XY What Type might Sylveon be?

RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

If you draw a cube octahedron viewed from the side onto the picture, it becomes evident that Slyveon is going to be CAKE TYPE OH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Mitja said:
If you draw a cube octahedron viewed from the side onto the picture, it becomes evident that Slyveon is going to be CAKE TYPE OH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA.

Through close examination and hours apon hours of work I have proved that Slyveon is, in fact, Cake Type!
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Gr8Ampharos said:
Mitja said:
If you draw a cube octahedron viewed from the side onto the picture, it becomes evident that Slyveon is going to be CAKE TYPE OH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA.

Through close examination and hours apon hours of work I have proved that Slyveon is, in fact, Cake Type!

I think your math is wrong, It's not Cake/Eevee = Sylveon, it's Cake * Eevee = Sylveon.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

YOUR RIGHT! I can't believe I messed up such a simple calculation!
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Also, when 3*2=Cake, you should get 64 to the square root of Eevee.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Because you used a regular octahedron instead of a cube one

you missed a noteworthy corollary which tells us very clearly that RS remakez is cominnn
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

The cake was not in fact a lie, but a mere ploy, hiding the truth that is hidden behind the polyhedron, if you squint at 3:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, and turn your monitor upside down, you will find Sylveon's true type

Sylveon is Brock Type:
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

I'm still laughing at people insisting Sylveon will be a new, Light type. OR Fairy type. What the heck
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Takuto said:
I'm still laughing at people insisting Sylveon will be a new, Light type. OR Fairy type. What the heck
Everything is a possibility until they actually release the information, but I agree, new types seem very unlikely. Light type seems a little more reasonable than Fairy type especially, because Pokemon types are usually based off of certain elements.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Suitcune said:
Takuto said:
I'm still laughing at people insisting Sylveon will be a new, Light type. OR Fairy type. What the heck
Everything is a possibility until they actually release the information, but I agree, new types seem very unlikely. Light type seems a little more reasonable than Fairy type especially, because Pokemon types are usually based off of certain elements.

Light is not an element.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Ah, the good ol' fighting, dragon, dark, ghost, dragon, bug, and normal elements.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

McMuffins said:
Suitcune said:
Everything is a possibility until they actually release the information, but I agree, new types seem very unlikely. Light type seems a little more reasonable than Fairy type especially, because Pokemon types are usually based off of certain elements.

Light is not an element.

I meant the types we had already, such as water, fire, ground, rock, grass, etc. being closer to the idea that Light is a would become a type, not an object (such as Fairy).

Wikipedia.org said:
In about 300 BC, Euclid wrote Optica, in which he studied the properties of light. Euclid postulated that light traveled in straight lines and he described the laws of reflection and studied them mathematically. He questioned that sight is the result of a beam from the eye, for he asks how one sees the stars immediately, if one closes one's eyes, then opens them at night. Of course if the beam from the eye travels infinitely fast this is not a problem.

In 55 BC, Lucretius, a Roman who carried on the ideas of earlier Greek atomists, wrote:
"The light & heat of the sun; these are composed of minute atoms which, when they are shoved off, lose no time in shooting right across the interspace of air in the direction imparted by the shove." – On the nature of the Universe

In ancient India, the Hindu schools of Samkhya and Vaisheshika, from around the early centuries CE developed theories on light. According to the Samkhya school, light is one of the five fundamental "subtle" elements (tanmatra) out of which emerge the gross elements. The atomicity of these elements is not specifically mentioned and it appears that they were actually taken to be continuous.

Its the idea of the elements that have changed from Euclid's ideas to Hindu schools teachings to how modern science knows the elements. We call them atoms, the basis building blocks of everything, is the modern science that we a learning today. In some places, light could still be considered a element. So you are not wrong, but you are not right either.
(I know I probably shouldn't be quoting Wikipedia)
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Speaking of elements, if Sylveon were to have a new type, this is what it would be:

RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Mora said:
Speaking of elements, if Sylveon were to have a new type, this is what it would be:


There is actually some truth to that, that type could associate with life type or even a cosmic type
Silicon is present in the sun and stars and is a principal component of a class of meteorites known as aerolites. Silicon makes up 25.7% of the earth's crust by weight, and is the second most abundant element, exceeded only by oxygen. It is found largely as silicon oxides such as sand (silica), quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, agate, flint, jasper and opal. Silicon is found also in minerals such as asbestos, feldspar, clay and mica.

Silicon is important in plant and animal life. Diatoms in both fresh and salt water extract silica from the water to use as a component of their cell walls. Silicon is an important ingredient in steel. Silicon carbide is one of the most important abrasives. Workers in environments where silicaceous dust is breathed may develop a serious lung disease known as silicosis.
RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be??

Silicon based life forms that are made of sand and choke on their own solid silicon dioxide respiration. I like it. They could replace ground types, actually making Sylveon a much needed ground type. Then Carbon could be the new grass type, Arsenic could be the new poison type, steel would be renamed Iron, and Oxygen would be the new flying type. Pokemon meets biochemisty.