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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

2x Machamp (SF)

1x Smeargle (UD)(RH)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Flygon Lv. X

x1 Rare Candy UL
x2 Kingdra Prime
x2 Crobat G
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

@ 80baby
Sorry you will have to do much better than that smeagle is worth $4 to me in RH, and the champs are $5.5 apice.
can you please tell me how much you value each card on both sides at please. This will help me work things out.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Flygon Lv. X $20-25

Kingdra Prime $8
Rare Candy $2.50
Crobat G $3
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

My Smeargle UD for your Machamp SF (non holo)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Sableye SF

Gible (I need 3)
Gabite (I need 2)

I also could use these cards if ya want to CML for them please...

2x Rare candy
5x Energy Exchanger (non-holo)
1x Expert Belt (RH)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Sorry I value Kingdras at $10-13
@El Radar
No, I value the Machamp higher than your smeargle
@the crippler 18
I also have team rockets trickery. I like your ERL.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

I kinda value the ERL more than the cards that I want since I only need them for deck fillers instead of taking them out of decks to add them to others back and forth.

Was there anything else you saw?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

@the crippler 18
ok, then unless you have something else pass
I also like your Uxie X so tell me what you like.

Edit: I also like your Smeagle UD and full ERL so LMK if we can work something out.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Would you do this then...

Sableye SF

Gible (I need 3)
Gabite (I need 2)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

pass, I hate making trades like commons for commons. I can get sableye next time I go to legues off of some juinor if I want.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Do you have any bulk commons for trade? Cml for them f so
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

i only need KGL and promo croak
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

The KGL is pending inward (still waiting for it I expect it to come soon though) and I just got promocroak today. So make an offer for these
I have bulk commons (low count), bulk uncommons (very low count), and bulk RH commons and uncommons. What do you have from my want list. (your list only contains Triumphant ATM.)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

Wii Man...What are you using as a guide for your Kingdra value? Because whatever you are using, lets use it for the whole trade.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

I use T&T and Ebay (don't judge me there is literally not card shop for 35 miles from where I live, and their selection sucks)
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W ERL, Sableye, stuff

To all I don't need Flygon X anymore so pass on all flygon offers.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W to RH out my Jumpluff deck!!!

Its all good Wii Man, just wanted to know what you use to value your cards. Cool.