XY What Pokémon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Current Team / Ideas Here!

RE: Your X&Y Team?

I really want to see more pokemon to decide. I don't like using the same pokemon in more than one playthrough, preferring the newer for the primary game(s), and I like having a balanced team. Still not sure which game, and starter will be decided based on the evolutions.
Pros: Xerneas fits better for my love of nature, but Yveltal just looks so amazing in its design.
Cons: I'm not really liking the fairy type, but using Yveltal would mean that I probably wouldn't use Noviern.
I just hope now that I can decide which game to preorder while I still can.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

My team will have at least one mega pokemon, probably Mega-Absol, just for his looks and ability. Froakie will be in it, during the first playtrough, might switch him out eventually. Litleo will also be included, again just for his looks, but he might become a staple if he turns out to be an excellent pokemon. The other three can be anything, even legendaries.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

To allow discussion you should include the following in your post:
  • Why did you choose the Pokémon? Explain why you prefer the typing or design over others
  • Do you rotate or make frequent changes to your team? Explain your preference (is it smarter, more fun, and why do you think this?)
  • Do you pay attention to type coverage or only to whether you like a Pokémon or not?
  • To what extent will knowing the base stats of Pokémon affect your in-game team?
  • Will you only use Pokémon from this generation or also Pokémon from previous generations if possible?
Posts that do not include this information will be unapproved. *[mod]Drohn[/mod]
RE: Your X&Y Team?


X team

Early Team 100% set;

Fennekin [I dislike the other two]
Fletchling [Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]
Skiddo [Eeee <3]

Later Team [additions];

Litleo [Regional Shinx]
Helioptile [The New GEICO]
Noivern [I never seem to use birds for Fly-slaves anymore]
Clauncher [Dat blue]
Inkay [Goes from cute to BA]
Pangoro [It's nice... might end up being the Breloom of the team. I really hope fairy isn't good against dark types, but seeing the legend's types...]
Dedenne [Meh, it's kinda cute]

Xerneas [Mononoke. Even though it actually looks nothing like the FS save for many anlters]

Megas; If all starter mons get megas, it depends on their looks.
I quite like Mega- Blaziken, Lucario, and Absol.

So far im only picking mons based on looks and from this gen. After the full dex + stats are up ill go by that.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

My team will include all starters, I will choose Fennekin first, but once I am able to get poke balls, I will transfer Chespin and Froakie over through trade.
Pokemon X team:
4.<insert hm slave>
5.<Flying type>
6. Undecided
I plan on having a well balanced team.
Pokemon Y team:
undecided for the moment(playing X first)
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Hmmm trouble with the pre release pokemon since the rumoured starter types are fire/psychic grass/dark and wate fighting which causes trouble of whether i should get pancham and inkay
RE: Your X&Y Team?

I know for sure now that Fennekin will be my starter, but I'm just really anxious to see its final typing. And since I have room for another psychic typing, I think I'd be cool if I added Meowstick (unless, of course, I hate its design or base stats). As for the final four slots, I am without a doubt adding a fairy. It'll probably Mawile so I can get my mega in there. Then I'm hoping to either add a pokemon I've never seen before (hopefully I'm not going to spoil myself) or add a pokemon that was already revealed and I like (this may be Talonflame seeing as I need a flying-type and it's the bird basic bird that is part fire-type).

zappy800 said:
Hmmm trouble with the pre release pokemon since the rumoured starter types are fire/psychic grass/dark and wate fighting which causes trouble of whether i should get pancham and inkay

I say go for both! I mean, it's not like they're both pure dark-types, so when you add Malamar you're also getting a psychic-type in there. As for the starters, that's up to you. In my opinion they're all pretty cool, but a lot of people's opinions may shift when we see the final evolutions.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

As my Avatar and Signature suggest...Froakie will be my starter!

X team:
Froakie's final stage
Blaziken - It's one of my top 5 favorite pokemon and now that it will be given out through event and mega-evolve...it will definitely be on the squad. (Part of me hopes Froakie doesn't become part Fighting now...)
Mawile - I always liked it but it wasn't really useful in battle, but now it is part Fairy and mega-evolves so it's a must for me.
Malamar - Because I have wished for a Psychic/Dark type since Gen 2

I'm not sure about the rest but if that tree pokemon Oorotto turns out to be Grass/Ghost then I'll use him as well.

