BW/BW2 What type should the 3rd mascot be?

Metalizard said:
I think you kinda failed too. That is correct in Japan, but in the west there's only Red, Blue & Yellow and everybody considers Yellow as being the 3rd version...
No I did not. Like you said, the majority outside of Japan consider Yellow as being the 3rd verion. This because the majority is not aware of the existence of Pokemon Green (and even though they might know, they still are not able to make the link; Red, Green, Blue and bonus Yellow). So Blue is the third version, but Yellow is considered to be the 3rd version due a lack of knowledge.
anyway, wasnt there a rumor about an ice/drg with three heads and a visible enrgy flow/heart? i kinda like the idea behind it though. if it was drg/grd itd be a little unoriginal though so now im with drg/ice named frostwind of course
That was from an absolutely HORRIBLE site. They've posted some pretty obviously fake (and obviously American/European made) rumors.
OK, now that I think about it, there shouldn't be a 3rd legendary. Why? Because Reshiram and Zekrom represent Yin and Yang. There is no third to Yin and Yang, and the whole "balance" Pokemon someone (can't remember who) suggested wouldn't even make sense. I would like for the third installment to represent either a non-legendary, or any other legendary. Like Pokemon Yellow and Crystal. :)
perhaps a disrupter of peace or a symbol of both together as one instead of seperate (fir/elc?). there can always be a symbol of peace or strife between the two.
i think it will probably be a third that disrupts ying and yang because ying and yang are peaceful so maybe there will be a chaos pokemon
either that or a pokemon that symbolizes the balance as one or dominance over the differences
I'm still hoping for an Ice/Dragon legendary although I think it will probably be Dark/Dragon to symbolize chaos to outbalance yin/yang.
true thatd be cool it would also make sense if the third title was gray. so far we have...
ice/drg named frostwind for balance
grd/drg for dominance over the two
drk/drg for chaos between the two
frostwind said:
true thatd be cool it would also make sense if the third title was gray. so far we have...
ice/drg named frostwind for balance
grd/drg for dominance over the two
drk/drg for chaos between the two

Your right, the third legendary will most likely be gray. Also, the typings were the same I was thinking of.
it might not be gray but thats what we can assume for now. if its gray a drk/drg would be sweet. what if it was able to make all other pokemon use any attack on anyone? thatd really be chaos!

it might not be gray but thats what we can assume for now. if its gray a drk/drg would be sweet. what if it was able to make all other pokemon use any attack on anyone? thatd really be chaos!
Seriously i said Dark/dragon then people were all like well that would rule out Zekrom's performance so i changed it now people are going back to Dark/Dragon.
drk/drg and drg/drk are the same. heres a new idea: an embodiment of the two as a fir/elc with the ability to always do atleast normal damage.
There were 2 trios in D/P/Pt, Dragon Trio (Dialga, Palkia and Giratina) and the Lake Trio (Azelf, Uxie and Mespirit) and the same with Gen 3 with the Weather Trio (Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza) and the Golem Trio (Regirock, Regice, Registeel) so because there have been 2 legendary trios in the past 2 Gens, then there maybe be 2 trios in this one.(Off-topic theory). Back on-topic maybe the Pokemon complementing Zekrom and Reshiram, may be a Pokemon which keeps the balance between ying and yang (or the lightening or darkening of something). So it must be one which fits in with Reshiram and Zekrom's types. :p
ReginaNoctis said:
The third legendary might have something to do with Hong, a Chinese, two-headed rainbow dragon? The article says that "the rainbow is seen as a resplendent symbol of the union of yang and yin", and Rainbow would obviously make a good complementary to Black and White ...

Pretty good idea, makes sense, isn't it like Ho-oh, because that is also a Rainbow Pokemon
ManhattanTheStarr said:
OK, now that I think about it, there shouldn't be a 3rd legendary. Why? Because Reshiram and Zekrom represent Yin and Yang. There is no third to Yin and Yang, and the whole "balance" Pokemon someone (can't remember who) suggested wouldn't even make sense. I would like for the third installment to represent either a non-legendary, or any other legendary. Like Pokemon Yellow and Crystal. :)

i dont see why you think that the balance legendary doesnt make sence, to me, it makes perfect sence. please explain why this doesnt make sence to you
and it was first suggested by Shadow Arceus, btw
as for typing: id like 2c either ice/dragon or dark/dragon
tyrannitard said:
i don't see why you think that the balance legendary doesnt make sence, to me, it makes perfect sence. please explain why this doesnt make sence to you
and it was first suggested by Shadow Arceus, btw
as for typing: id like 2c either ice/dragon or dark/dragon

This. I'm not exactly a fan of dark/dragon because of Zekrom being a "dark" Pokemon despite being electric. It would be odd having two "darker" Pokemon and just one "lighter" Pokemon, you know?

And the balance idea sounds just fine, as does the chaos theory.