XY What new spin off games would you like to see in Generation 6?

I want two things:

1. A TCG game. Yes, there is the TCG Online but it is always broken from updates, which happen frequently, and has many bugs. I'd like a solid card game for the 3DS. It can be updated through wifi, including DLC in the form of Pokemon cards. The system could work on hand held and possibly do so in a way that is handled better than the online game.

2. A Super-Smash Bros. style game that exclusively features Pokemon. I would love this. It doesn't have to be exactly like Super-Smash but a game where you can be Pokemon fighting other Pokemon would be awesome. They kind of attempt this with Mystery Dungeon but a less story-heavy game that is not turn-based would be excellent. Digimon had this in the form of Digimon Rumble Arena and I think Pokemon could benefit from a (less broken) version of this.
TrainerSivan said:
2. A Super-Smash Bros. style game that exclusively features Pokemon. I would love this. It doesn't have to be exactly like Super-Smash but a game where you can be Pokemon fighting other Pokemon would be awesome. They kind of attempt this with Mystery Dungeon but a less story-heavy game that is not turn-based would be excellent. Digimon had this in the form of Digimon Rumble Arena and I think Pokemon could benefit from a (less broken) version of this.

I've been wanting this since the dawn of my cognitive thought processes, but it would be difficult to include every or even a majority of the Pokemon without it being a mess. And I can see mostly only the usual favorites (Charizard, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Lucario, Eeveelutions, etc.) being included in this case, which would be awfully boring.
Unless, perhaps, the game was divided into tiers? All small/weak Pokemon like Sunkern and Caterpie at the bottom, then up to things like Pidgey and starters, then low-middle, and so on. Kind of like the tiers in the competitive metagame of the main series. Just so you don't have your friend beating you with Reshiram every single time even though you want a chance to win with something like Wartortle.
Yeah, tiers would help. If you've ever played Digimon Rumble Arena 2, you would notice that although the game mechanics and some balance issues had improved, more balance issues would be introduced. In that game you could evolve in battle and degenerate to your previous forms if you got too weak. There were some Digimon that were too strong and did not evolve, so they were equivalent to characters like Reshiram. Fighting against those guys made the game terribly imbalanced and sometimes it would not even be worth playing unless you set rules between you and your friends about who you could and could not use. This is definitely a danger in Pokemon as well.

I think different kinds of battle modes would help, like the way they have the cups in the main series games. I also do not think that it is necessary to have all the Pokemon in the game but enough Pokemon from different tiers in order to make the game balanced. It would be really annoying to have a Caterpie fight against a Lapras, even though they are technically in the same evolutionary stage. Ranking Pokemon based off their stats could probably help this and then having different battle modes would make the game diverse. Also, a free mode so you could have your imbalanced fantasies played out would be fun too.
About the TCG game, it'd be interesting if it could be integrated with the RL TCG. For instance, if the cards you buy IRL had a QR code on it and you could scan it to be used in the VG.
Bolt the Cat said:
About the TCG game, it'd be interesting if it could be integrated with the RL TCG. For instance, if the cards you buy IRL had a QR code on it and you could scan it to be used in the VG.

That would be cool

Or maybe the tcg cards could have a code on the back of the card, and if you scan the code on the game that pokemon appears, kind of like that feature in pokedex 3d.
Reggie McGigas said:
That would be cool

Or maybe the tcg cards could have a code on the back of the card, and if you scan the code on the game that pokemon appears, kind of like that feature in pokedex 3d.

That's exactly what a QR code is.
About a fighting game: I've always wanted one in Capcom's over-the-top 2D style, like in MvC or Darkstalkers. Or the Guilty Gear / BlazBlue games, from Arc System Works. There are so many Pokemon with weird body types and powers that would suit that kind of game perfectly. Nintendo seems pretty dialed-in with Super Smash Bros though, and it's hard to see them collaborating with that kind of company to make a proper pokemon fighting game happen. It will be really sad if/when the only way that gets realized is by amateur designers using MUGEN.

It's hard to produce games like that on the cheap, too. Look how long it took SkullGirls to come out; and that had what, 8 characters?

About a TCG game: I was a HUGE fan of the GameBoy tcg game, I played the heck out of that thing. But again, would a TCG handheld game make any economic sense for Nintendo? They make the card game themselves now, so wouldn't they want people buying the actual cards? QR code integration only offsets so much, at least in their minds I suspect. There's a reason why the online one is buggy and neglected, and the originals had such low production quality. I don't think that pitch would fly, as much as we want it to happen.
garbodorable said:
About a TCG game: I was a HUGE fan of the GameBoy tcg game, I played the heck out of that thing. But again, would a TCG handheld game make any economic sense for Nintendo? They make the card game themselves now, so wouldn't they want people buying the actual cards? QR code integration only offsets so much, at least in their minds I suspect. There's a reason why the online one is buggy and neglected, and the originals had such low production quality. I don't think that pitch would fly, as much as we want it to happen.

It seems to be working for Magic: the Gathering, though. It's true that some players would only play the video game version, but those players would be unlikely to get into collecting and playing the real thing on their own anyway. And for those that would like to try playing the real TCG, but are wary of starting to collect cards without knowing if they'll like it, a video game would be useful as a demo that could sway them into giving the real thing a shot.
Reggie McGigas said:
(Please move this to past spin off thread if this belongs there, but I am not sure if it does)
What kind of Spin Offs would you like to see in Generation 6?

I am hoping for a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and maybe a game that is similar to Dream Radar, where you can get old pokemon and transfer them to X and Y

I'm personally hoping for a Sixth Gen Pokemon to be featured in SSB4
Chaos Ripper said:
I don't know about you, but we need another Pokemon TCG game.

I totally agree with you. I love my old Pokémon TCG and I still play it on my Gameboy Color from time to time.

They could make a version that connects to your account on the internet so you could play it that way. The TCG game is my favorite Pokémon spin-off game.
I feel kind of dumb for saying this but does pokemon mystery dungeon count?
Pokemon Ranger game, a new one would be nice. Mystery Dungeon, yeah that's cool though we have only just got one and at the end of Gen V. A game like Pokemon Channel on the Wii U ? or 3DS.
I'm looking forward a Battle Revolution game for the WiiU. Or maybe another game like XD/Coliseum. For the handheld, I'm really looking forward for a Pokemon Ranger game. This one should be better then the last!
A new element, specifically like the Guardian Signs, would make the game a lot better.