Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

lol, I would stay at home and play the TCG :F, learn some more about legendary pokemon, find out about mew (not by research, but by getting a mew card :F), go to the island it lives. and then...
"Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it. "
... mew appears, I'd catch it, (lol, mew is so easy to fool, catch some tropius, send it the the countries with hunger (free, they can fly :F) and mew thinks you have a pure hearth), with a mew, I'd walk around, walk around some more, see a wild Rattata, trow a pokeball at it, miss, the Rattata would eat the pokeball, choke, die, my mew would get angry, psychic me, fly away, I'd chase it, find it, hug it, walk some more, see another Rattata, trow a rock at it, the rock catches it, I act suprised, then happy, let my mew transform in any legendary pokemon he wants, and then take over the world :) (lol, didn't see that coming, did you? :p)
tss, why does everybody want to take over the world? all those idiotic temas are trying it already, and they aren't having any succes, so why would you guys have it?
you would stand against the elite four (who is stronger in real life then in the game :p)
you would stand against ash himself, and gary and all the rest...and you'd face..ME: with my 2 gardys, a ghost to haunt you, and some freakin' powerful Pokémon ;)
if you think you can beat my dragonite...and gardy combo, come on and fight :p lol i'm
talking like a real hero here :d:d

the psychotrainer
tss, and i would be there to stop you, as you are a thief...
and i would kick your ass...'cause i would be a mix between gary and ash: my Pokémon are my friends, but i'd train as hard as possible...

the psychotrainer
YEA me and team black ice would take over the world!!
id start off with a shiny sneasel then catch another sneasel[not shiny] then it would evlove into weavile.i would catch an eeve and evolve it into glacia with an ice stone.
then id go to the seafoam islands[on a ferry] id buy a wailmer[most likely they would b selling pokemon on the ship]
then surf for days untill i find articuno then id battle it.
id use weavile shiny sneasel and glacia to beat it up with blizzards.
it would b weak then id use a hole bunch of ultra balls and eventually after i beat it up enough i cought it.
then i would make a team 2 years later called "team black ice"
i would have scientists grunts admins and cold shadow thugs.
i would have my scientists create"frozen shadow ball" which is better than a master ball it can catch 2 pokemon at a time depending on location.
it can even catch other trainers pokemon.
i would eventually go to the battle pyramid and battle the guy and steal his regice with a frozen shadow ball.
then i would just go around eventually i would find suicune because of my ice detetors my scientits made me 1/2 year later.
i would just throw a frozen shadow ball at it[its used to not bieng captured and thought it didnt ned to move as it has gooten out of pokeballs before]
so id have my team and eventually id beat the elite 4 from all regions
id beat "phsyco_trainer"
id beat ash
id beat professor oak,birch and elm
id beat all of the frontier brains
then i would share my riches with team rocket as we have an alliance with them
i wil even give them part of the world to own
then lugia and ho oh would come and try to beat me but id tell them to back off but they wouldnt so i just captured both of them at the same time with the frozen shadow ball.

then eventually i would die and team black ice would loose control and the balance of the world would b restored.
rayquaza and all of the other legendairies would be fully healed from the battle they lost agsinst me.
all of the pokemon team black ice owned[including mine] would b rel;eased into theyre natural habitat.
then everything would b back to narmal


thats whut would happen if pokemon was real...
Well.....quite a life story ya got there......pfftt ya didn't beat Chuck Norris so that rewrites your whole history right there.:)*Chuck Norris use hyper beam*
tss, beat me,
i want to see oy try...
have you read nothing of what i said regarding my gardys?
and there is 1 Pokémon in my team that kills your sneazels etc right off, look @ typhlosion, i think it pwns your sneazel (earthquake) your glalie: (fire blast) and everything else you got, that isn't ice would be pwnd by gardy or dragonite...

and: how many years would hat take to complete? in all that time, i would have a psycho ranche by then, and have about 50 psychopkmn under my wing, all obeying me...and if i say attack, the combined force is one nobody can resist (except maybe mewtwo...)

those frozen balls can 'cause a prob... i concur...
damn, have to find something that destroys hose things * goes into state deep thinking*...