I also tend to constantly switch out pokemon so my team will probably change a lot.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Drohn said:
To allow discussion you should include the following in your post:
  • Why did you choose the Pokémon? Explain why you prefer the typing or design over others
  • Do you rotate or make frequent changes to your team? Explain your preference (is it smarter, more fun, and why do you think this?)
  • Do you pay attention to type coverage or only to whether you like a Pokémon or not?
  • To what extent will knowing the base stats of Pokémon affect your in-game team?
  • Will you only use Pokémon from this generation or also Pokémon from previous generations if possible?
Posts that do not include this information will be unapproved. *[mod]Drohn[/mod]

Well, okay.

In my team so far I would like

1.) Chespin. I wanted to choose him after I found out Torchic was going to be distributed to everyone. I was going to pick Fennekin but what's the point now? (Still might)
2.) Ralts. If I can find a Ralts anywhere in the Kalos i'll be adding it to my team because I love Gardevoir.
3.) Mawile. This is one of the Pokemon i've liked but never used because of the typing and stats. But now that it got a Mega Evolution things changed but i'm still unsure of having two Fairy Types in my team since Gardevoir is now part Fairy.
4.) Seel/Staryu/Shellder. Any one of these Pokemon would be great for my Water type Pokemon. I always try to get one in my games.
5.) Torchic? I might use it but I might switch it out for a different fire type at somepoint.
6.) Murkrow. I would like to get a Honchkrow later on in the game for my Flying type. I dislike many flying types but I like Honchkrow.

I dislike having a Pokemons main typing being the same as another in my team, I don't like it. I especially hate when my Pokemon are similar in color, that bothers me too, lol.

I pay attention to type coverage. I pick Pokemon I like but they all need to have a different type for them to be in my team.

Stats won't really affect the way I build my team, maybe for competitive gameplay later but not initially.

I will probably use Pokemon from a different generation if I could but i'll still be catching all the new ones.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

zappy800 said:
Hmmm trouble with the pre release pokemon since the rumoured starter types are fire/psychic grass/dark and wate fighting which causes trouble of whether i should get pancham and inkay
Jakeremix said:
I say go for both! I mean, it's not like they're both pure dark-types, so when you add Malamar you're also getting a psychic-type in there. As for the starters, that's up to you. In my opinion they're all pretty cool, but a lot of people's opinions may shift when we see the final evolutions.
yea thanks i guess ill just get both and whatever starter is the most helpful gym and elite four wise. Leaves three spots for extras.

[private]Fixed broken quote. *Drohn[/private]
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Well, since I'm getting one of each copy the way I see it is,

Chespin (quite simply he's awesome, plus if he's Grass/Dark that would be amazing)
Litleo (Because I have high hopes he may become a Manticore, fingers crossed, plus he just screams strong physical attacker, plus I need some fire)
Swirlix (Because who doesn't love cotton Candy? That ability though? Glorious)
Inkay (Because I love the design of Malamar, and quite simply, Contrary, Early in the game with all the Growls and leers, this could prove quite helpful)
Clauncher (Design is amazing, and can't help but love that water typing)
Noivern (Because, look at it)

Fenniken (mainly because I picture this things final Evo looking like Amerterasu)
Pancham ( Screams Physical attacker, Plus gives me some fighting coverage)
Gogoat (Grass, and I can ride him. :D)
Helioptile (I can forsee him becoming some sort of dragon like thing, plus Elec, woo!)
Skrelp (For water, and gotta love seahorses)
Honedge (Because No Guard on anything is amazing)

Of course, this is subject to change, and it's most likey going to, seeing as how not even 1/4 of the pokes have been revealed. The way this is looking, these pokes are all going to have some sick designs.

Also, Torchic in the beginning of the game? That would just destroy the fun factor, I'll nab him, but he's sitting in my box until I'm league champ.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

My team is going to be balanced. Meaning that I will have a variety of types.
1. Fennekin, not torchic because its not a kalos starter
2. Froakie, need to fight water types
3. Chespin, need to defeat my rival, because I chose Fennekin as my starter.
4. Noivern, need a flying type so I can fly around. if not then talon flame.
Special Pikachu if the image at Pokemon global link is true. ( There might be a mega raichu! :) http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/primary_feature/
6. An Hm user, so I can get around a lot easier.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

With the new info I guess my new team would be:
Chespin (My favorite design of the starters. Also i love chestnuts)
Fletchling (Glad the normal typing changes to make it different then the other early Avian Pokemon)
Clauncher (Main reason for getting X. Pistol Shrimps are awesome)
(Mega) Mawile (Always liked Mawile but it never had the fighting power I liked until now, also to have a fairy type)
Helioptile (Because adorable)
??? (Still waiting for an ice type)

This list was made considering the leak that Chespin may be a dark type in it's later evolution's (if this turns out to be wrong, Pancham is on the list). I always make a team of current generation Pokemon of whichever game I am playing and they are all different types.

