DPPt/HGSS What was your First Game?

RE: First Game

Blue Version, then a fake Ruby then a Diamond Version then Platinum then Leaf Green.
RE: First Game

My first was silver. My first pokemon was Totodile. Will always be one of my favorites.
RE: First Game

My first game was pokemon Blue.

My favorite team back then: Dewgong, Blastoise, Vileplume, Arcanine, Pidgeot, Exeggutor
RE: First Game

My first was Red, I think I got it for christmas, and my first pokemon was Charmander and I named it Zippo because my cousin told me it would make it more powerful. Also, my trainer name was AAAAAAAAAAA because I didnt want to read Prof. Oaks speech and so I kept hitting the A button lol
RE: First Game

My first game was Red Version and I still remember as a kid and how I thought the graphics were amazing then :)
RE: First Game

I got Platinum first as my mum and dad said no electronics until I got my iPod touch and then we got a ds. My first pokémon was chimchar and mynsecomd was kricketot. Happy memories on not having to use anyone but monferno when he was a wee lil' monferno. Now I basically beat the game got 492 pokemon apart from mew, beaten the league 187 times and uses my master ball on a chatot.
RE: First Game

My first pokemon game was Pokemon Diamond, i loved it, then i bought Pearl, then platinum, Heartgold, soulsilver, and planning to buy black and white, and for the GBA games, i have ruby, leafgreen, gold, blue. loved them all.
RE: First Game

I got Pokemon Red for christmas of '98. I chose Bulbasaur as my first Pokemon. Then, about 12 hours in my little brother restarted and saved his game with Squirtle. I still feel bad how mad I got at him. :(

I remember playing for so long that even when the game was off I would still hear the music and check my Gameboy to see if I left it on!!! :p
RE: First Game

My first was pokemon blue got it with my GBA, then the GBA crashed last year... I am loving pokemon since 2000.
my first pokemon was charmender, then nicked DESTROYER when it was level 75. childhood..
RE: First Game

My first game was Sapphire. I got it for Christmas with a Game Boy Advance SP. My first Pokemon was Mudkip. Sadly, I lost it and all my games (except Pearl) when my DS case magically disappeared. (This was maybe three years ago)
RE: First Game

My first game was Pearl, and I chose Turtwig.
My first capture ever was a Shinx.(One of my favorite pokemon evah!)

My first shiny using the pokeradar was a shinx as well :p
RE: First Game

The first game I played was Red,but the first game I owned was Sapphire.
so I guess you can say Sapphire was my first game.
RE: First Game

first game was either red and i picked squirtle, or pokemon snap for N64
RE: First Game

My first game was Pokemon Rescue Team Blue. I got it Christmas 06 along with a standard, bulky silver DS. My first pokemon (sort of) was Mudkip, and I'm pretty sure had cyndaquil as a Partner. That game continues to be my favorite, and will probably not be outranked for a long time.

EDIT: Am I the ONLY person here who started with a spin-off game?

Flamefalcon said:
My first game was Pearl, and I chose Turtwig.
My first capture ever was a Shinx.(One of my favorite pokemon evah!)

My first shiny using the pokeradar was a shinx as well :p
My first shiny was a Bidoof xD
RE: First Game

My first game was Red and I picked Squirtle.

Favorite game was definitely Yellow though. I just remember thinking it was so awesome being able to get all three starters in one game.