the psychotrainer

ps: if you want to use my name in a post, type it right for godsake...you can copy paste it if you cannot type it...
yea right like youll ever beat team black ice...
woody your rong ill use pamela anderson hyper beam!!
she whoops chuck norris!!
your gardy will do nothing to my army of pokemon.
plus ill just catch them and make them make fun of you.
also just to let u know sneasel is a minor pokemon plus hell beat u up with 'beat up"
trust me if pokemon were real that would happen..
dunno, you keep forgetting about my psycho-Pokémon ranche do you?
i'll teach them a special move to use against your "balls" whixh makes them go back to your own Pokémon...
sneazel=dark type?
i'll just use hitmonchan, he beats the crap out of sneazel...or maybe some flying Pokémon...sneazel can't fly :d:d:p
and because i'm fighting for the good guys, ho-oh and lugia will come to help: *ho-oh uses fire blast from the sky on you* and *lugia uses aeroblast from the sky==> critical hit: you =dead*
never underestimate the power of good ;)
owyeah: my gardy's would be at lvl 100 (the max lvl, don't calculate the lvl missingo can have in red and blue) with tremendous psychopowers who can destroy all your "balls"...
and you haven't answered my question yet: how long would it take to set up and execute the plan? by ten: i have given everybody a psycho-Pokémon to keep them safe if they run into someone of your team :d:d
*laughs so loudly that everything around me goes quite all of a sudden*

still think you can beat me?
then how about some hypnotizing from my gardy's? a double portion of hypnosis is unresistable for humans;, as we have seen before...

or i'll just set jiggly on the loose to sing for you...:p

the psychotrainer
dude 1ce agsain it is impossible to stop those balls.
apparently u didnt read the story as i said lugoa and ho-oh would come to help but i cought them both.
plus articuno+regice+suicune=dead phsycic pokemon
theres no way to stop the balls..
its impossible.
dont say nothing is impossible as there r alot of things that r impossible..
your phsycic pokemmon cannot stop an aqrmy sry its just imposible.
who cares if they r phsycic?
and whut happened to you phsycic army?
y would u have typhlosion and hitmonchan?
plus id just catch thm with tghe ballls so it wouldnt matter..
u strill gota watch out for regice articuno suicune glacia weavile and thjat other pokemon in my trainer card from D/P.
srry your ranch wont stop an army.
if you have seen lucario and the mystery of mew the army is twice the size of both of those armies put together.

id have caught lucario,as he would have been my biggest threat.
not your phycic pokemon,lucario.
but id catch him anyways..
None of you would stand a chance against my team - none of you. Not even delta gym leader, or psycho_trainer
trust me i would.
mayb not phsyco trainer but i would.
i would have all of the legendaries plus my assasin sneasel and weavile.
plus sum asasin scyther and scizor.
and my BIG army.
alright that's enough of the crap
psychopkmn are the most powerful of all Pokémon, why?
if they go into rage, they are unstoppable (haven't you seen the episode in which kadabra controls everything that is being thrown to him? ash vs sabrina gym leader, and he wasn't even angry then...)
plus: i'd have mewtwo by my side, and he has those balls too, so i'd just catch back everything you steal, and steal your ho-oh, lugia, lucario and everything that comes with it...
and why do you think that 3 stupid ice Pokémon could destroy my psychic army? i'd send the blizzards back at them, but twice as heavy...

alright, so what if sneazel is your weakest Pokémon? even if it would have been the strongest, i'd finish it with ease...

owyeah;: having mewtwo by my side= having all the cloned Pokémon by my side...having 1 celebi by my side= all celebi by my side...having celebi by me=having suicune by me...
having celebi= having jirachi (they are close friends ;) )
i also would have mew, 'cause he is mewtwo's predecessor...
having mew= having all normal Pokémon by my side (mew would control the mind and heart of all Pokémon....)

you still think you control them?
think again...
psychic Pokémon would rule the world,
becom too cocky and become corrupted
they'd destroy themselves, after destroying you ofcourse

and the world would come to be as it was, without the psycho Pokémon that is...if it wouldn't be for me to control them...

