BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

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RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Playerking95 said:
Share your ideas then spook i think a dark gym could be that castle in near the north though, now.
that's the pokemon league.(to the right of the very north)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I have a feeling (which is just a feeling) that Hiun city gym might be either Steel or Water types.

Steel because of the technology of the city and Water because of the large port. Who knows maybe it will be a mix of both. (Maybe gym leaders will have more than one type in this gen...would make it interesting)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Okay I made a list (below) of how many times each type was used in a gym.

Grass- 2 (erika, gardenia)
Fire- 2 (blaine, flannery)
Water- 3 (misty, wallace/juan, crasher wake)
Electric-3 (lt. surge, watson, volkner)
Bug- 1 (bugsy)
Fighting- 3 (chuck, brawly, maylene)
Ice- 2 (pryce, candice)
Dark- 0 : (
Steel- 2 (jasmine, byron)
Rock- 3 (brock, roxanne, roark)
Ground- 1 (giovanni/blue)
Psychic- 2 (sabrina, liza & tate)
Poison- 1 (koga/janine)
Ghost- 2 (morty, fantina)
Flying- 1 (falkner)
Normal- 2 (whitney, norman)
Dragon- 1 (clair)
Various - 1 (their really a ground type gym, but they also have mixed pokes, giovanni/blue)

so my guesses are (no order) that this generation will have.

1. Bug
2. Grass
3. Dark
4. Ground
5. Dragon
6. Poison
7. Ice
8. Flying
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

ramsey1993 said:

The thread title is "Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?" so judging by the title of the thread, I'm sure it was just a theory.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

My guess:

Black: Gym 1- Dent (Dento)- Grass?
Red: Gym 2- Aloe (Aroe)- Normal or Fire?
Orange: Bym 3- ? - Dragon or Steel?
Yellow: Gym 4- ? - Thunder?
L. Green: Gym 5 - ? - Bug?
D. Green: Gym 6 - ? - Most likely Ice.
Blue: Gym 7- ? - Poison
Purple= Gym 8- N/Team Plasma leader (If it is their hideout)- Dark
Silver: POKEMON LEAGUE!!!!!!


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RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^ dont start the N is the leader of TP! hasnt it been confirmed wrong? and if N is the leader and the 8th gym leader too, then thats a total ripoff of giovanni!
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Playerking95 said:

I think there will be a Gym in hiun because in the bottom of the photo it shows a building with the supposed gym logo where do you thing they will be and what gym types will they be?

Don't know if anyone said this already b/c I read the 1st pg, then made a reply, here it goes. 8 is definitly the pokemon leauge b/c if you look to the bottom left of the mountain with holes in them than you see the entrance to vitory road. 6 is that cave gym to the left of the windmills, (the picture in shimama-mans post) because you can clearly see the crystals on the poles, and 5 is most likely the air port. aloe (or aroe) is probabaly a grass type (because shes a cook and deals with veggies and her hair looks like a bush) and dento is probabaly a water type ( ihave no idea why i think he is). I could be wrong because on another website I saw that shippou city ( the city where aloe or aroe is) is based on minerals so aloe could be a rock type gym leader, and thats all

RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

i think theres going to be one in a cave in/on mountains on islands
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

ya itd be cool to have special places pertaining to their type specialty.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

@Pokemonfreak444: Wasn't Winona also a flying-type gym ;) So that means there's two. I still hope a flying gym is featured, however.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

me too. but not a bird gym. thats to obvious and unoriginal.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I think Dento is normal and Aloe is grass/fire.
Also, it's been confirmed that the puzzles in the first 2 gyms is answering questions, I hope that there are actual gym puzzles later on.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?


Put the images in your signature. Not your posts.

dmaster out.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

i want dento to be nrm anf aloe as grass. i want the gyms to have startegy. right now the puzzles are just jokes. legend of zelda difficulty (atleast for ds) please. if its a gym and gyms are like bosses i want a challenge with more then 3 pokemon with about 10 levels more then all other trainers.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I think that, there must a few other things, as the clouds are obscuring a few things, so there might be other gyms, if you look right in the top right hand corner you see a building obscured by clouds, this could possibly be a water type gym or a dragon type gym (like a medieval theme, because the building looks like a castle) and maybe the old abandoned factory, isn't old and abandoned, and is a ghost or dark type gym
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^or a steel gym. or just a random building like the ironworks(what i think it is)
i think all gyms are in cities still
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

tyrannitard said:
^or a steel gym. or just a random building like the ironworks(what i think it is)
i think all gyms are in cities still
Yes, but the clouds might be obscuring the city, and the building might be on the far side of the city.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

id like a huge forest. with the honey bug gym on oneside and grass gym on the other. also a forest later in game dark spooky woods perhaps.
what if there were like 10 gyms and you could just go to any 10? doubt it put just putting it out there.
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