XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

Mitja said:
I don't either.
That wasn't my wishlist, it was what I thought gamefreak would likely do at that time.

I don't think Game Freak will do it either. They seem to be giving the older Pokemon enough attention in this game, so I think they'll look at things more objectively. I think there are going to be plenty of 5th gen references, but not to the point where they ignore older ones where they're more appropriate.
With each subsequent gen, older pokemon inevitably become more outdated and obsolete, so it'd make sense to upgrade them at the level of the newcomers, be it through revised movepools, preevos, evos, form changes, new types, etc. The bulk of that will probably focus in the early gens more than fourth and fifth.
Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

My apologies if a thread such as this already exists but I recently come to notice that the Pikachu sprite icon pictured in the following screenshot is VERY different in Gen VI than it was in the previous three Generations.



Perhaps were getting revamped icons for the previous generation Pokemon? Or likely just a select few. I don't really see a need to update the icons but if they are, by the way Pikachu, Froakie, and Fletchling look in the screenshot, they are going for a somewhat cel-shaded style for them. While they're updating the icons, might as well do Groudon's. It never looked right IMO.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

*Looks Up Groudon Sprite*

Lol I never noticed how squished it was before. Definitely would be a good idea to revamp the sprites in the party view. It only makes sense with it being on the 3DS and all.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Yup, Zigzagoon's icon-sprite is also different. It looks more detailed, which makes sense since the 3DS has a better resolution.

Re: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

I've always thought that they always made the icons better with each generation,but this is a welcome change :)

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RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

I think those new icons are just the models (as used in battles) rendered at a small size. Those models have a cell shaded look, after all.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

iTeruri said:
I think those new icons are just the models (as used in battles) rendered at a small size. Those models have a cell shaded look, after all.

It's probably not that; Pikachu's isn't proportionally correct to the 3D models we've seen of it for X/Y. Besides, remaking those tiny sprites wouldn't actually take that much work, since they're so small.

I hope some are allowed to be a bit bigger now. Most of the larger Pokemon, and especially legendaries, just look... weird with the size the past menu icons are in. Rayquaza immediately comes to mind.

Conquest's, on the other hand, looks fine and isn't too much larger:

So I'm hoping for improvements like this.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Yeah, some could use a revamp, especially some Gen IV and V ones like Tepig, the Kami trio, Chimchar and Prinplup to name a few.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Some sprites direly need work. I welcome new sprites. I hate Rayquaza's sprite so much.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Another small feature that is a welcomed one! I agree - it can fix some odd looking shaped/sized Pokémon! The Little things always help the experience!
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

I was actually just wondering about that while playing Emerald. I look forward to higher resolution sprites.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Finally! No more super yellow Plusle, Minun, Meowth, etc!
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

FloodBadge said:
Finally! No more super yellow Plusle, Minun, Meowth, etc!
I forgot how much that annoyed me!
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Honestly, I was kind of surprised that they kept using sprites this generation, what with the 3D overhaul and everything. Revamping all of them must mean they are here to stay, at least for another generation or so!
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Tatertot said:
Honestly, I was kind of surprised that they kept using sprites this generation, what with the 3D overhaul and everything. Revamping all of them must mean they are here to stay, at least for another generation or so!

Many games still use sprites in some fashion, since all a sprite is is a two-dimensional graphic and a palette. It makes sense to keep certain things like icons and menu pointers as sprites because rendering them as 3D models would take up unnecessary time and resources.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Frezgle said:
Tatertot said:
Honestly, I was kind of surprised that they kept using sprites this generation, what with the 3D overhaul and everything. Revamping all of them must mean they are here to stay, at least for another generation or so!

Many games still use sprites in some fashion, since all a sprite is is a two-dimensional graphic and a palette. It makes sense to keep certain things like icons and menu pointers as sprites because rendering them as 3D models would take up unnecessary time and resources.

Right, I get that, I was just thinking that they would either do away with pokemon sprites altogether, and just have the names of the pokemon or something on the party screen, or that they would keep the old sprites and just add new ones, as they have been doing for the last 3 generations. Completely redoing all the old sprites means they are investing again in the sprite system, so it's likely to stick around for a while.
RE: Pokemon icons from previous Generations being revamped in Gen VI?

Tatertot said:
Frezgle said:
Many games still use sprites in some fashion, since all a sprite is is a two-dimensional graphic and a palette. It makes sense to keep certain things like icons and menu pointers as sprites because rendering them as 3D models would take up unnecessary time and resources.

Right, I get that, I was just thinking that they would either do away with pokemon sprites altogether, and just have the names of the pokemon or something on the party screen, or that they would keep the old sprites and just add new ones, as they have been doing for the last 3 generations. Completely redoing all the old sprites means they are investing again in the sprite system, so it's likely to stick around for a while.

I actually thought that they were doing away with sprites altogether as well. It's nice they're updating the little sprite icons though. It makes me wonder if they're increasing the size they can be though. Because a lot of the bigger Pokemon looked to compressed in their icons.
Regarding shinies I found these 2 (some of you might alredy have seen them)

Skrelp: http://imgur.com/q806spE

Gogoat: http://imgur.com/OVD3NYg

Do you think these are shinies or not, and if not why?

I keep seeing Yveltal being either dark blue or yellow instead of red and Xerneas being either light green or light reddish instead of blue as shinies :)
steffenka said:
Regarding shinies I found these 2 (some of you might alredy have seen them)

Skrelp: http://imgur.com/q806spE

Gogoat: http://imgur.com/OVD3NYg

Do you think these are shinies or not, and if not why?

I keep seeing Yveltal being either dark blue or yellow instead of red and Xerneas being either light green or light reddish instead of blue as shinies :)

That Skrelp is almost certainly shiny if that image is to be trusted, the Gogoat is a bit more debatable, but I think it is (BTW, we've seen that image a while ago).