BW/BW2 Why do people hate the 5th Gen so much?

Wich Gen had the best Pokemon?

  • Gen 1

    Votes: 26 13.6%
  • Gen 2

    Votes: 39 20.4%
  • Gen 3

    Votes: 47 24.6%
  • Gen 4

    Votes: 28 14.7%
  • Gen 5 (By Pokemon revealed so far)

    Votes: 51 26.7%

  • Total voters
@paddy185: I think the reason for why that happened was because the 1st gym in Hoenn and Sinnoh are Rock types. In Hoenn, they gave Torchic a Fighting type when it evolves so it can defeat the Rock gym. Since Sinnoh's 1st gym is also Rock-type, they did the same to Chimchar... Blame the gym choice, not the pokémon type... But, in competitive play, Infernape is better than Blaziken... and that's why I really like it now despite not liking Chimchar's line in the beginning of Gen 4...

@raszero: good to hear that someone enjoyed gen 4...
I used to hate the Gen 5 designs. I proclaimed I wasn't buying them once they revealed Desukaan and co. But the designs are growing on me, and I'm falling in love with them. Now I've got a copy of both versions on pre-order, and I'm getting them in about 2 weeks.

INB4 Bippa and *insert Gen 5 Pokemon here* sitting in a tree, blah blah you know the rest.
Actually it was very possible to have a Pokemon that could cover that type before the 1st Gym (see: Shroomish, Lotad, Budew, Machop).

I didn't see Chikorita get that treatment in G/S/C.

EDIT: Charmander didn't get that treatment either, back in R/B/Y.
@Bippa201: I totally agree that all the new pokemon will eventually grow on us. They all have for me! (exept Goth Woman) They might not all be my new favorite pokemon, but I think the creators have finally came up with a bunch of great ideas for animals that needed to be in the pokemon universe:
-A zebra
-A dear
-An otter
-A chinchilla
-A pigeon
-A crocoldile
-A swan
-A mole(that isn't a diglett)
-And a flying squirrel
I dont see the hate for crookodune. Also blaziken is better in terms of design and if it had close combat it would pone the lousy ape on fire. I think people are afraid of not being able to get a lot of pokemon early. Hoenn rocks at this. Hopefully we will see a lot of variety early like when we could get ralts,anda hm slave before the first gym.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

:p *cough*Lugiacanbeathoohsass*cough*
on topic: top 5 regions
2nd(Lugia is mah fav. Pokémon)
3rd(SWAMPERT!!! <33)
5th(omg Wargle. Fav. animal is Eagle!!)
4th(badass generation >:3)
1st(hate all of them. Articuno, Charizard, and Mew an exception)
I used to hate the Gen 5 designs. I proclaimed I wasn't buying them once they revealed Desukaan and co. But the designs are growing on me, and I'm falling in love with them. Now I've got a copy of both versions on pre-order, and I'm getting them in about 2 weeks.

INB4 Bippa and *insert Gen 5 Pokemon here* sitting in a tree, blah blah you know the rest.

I'm dying with envy right now. I have to wait until next year until the English release. :( I'm praying for a freak accident that leaves me fluent in Japanese. *sigh*

on-topic: About people hating the Gen 5 version, I think that's only the initial reaction, since they're comparing the game they haven't played yet to the past versions that they've probably played the heck out of. I used to hate Pokabu, but if the starter evos leak prove to be true, I'm picking him first chance I get.
If the starter leaks are tru, im going to personally go out and destroy each and everyone of the final evos. They look so fake anyway, i had really high hopes for them. So now thats the one thing i hate. Where my boaruption, basilsk and samurtide?
Pretty much. Also i will hate pokabu even more (if its possible) if he is part fighting at some point. I used to love piglit and now hes gonna be some porkchop. Same for wotter, used to think its ok, then it grew on me, now i refuse to help it rule the world. Smugleaf looks so dumb and it isnt even based off the same animal(a snake with arms and legs thats similar to tree geckos).
Other then that, I love all the pokemon, im going to use wargle, onoukouso(axel), the mole, and eitherof the nonevolved starters.
Generation III
Generation I & II
Generation V (not because its bad the ones above are seemingly better)
Generation IV

Sinnohs pokemon sucked too many ultra powerful legendaries and a god of pokemon unfortunatley god of pokemon ruins it what happened from that person who says "They're is not a most powerful pokemon." if you ask me its apualling how fate of everything is one a few pokemon that suck at design. Some of generation IV was OK. Generation V looks good but maybe a bit rushed? Kanto and Jhoto are great because they had orignal layouts and always never seemed to fail to amuse me. Hoenn was like kanto and jhoto but with more onto it.
paddy185 said:
Actually it was very possible to have a Pokemon that could cover that type before the 1st Gym (see: Shroomish, Lotad, Budew, Machop).

I didn't see Chikorita get that treatment in G/S/C.

EDIT: Charmander didn't get that treatment either, back in R/B/Y.

That's why they corrected it with the Hoenn and Sinnoh starters. Also, Charmander learns Metal Claw by level up in FRLG, just in case you don't want to catch other pokémon to defeat the Rock gym (which happens to be the same case for your 1st sentence. They probably want us to be able to defeat the gym with our starter, no matter what type it is. Chikorita is an exception, I guess. Of course, in Platinum, I evolved Chimchar to Monferno to defeat Roark but still caught a Psyduck anyway to help in the battle).

@RayWJ: Well, you must be a noob then cuz everyone who had grown up with Pokémon gotta love Gen 1 even if their desings aren't the best (which is true for some of them, but still...). They're the original ones.:cool:
If you didnt start with gen 1 you probably wont love it the most. Started with gen 3 but i played the originals. I like gen 3s pokemon more so i like it more. Dont call people noobs if they dont agree with you. I dont go calling nearly everyone a noob so why should you?
@frostwind: Well, the 1st Pokémon game I ever played was Sapphire but I know Pokémon since its beginning... and just because some people didn't start with gen 1 doesn't mean that gen 1 pokémon are the worst... Personally, my favorite gen is the 4th but Gen 1 Pokémon don't have as much bad desings as people say... Like I said, they're the original ones!
So what? Just because they are originals doesnt mean people have to or will like them more. I love dragons and ghosts, so i love gen3s amount of dragons. I also love reshiram and zekrom but not gen4 because i didnt like the designs as much. gen. one introduced me to my dragonite and eevee. Gen 2 had umbreon and espeon, kingdra and scizor. Gen 4 only had leafeon, glaceon, garchomp, and staraptor