BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

Bug type legend
Plot to center around defeating the elite four more than anything else
difficulty levels (DDgyara lv 45 ripped through the elite four, embarrasing)
better AI
Rotom479 said:
-Auto freeze move. Seriously.
-Join the bad guys

I want to keep:
-No light type.
-Pixely-cries (Does a dog say "dog"? Didn't think so.)
-Pokémon walking with you (optional feature?)

And some stuff I can't think of because I'm tired.

Well obviously teh voices wouldnt all be that way.

Pokemon like Salamence or Raikou would keep their "roar" like sound, but other pokemon like Pikachu should sound like it does on the show!
I think that the thing I would like to see most in the new generation is the ability to travel between all of the regions so far. I loved that in generation II and their remakes that you were able to travel back and forth to Jhoto and Kanto, and I want to see some more of that. Anyone agree? :)
We definetly need at least 2 more types of pokemon, perhaps light and cosmic. Existing pokemon could already fit into this category. Cosmic could have the cleffa family, deoxys, cresselia etc... And pokemon like chansey coulb now be of the light type. A scenario I personally would like to see in the story, would involve a giant metoer crashing on earth, and on it, lives a whole line of different cosmic type pokemon :). I would also like to see a lot more variants in the wild pokemon you can catch. You should be able to find powerful, evolved pokemon like charizard and dragonite in the wild but they could make the chances of finding one 1/200 for example. That would make me less inclined to use a ton of repels. A lot more ghost, fire, steel and dark pokemon would be cool too. And also make the legendaries actually obtainable, none of this downloadable from events that we can't all go to rubbish. I would also like to see evo's of dunsparce, pinsir, banette, primeape, golduck, and pretty much all of the crappy 2nd generation that hasn't got an evo yet :)
The Doctor said:
I think that the thing I would like to see most in the new generation is the ability to travel between all of the regions so far.
That would be cool, but I don't think that would happen because there might be changes the creators of the games would want to make to the previous regions, and it might take a while to actually make the changes as well as create the new region.
Cronus-TimeWave said:
You think so? Maybe one, heck maybe even two, but 5 regions seems to be pushing the limits. I would like the ability to fight all the main trainers from past games, IE Red, Gold, Brendon, Lucas, etc.

shadoworganoid said:
- A light type. (a counter part to dark types.)
- More eeveelutions
- Absol evolution
- Rapidash evolution
- A split branch evo for Porygon 2
- Coin flip based dodge command.
- The voices should sound like they do on the show.
- Mini story events for each legendary.
- Water/Fire type
- Pal Park
- All regions
- Pokemon walks behind you feature.
- a non legendary dragon/steel type
- baby forms of legendaries

A really cool idea that came to mind is somthing from Fable.
You can choose to join the "villan" side. (team rocket, team galactic ect)
Then the story line would just ajust acordingly.
I like this list, minus the entire regions thing. I deserve more ghost and dark types. Hopefully they will reveal what the "???" type is.
actually HGSS only used 1 fifth of what the Ds card can hold - a knato plot

Just thgought of a matter cosmic or space tpe along with light type. sounds like a cool idea
Finch182 said:
I would also like to see a lot more variants in the wild pokemon you can catch. You should be able to find powerful, evolved pokemon like charizard and dragonite in the wild but they could make the chances of finding one 1/200 for example. That would make me less inclined to use a ton of repels.

I actually really like this idea. I mean, I've always wanted to see a wild Tyranitar around Mt. Silver or something.

In fact, I don't think 100% of Pokemon should fit into a certain level range. I mean, there's always going to be some that are weaker or stronger than average. It'd be interesting, at least.
Finch182 said:
We definetly need at least 2 more types of pokemon, perhaps light and cosmic. . A scenario I personally would like to see in the story, would involve a giant metoer crashing on earth, and on it, lives a whole line of different cosmic type pokemon :). I would also like to see a lot more variants in the wild pokemon you can catch. You should be able to find powerful, evolved pokemon like charizard and dragonite in the wild but they could make the chances of finding one 1/200 for example. That would make me less inclined to use a ton of repels. . And also make the legendaries actually obtainable, none of this downloadable from events that we can't all go to rubbish.
The new types sound absolutely great, a scenario like that would make the games better and i have also thought of special pokemon evolved ones that are difficult to find maybe not so as little chances of appering but like only during a special time, day or special areas that would be great maybe a shiny charizard like in some artworks of Gold and silver or any pokemon we consider special
~Pre-Evo's for: Kangaskhan and Absol
~Evolutions/More Evolutions for: Mawile, Kecleon, Banette, Sableye, Dunsparce, Shuckle, Jynx, and Scyther
~at least 150 new Pokemon, i want there to be at least 575 pokemon by the end of the generation!
~way longer quest!
~16 gyms instead of the regular 8.
~Elite Four will consist of: Grass, Dark, Normal, and Steel
~More Grass types! ( BTW, i'm a grass trainer in the game :D )
~8 Gym type gyms to Be (in order)- Electric, Dark, Steel, Fighting, Grass, Fire, Water, and Psychic
~Two new types: Light and a pure Flying type :)
~another quest after the national dex!
~Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellossom, Pikachu, Raichu, and more (at least 15 from each generation before to appear in the wild!) - most definitely
and lastly....
PokemonFreak44 said:
~Pre-Evo's for: Kangaskhan and Absol
~Evolutions/More Evolutions for: Mawile, Kecleon, Banette, Sableye, Dunsparce, Shuckle, Jynx, and Scyther
Uhhhh... Ever heard of Scizor? XD

As far as Kangaskhan says, I will repeat, AGAIN. It has been said OFFICIALLY that the baby will NEVER be a standalone pokemon. I can't dig up the reference ATM, but in a Q & A session the question came up and was definitively answered NO.

Anyway, as to what I want:
Not 4-directional lock movement. I want to go diagonally!
At least slight customization on the trainers. Even if it's as simple as hair color and outfit color.
Ability to choose your pokemon at the start of each battle, instead of the first one coming out automatically.
vs seeker.
option to turn off pokemon following you (but still keep it)
real pokemon sounds (liek anime)
- Not more Eeveelutions
- A new HM
- Alot of new attacks
- Player can take quests by people (not scenario)

Thats what I personally want.:)
Pokemon cries actually sound like the pokemon
New Battle Frontier and Frontier Brains
Better Gym puzzles
Longer storyline

Everything else is pretty much a given.
no battle frontier.
no time based events or items or pokemon etc.
maybe HMs dont take up a move slot? (except surf cuz its a beast move)
I like the player taking optional quests idea
maybe an extra 8 gyms optional at the end of game?
-a new regigigas form
-longer adventure
-better basic pokemon
-a split evo. for seadra
-a tangroth evo.
-light type
-neo team rocket be the bad guys
-alot more ledgendarys
-no fleeing pokemon like mespirt