Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

Light Venusaur said:
I'd be like Ash!
Try to get all 500 pokemon!
Also train them up to level 100!
Except with Ash it's more like:
-Catch a few Pokémon.
-Give some away.
-Fail in comparison to your rival.
-Not bother with catching legendaries.
RE:   what would happen if pokemon were real?

RetroJape said:
Light Venusaur said:
I'd be like Ash!
Try to get all 500 pokemon!
Also train them up to level 100!
Except with Ash it's more like:
-Catch a few Pokémon.
-Give some away.
-Fail in comparison to your rival.
-Not bother with catching legendaries.
But ... yeah ... it's true!!!

I would just catch: Deoxys, Gengar and few more!!!

Hmmm... my favourite real pokemon is my artwork of Real Lugia
RE:    what would happen if pokemon were real?

RetroJape said:
Light Venusaur said:
I'd be like Ash!
Try to get all 500 pokemon!
Also train them up to level 100!
Except with Ash it's more like:
-Catch a few Pokémon.
-Give some away.
-Fail in comparison to your rival.
-Not bother with catching legendaries.
You forgot never evolve any good Pokemon. =O.

Arcanine out.
If pokemon were real it would be disastrous because scientists were freak out...why? Because Pikachu is an electric mouse, and mice are mammals, and mammals don't lay eggs.

But anyway I would choose Raichu so I can electrify others.:)
If pokemon were real,we won't need cards to play.Also,if they are real,Iwould have a Swampert right now,keeping me cold.
If pokemon were real,I would have plenty of ghost Pokemon right now.Iam training them to lv.100


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Arcanine 274 said:
RetroJape said:
Light Venusaur said:
I'd be like Ash!
Try to get all 500 pokemon!
Also train them up to level 100!
Except with Ash it's more like:
-Catch a few Pokémon.
-Give some away.
-Fail in comparison to your rival.
-Not bother with catching legendaries.
You forgot never evolve any good Pokemon. =O.

Arcanine out.
That's because he gives em' away before he has the chance to evolve them. :0
I would be the Gym Leader[the type pokemon of me is secret ^^]and i will protect environment and nature . I will stop bad guy[like Rocket,Magma , Aqua ].

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
If Pokémon were real, the world would end as we know it.

Tyranitar levels mountains. Charizard burns small villages to the ground, not to mention burn people to death. Tons of Electrode demolish cities using Explosion. Powerful Water-types are capable of flooding what's left, drowning plant life.

And that's just normal Pokémon. You wanna talk legendary... total annihilation.
But I agree with Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson[very long name TT]. Ha Ha Ha Ha
Does anyone wonder why the 'real' pokemon world is still intact? I mean, when you see Pokemon battle, there are huge explosions where thier attacks collide and boulders get smashed into pieces. So with all those wild Pokemon running around, it would constantly be like living through the Blitz :p

Personally, i think it would be quite cool "News Flash- school children eaten by rampent Feraligatr" (Grins evily from dark corner, hidding empty Pokeball). But i guess we would all miss Hamburgers.
Let me set this strait for all those people who say Pokemon will destroy us all. Ever in Anime has any person caught a Legendary, like actually had then, in a PokeBall. NO. So what makes you think that we humans could capture them? Also I hear a lot of "...with the advanced technology." The tech stuff will be so advanced that it would be almost like babies to us.

And if Pokemon where real, I would have a Swablu, Aipom, and Duskull just starting my Pokemon Journey as a Breeder or Master.
It would be great. I could finally be out of school and have my faverite team and my shinys+ they would be everything on the show but real, well almost everything anyways.
If i pokemon were true i'll get dragon pokemons like Salamence and Gyarados hahahahah no more bullying!! im the bully now ahahahah
ok, so wh
okay, so what if Pokémon where true?
i'd be on my way now for 7 years, making me an expert on Pokémon stuff

second: my starter would have been a ralts...why? because i love gardevoirs

third: my Pokémon team would be: gardevoir (duh), deoxys (if it would be possible to get, otherwise: misdreavus(i just love his nature :d)), dragonite (the resemblance of my character), i would try to get another ralts==> gardevoir(opposite gender of my starter:==> startup for psycho-ranche:p and for team battles: if one gets hurt, the other one would go into a rage, unleashing all of it's power out of love for the other one :p always giving me the win ;) ), typhlosion (to keep me warm at night) and an altaria( i like it very much, 'cause it's a ver beautiful dragon Pokémon)

the psychotrainer
and it seems the doomthinkers amongst you guys keep forgetting Pokémon are friendly of nature, and have always lived together with humans...and there is a mutual respect between them...we don't destroy their homes, and they don't destroy ours...

so al the people here who say tyranitar, charizard etc would be like the apocalyps or something, is sadly mistaken....

the psychotrainer