Will sp pokemon take over?

Will sp pokemon take over?

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Zyflair said:
But Toxicroak G is rather weak in usage in the mid/late game. I mean, 60 damage? Is that all you really can pull off?

Well, it is 70 if you count Poison....and 70 + (10, if they are still Posioned) + 7 = 2HKO on almost everything.....and that is truly what this format is about. Quick 2HKOs.
Blue Thunder said:
Well, it is 70 if you count Poison...and 70 + (10, if they are still Posioned) + 7 = 2HKO on almost everything...and that is truly what this format is about. Quick 2HKOs.

Or quick OHKOs. ;)
The Fallen One said:
Technically 70 if you count Poison.
Blue Thunder said:
Well, it is 70 if you count Poison...and 70 + (10, if they are still Posioned) + 7 = 2HKO on almost everything...and that is truly what this format is about. Quick 2HKOs.
Why should it count? Poison isn't part of the attack. And yes, I am quite aware about being able to 2HKO, but it poses a problem when you're talking about a Pokemon that can possibly get OHKOd by quite a few Pokemon.
Zyflair said:
Why should it count? Poison isn't part of the attack. And yes, I am quite aware about being able to 2HKO, but it poses a problem when you're talking about a Pokemon that can possibly get OHKOd by quite a few Pokemon.

It should count because the 60 damage is based on poison...
Yeah, that's Toxitank's main problem....its low HP. Snowpoint could also be in the deck if you are concerned with its HP.

And the main reason I said 70 is because that is the actual damage output, not neccessarily from its attack.

The three reasons Toxitank is even considered a threat is because:

1. It swarms VERY easily
2. It has awesome support from Trainers
3. It is one of the fastest decks we have ever seen in a Modified format.
If you hae 3 toxicroaks on the bench and I dark palm your skunktank what are you going to do? Hit me for 20 and hope to sweep? I think not.
^Umm... why should one have that many?

Blue Thunder said:
1. It swarms VERY easily
2. It has awesome support from Trainers
3. It is the fastest deck we have ever seen in a Modified format.
I disagree with the third remark. We need a Toxicroak and Skuntank G, and Energy Gain, an Energy, and a Stadium. Roseanne's and Cryus's Conspiracy help get you what you need, but you can't get them both at the same time.
If I know you play Dusknoir, do you think I'm going to be foolish enough to slap down a third Toxicroak? I think not...Even then, as soon as you Ko the Active Toxicroak, I can easily get back Skuntank G (don't tell me that's hard, especially when BET comes) and Poison you once again. =/

Zyflair said:
^Umm... why should one have that many?

Blue Thunder said:
1. It swarms VERY easily
2. It has awesome support from Trainers
3. It is the fastest deck we have ever seen in a Modified format.
I disagree with the third remark. We need a Toxicroak and Skuntank G, and Energy Gain, an Energy, and a Stadium. Roseanne's and Cryus's Conspiracy help get you what you need, but you can't get them both at the same time.

Now that I do think about it, that fact isn't quite as true as I originally thought. However, exactly how hard is it to get those cards if I have 5 Stadiums and 4 Energy Gain in the deck? Skuntank G and Toxicroak G could be gotten out via other methods (Great Ball, Luxury Ball, or even Weavile G) and Cyrus can net me the Energy Gain and energy.

And drawing into a Stadium isn't going to be that hard when I have 5-6 in the deck....
Blue Thunder said:
And drawing into a Stadium isn't going to be that hard when I have 5-6 in the deck....
On T1? Right... there's the Uxie drop.

While ToxiTank is rather fast in the early-game, it's no power donker. Even Rampardos can take a hit, but Toxicroak's 80 (80, right?) hp makes it rather risky all the while. Also, I haven't seen even one Toxitank in my metagame at all. :/

Decent or not, I doubt Toxitank will live through our metagame.
Actually it's 90....(Ninja'd. =[)

I agree with you on saying ToxiTank isn't a Power-Donker, (60 and Poison falls short of 60+20 snipe, Auto-KO Basic, and 80) it still is good in the early game. Mid or late game, it becomes more difficult to live.....but Toxitank should try to win early on, not stall until Late Game.

Snowpoint Temple could also work turning those OHKOs into 2HKOs, which will suddenly make the deck more scary.

In the end, Toxitank is certainly not the best SP deck (I'm way more afraid of some of the ones in PoTF.) it is still a decent option in DP-PT, and I could see it nabbing a few States.
I voted for the third option because SP decks are good, but there are so many good normal decks that can and will beat SP decks.
Rampardos misses the OHKO on Toxicroak, and Poketurn gets rid of that beautifully. I'd say early game so far this metagame, SP Pokemon are in their prime. Late game it shouldn't even go there as you can overwhelm early on.

dmaster out.
It doesn't play Crobat G. ._. Not the good decks I've seen. Ok, PlusPower. I forgot about that. Toxicroak can swarm almost faster than Rampardos though. By the time you get that PP to K.O., you'll have to deal with another one. While Poison is not part of the attack, it does help in whittling down HP, and Toxicroak gets Weakness win. I'd say the faster one in the beginning can win.

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
It doesn't play Crobat G. ._. Not the good decks I've seen.

FYI most good rampardos lists run Buck's, plus power, and crobat, just a heads up.
Show me five or more lists on here that use them. From some of the best people on here, not noobs. kthxbai.

dmaster out.