On another note, the starters are rumored to be dark, psychic, and fighting. We already know of a dark/fighting and a psychic/dark so are we going to see another fighting psychic Pokemon?
Your X&Y Team?

Well I have a lot to think about.
GoGoat definitely earns a spot on my team. He's a majestic moss-goat that you can ride. His pre-evolution is adorable, and he looks like he'll have a good move set.

Maybe Flabébé, if she evolves. Plus, who can resist this color-changeable cutie?

I have to keep reminding myself that they've only released about 10 percent of all these new Pokemon and that I have a lot more to see. These are all amazing, and I can't wait to see the rest of them.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

My Y team:

- I was going to pick Fennekin but I'm to scared it will become bipetal + there are so many nice fire types available but I have yet to see any good grass pokémon..
- Its a bit derpy but I kinda like it, and if its evolution is as cool as Luxray I'm sure I will like it.
- Its pretty cute and I like thrilled lizards, will be very dissapointed if it doesn't evolve thought. I really hope he or Litleo gains a new typing upon evolving thought, cause I don't like to have two normal types in my team.
Pretty cool pokémon, I like that its likely based on a plauge doctor and I hope it evolve into something darker rather than a flamingo.
Just really like the look of this pokémon, and every time needs a water type right? Poison might even be a little better if poison ends up being SE on Fariry.

Last pokémon probably have to be a flying unless Spritzee learns fly. I've been thinking about Noivern, but I'm not sure if I want it on my team.

Probably my team will end up differently, since this will be the first time I play the game without japanese spoilers I bet it will be a lot different. I will probably catch all pokémon I see and probably be more eager to switch pokémon. I think I will only use pokémon from the new generation during my first (Y) playthrought, but I can't say for sure. During my X playthrought I'm thinking about using Raichu and Houndoom (unless I choose Fennekin) thought.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Froakie/Chespin: Depending on the stats and design I will be picking one over the other. At first I was a firm Froakie lover, but my lover of grass type and the design grew on me, especially once I took a second look and realized chespin looks nothing like Oshawott.

Fletchling: Turns into my staple fire type and first bird type, effectively knocking out two birds with one stone. Also TalonFlame is the cooliest

Helioptile: I love reptile mon, and I would especially love an electric reptile mon, this guy has a definite spot

Inkay: I'm not usually one for "cute" pokemon but HOHMIGOSH HE IS ADORABLE. And also anything with Contrary is a certified beast.

Pancham: Depends on how big the fighting type pool is this gen (if Korrina is the fighting type leader we'll probably have a few more to choose from) but as of now he has a spot.

Clauncher: Pistol shrimp you say? Definite spot. And also, I rarely see a water type that I want to keep on my team, usually I have a strong dislike of all the mon of that type

Noivern: Depends on what other Dragons will be appearing but as of now he's got a spot. Might leave him in rotation.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

thepokemon said:
Its hard to say but I know i will have

Torchic (Distribution
fletchling (if there arent cooler birds.)

I agree, I want both Torchic and Fennekin on my team as well. If they didn't have dual types it might not have been a smart choice, but just the two of them is fire, psychic, and fighting. Plus, who doesn't want a starter from the third generation on their team?

I hope they'll add other starters into the Kalos pokedex. That's something I've wanted forever.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Jakeremix said:
thepokemon said:
Its hard to say but I know i will have

Torchic (Distribution
fletchling (if there arent cooler birds.)

I hope they'll add other starters into the Kalos pokedex. That's something I've wanted forever.

Considering the leaker said we get a Kanto starter at a point in the game, your wish may be granted :)
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Fennekin or chespin depends on their evolutions
Pangoro or absol (can't decide both of them are cool and absol is my favourite Pokémon of all time plus it's mega evolution looks so epic man it's hard to chose between these two )
and i'd go with lileo or torchic if i choose chespin
Oh and yeah sylveon i'd love to test the new fairy type and what better pokemon can you test it with other than sylveon