so try and beat my team, i'm sure you would die...'cause i would have psychic power too, and control your mind, this way, i'd make you throw balls at your own Pokémon, and i'd command you to give them to me XD
and would you be able to stop my mind controlling, one of my gardy's would do the trick ;)

the psychotrainer

ps: you wouldn't have all the legendaries, 'cause if you catch one, the others go to the trainer fighting against you
mew and mewtwo read minds, so they know first what is going on...
then celebi and jirachi owuld come to me, being summoned by mew a,d mewtwo...
suicune would choose my side, 'cause sui and celebi are a team...
suicune entei and raikou are a team too...
having entei= having all unowns, having the unowns: creating a world without team black ice...
and as you know, through the power of the unowns, entei is unstoppable as long as i want it to be...
having the three dogs= having ho-oh...
having ho-oh= getting the help of some other legendary Pokémon: lugia: it's counterpart in the sky...
having lugia by my side: having the three legendary birds with me...being the good guy here automatically attracts latiAs...and with her comes latiOs XD
i would get the two orbs of mount pyre, and control groudon and kyogre...
so what are you left with? lucario :d:d
and as soon as i have seen that movie, i will have found something to persuade him too...
should i have forgotten some legendaries, just name em: i'll bring them to my party too...

you have to admit: this was one heck of a reasoning :d:d
ok, mewtwo's in your team...but may i suggest we suspend our battle until we kick black ice team's ass?
after that, we can continue our discussion...
'cause if they win (he wins, whatever)
we loose all our Pokémon...
so i would have mew, which cancels your mewtwo...
and articuno would pwn celeci, yes, but zapdos would pnw articuno, and entei will help if necessary...that's two times your weakness (articuno being flying/ice==> weakness = lightning/fire :d:d)

but first, we team up to kick team black ice, ok?

the psychotrainer
it probably wouldn't...
but where have you stated that you'd have mewtwo?
i've checked the whole freakin' thread, but there's nowhere a sign of your team...
and by the way: you seem to have forgotten that i have lugia: ruler of the see, and king of the legendary birds? your articuno wouldn't dare to attack any Pokémon of me :p XD

little question: in the post where i somehow managed to get all Pokémon on my side (through some marvelous deduction work) was that pure geneous, or not?
it was at least a marvelous thing to read :p

the psychotrainer

ps:THE END OF TEAM BLACK ICE: everybody is against team black ice...and i summon everybody that has a well-trained psychopkmn to step forward...
all together we launch the psychic-attack, which makes the whole area begin to float, through their power alone...
the air around us turns light-blue coloured, and we are having difficulty standing up 'cause of the overwhelming combined power...and then, team black ice would come marching towards us...and the delta gym leader looks surprised to see what's going on...
me and the delta gym leader lock eyes for an instance...and after a few seconds having passed i shout: ATTAAAAAACK!!!! and instantaneously all the psychopkmn fire their attack towards team black ice resulting in a blast, never seen before in the history of Pokémon...
when the smoke starts to clear, we see the delta gym leader standing...the rest of his team...destroyed...
but there is something weird with him...as if he doesn't realise what just happened to his team...
he then starts to laugh like a maniac, telling us he has something up his sleeve...
we all wonder what it could be, and why he survived the blast we fired...
then he starts to transform...getting bigger and stronger...
we are all astounded by what is happening before our very eyes...but we all know it is true...
he has injected himself with the cells, of with mewtwo was created...
he tranformed into a semipkmn-semihuman form...
but it seems something is went wrong...he starts twisting and turning, making turns unable for a human to make...
and then he explodes... with a blast that was heard 500 miles further...covering the whole area with blood...
this marks the end of the delta gym leader, and of team black ice...

the soil, covered in blood after that explosion, would stay a barren wasteland, for thousands and thousands of years to come....it was poison to the ground...
we all understood that Pokémon and human DNA could never be mixed, for this gives results we cannot even begin to comprehend...
this event became story, the story became legend, legend became myth...and after this, everybody forgot what had exactly happened
but they all knew something happened in those years, because of the area, where even 2 millenia after the fight, nothing grows...

okay, i see nobody posted here anymore since i've done my story...
don't be discouraged by the "the end" at the end of my reply...that was merely a closure for the story, contiue telling us what you would do, and who you'd be if Pokémon were real...

the psychotrainer