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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H DGX, ERL Blaziken FB X W Luxray X and will trade HUGE for one!!

1x Promocroak (non-WC)
1x Gengar X
1x Blaziken FB X
1-1x ERL
2x Nidoqueen

for my:
Luxray X (non-WC)
yes? :D
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H DGX, ERL Blaziken FB X W Luxray X and will trade HUGE for one!!

Yes. I will send my address asap
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL and Blaziken X and Arceus'

Bump #1 with list, and want updates!!!!
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

CML for the following

2x Machamp SF
4x Call Energy
3x Rescue Energy
1x Power spray
1x Expert Belt (RH)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

I like from your list, 2x Smeargel UD (1x RH), Do you have any sableye SF?? I also like your 1x Blaziken FB X, 1x Luxray GL (non X), 1x Uxie LA (LP), to upgrade my TGIs and your 1x Uxie X, LMK if we can work something reasonable out.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

So how about this

2x Smeargle (UD)(1xRH)
1x Luxray GL(RH)
1x Uxie (LP)

4x Call Energy

Feel free to counter if needed
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Pass I value the Calls much higher than that, how about my:
1x Expert belt RH
1x Power spray

for your:
2x Smeargle (UD)(1xRH)
1x Uxie (LP)

and do you have any Sableye SF??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

I have 1 RH Sableye, I'm interested in Kingdra Prime, and any Rare Candies you have. CML and let's work something out~
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

do you have any smearel UD?? I also like your: 3x Charizard AR (very low want do not value too high), Yanmega (agian don't value too high), 1x RH rescue energy, 1x RH junk arm, 1x RH black belt, 1x RH twins, and the 1x RH Sableye. So make an offer.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

How much do u value your calls at and then we will go from there.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

I value them from 8-10 why how much do you value them at??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

$7 each unless they were (RH) then they would be $10 so how about

1x Blaziken FB X
1x Luxray GL

4x Call Energy
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Pass you are only offering $20 worth of cards to my (by your priceing $31). Plus I think I will take my calls off my list. I can work something out for the rescue energies though.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

CML for Kingdra Prime and Lanturn Prime
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

I like your 1x ERL full.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

What condition are Kingdra Prime and Rare Candy UL?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

my kingdra are NM (I just recived them in NM condition on saturday), and Rare candy has been played in protective sleeves.

oh, and Darkmind I like your Flygon X.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Do you still have x2 Rare Candy for trade?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Flygon Lv. X

x2 Rare Candy UL
x2 Kingdra Prime
x1 Crobat G
