X is trying to say is, You would be able to choose during the introduction what you would like to become, and what you would like to try.

Prof.: "So, what is it you wish to accomplish on this journey?"
(Become a Professor) - (Become the Champion) - (Become a Coordinater)

And at some point right before the middle of the game...
Important NPC: "If you are unable to fulfill your dream of becoming <goal>, what would be the next best thing? You always need a backup plan, after all."

Something like that, I guess.

Each goal would allow you to see the game differently. Prof. goal would allow you to have a more strategic rival, and fulfilling the Pokedex would be necessary. Doing so would allow you to have the ability to access rare, non-native pokemon easier.
Champion would mean you would have a more balanced party rival, as usual, and be able to participate in in-game tournaments.
Coordinator would make it so your rival does more move combinations (in Single battles as well), and you can participate in contests and musicals.
Your secondary goal would just allow you to have the special bonus of the full goal.

Maybe the evil team and/or their actions would be greatly effected by the path you chose. Also you will get different friends, and meet completely different people. Perhaps, the path on which you explore the region will completely change depending on what you want to do.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

The goal idea is unique, but in conflicts with the whole reason of the pokemon franchise: to collect and be a master.

The only way they would allow alternate goals is in a side game such as pokemon ranger or Pokemon Snap, the already offer(ed) the ability to participate in contests, changing the storyline to reflect what you do as a coordinator would make the game much more complicated than necessary.

The contests where simply added as an alternative gimmick to the old fashioned collect and battle. They simply add a sense of accomplishment, they aren't supposed to affect gameplay outside of npc cameos.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I think that if that option was in it it could only change a few things.

Such as Professor Goal: Access to more Pokemon through Safari Zone(?)

Coordinator: Access to more moves to make better contest combos

Champion: Harder Opponents, more leagues.

Just a few, but if I were to put a lot of thought into it I would be able to think of more.
I would like to see things that correspond to the time of day more. Like if they added more Ice/Ghost types, maybe if their are mountains that are snowy, if you were to go there at night you could have a greater chance of finding them, up until about 3 a.m. then they start to disappear. Then maybe in like a desert there could be little pokemon during they day, then during the night they appear more often.

Another cool thing would be bringing back the following Pokemon. And maybe you could play little mini games if you were to turn around, like maybe play hide and seek, where the screen goes black and then the pokemon disappears, but is in that area, and the more you play, the friendlier it gets.

Just some thoughts.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

gamefreak33797 said:
I think that if that option was in it it could only change a few things.

Such as Professor Goal: Access to more Pokemon through Safari Zone(?)

Coordinator: Access to more moves to make better contest combos

Champion: Harder Opponents, more leagues.

Just a few, but if I were to put a lot of thought into it I would be able to think of more.

I agree with the contest they need to make the contest like gyms, if you catch my drift, like in the show you had the show off section, then battle section, then you get ribbon and parallel to elite four have a cup champion deal with master coordinators. :)
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

benehime said:
gamefreak33797 said:
I think that if that option was in it it could only change a few things.

Such as Professor Goal: Access to more Pokemon through Safari Zone(?)

Coordinator: Access to more moves to make better contest combos

Champion: Harder Opponents, more leagues.

Just a few, but if I were to put a lot of thought into it I would be able to think of more.

I agree with the contest they need to make the contest like gyms, if you catch my drift, like in the show you had the show off section, then battle section, then you get ribbon and parallel to elite four have a cup champion deal with master coordinators. :)

This, I could not have said it better myself.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Yep, it would be nice to have a different thing to do:
1.become champion
2.collect all pokemon( which is tough)
3.contests ribbons and world cup
4.Battle frontier
6.Bring Back poffins (which in the poke-Amie they looked like they were feeding there Pokemon poffins so....yeah)
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

But I always done all of that, why would I have to choose suddenly D:

I mean, a Pokemon adventure specifically focused on contests sounds pretty lame to me.