BW/BW2 Why do people hate the 5th Gen so much?

Wich Gen had the best Pokemon?

  • Gen 1

    Votes: 26 13.6%
  • Gen 2

    Votes: 39 20.4%
  • Gen 3

    Votes: 47 24.6%
  • Gen 4

    Votes: 28 14.7%
  • Gen 5 (By Pokemon revealed so far)

    Votes: 51 26.7%

  • Total voters
Woooow... people went from saying generation 3 was the worst... and now it's voted second in the list. T_T
ANYWAYS, I say Gen 3 was the best as well, mostly because of Medicham. :B But there were lots of interesting (and cute) Pokemon shown in that generation. :3 Liiiiike... Gulpin, and Aggron... Many others, really. Generation 5 looks like it'll be good as well. But if all these Pokemon Pokexperto is showing turn out to be true, then I think (Pokemon wise), Generation 5 will be even worse than Generation 4. And gen 4 was pretty bad. ._.

And for those who don't know about these "new Pokemon", check out Pokexperto's Twitter, or Poke Jungle. They're HORRIBLE. T_T
Yes they are. I really hate tons of their hopefully fake pokemon.

Yes they are. I really hate tons of their hopefully fake pokemon.
@frostwind: most legendaries aren't very important story-wise anyway... But I agree that some pokémon could have had other types... I think they should re-type some pokémon (ex: Charizard - Fire/Dragon ftw! Stealth rock just ruins Charizard... :()

EDIT: I just saw some of the pokes shown on pokexperto... I don't know how can anyone believe those are real... They scream FAKE so much... But if, for some stupid retarted reason, they turn out to be true, I'll renegade Gen V until the end of days...
Finally someone gets this. They look so sad imo and i know a lot of people would be dissapointed with the designs then. They make munna look legendary.
I just wish they had legends that were more in tune with the story like hgss. R/s was getting there, especially in the manga, where they included the regis into the plot. I think people are just doubtful of a perfect game. Also there is still a lot of unknown to the extra features like the dream world.
Opposite of what you said. I really want a frog, but not water/ground. Rather have something really weird like....Rana. Its spanish for frog and is the electricty in living things. The monkey is fake and ok, but i like the idea of it.
@Metalizard (why can't we quote posts anymore?) I have no problem with pure types, most of the time I prefer a pure type instead of having it be paired with something that just makes it worse or is useless (like Bug/Grass, Rock/Ground, Bug/Flying, Ice/Grass, Poison/Anything except dark or steel)

I just want them to do every type combo possible, THEN I won't complain even when they re-use them. Mainly Dark/Fighting and Bug/Dragon, and really creative stuff stuff like Grass/Fire and Ice/Fire.

And as far as the Pokexperto "leaks", I am not inclined to believe them, they sounds absolutely ridiculous and randomly fabricated, and most importantly he is providing NO pics, aside of crappy fanart, and one measly screenshot that is most likely fake. If they are real though, I'm going to be extremely angry and disgusted. Though, it still dosen't seem as bad as Gen 4, since there's already enough confirmed Pokemon I like for me to build a team before the Elite 4, so I will still buy the games.
isn't it obvious? some people likes to stay with the old and never get new ... more like scared to see the new
@Tarazuma: eh, for them to do every possible type combo, they have to combine every type even if the combo sucks like Bug/Grass, for example... anyway, I'd find interesting to see a double Fire/Water type, although that probably won't happen anytime soon.

btw, I've been counting (now I don't remember exactly but I have an ideia of the numbers) and in gen 2 they introduced 18 (or 19) new type-combos at the time; in gen 3 there were 16 new type-combos at the time and in gen 4 they introduced 13(?) new type-combos... logically, with every new gen, there will be less new type-combos...
@Metalizard well they are quickly running out of type usages.The ones they can use.Unless they add a whole different type or two they will run out quickly but there are still about 20+ that they could utilize.
There are still a lot of good ones. Fire/electric, fire/water, ghost/most types. The only really bad ones are normal and another type. It would be ok if it was like tauros or ambipom becoming nrm/fgt. There are plenty of legends on ghosts, so why not a jackolantern or a willothewisp? Dark types could just be added to a now meaner evolution or something like that.
Even Gen V is kinda failing at giving new type-combos. I know there are Victini, Zekrom, Reshiram and Meguroko but Gochiruzeru should have been Psychic/Dark and it's just Psychic (boring), and Wargle could have been the 1st Fight/Flying, but no, it's just the usual Normal/Flying...
^That could have been Zekrom, but they decided to give it an Electric type when that beast looks totally demonic IMO -.-'
i really hate that people are saying that pokexperto's starter evolutions are real. thay dont come close to ks art, and the rest of his supposed new pokemon are so incredibaly fake and rediculous that nobody would ever believe them, so i wonder how they can believe those equally bad starter evos
Someone even posted a thread or post about it being real with a "Sugimori interview".
What typlosionftw said. They are so fake and i hate them. I dont see a reason to trust pokexperto, just reasons to believe its a site filled with fakes.
I think they are pretty creative with those new Pokemon, Ill just hope they'll make a few more cat Pokemons. :3