Will sp pokemon take over?

Will sp pokemon take over?

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Well, if it's only for PokeTurn and nothing else mid/late game (which Rampardos shouldn't be getting anyway), another Energy will help you get the donk.

dmaster out.
PokeChamp said:
It doesn't even need that!
40 backlash + 60 damage + 10 poison =/= 130 damage.

d master342 said:
Well, if it's only for PokeTurn and nothing else mid/late game (which Rampardos shouldn't be getting anyway), another Energy will help you get the donk.

dmaster out.
Doubt it. I get about two in hand on average on T1.
SP's will do good until the Machamp decks play the card to stop good old Toxicroak :)
Also this is how Rampardos beats SP's: T1 Rampardos against 1 pokemon. Otherwise, there's pretty much no chance.
They get their Dialga g x out.. you can't really ohko a Honchkrow without wasting PP's/Buck's
PokeChamp said:
What I mean is that even if you 2-hit KO it, you will still win.
When I OHKO you easily with two more Rampy ready to get out? Please.
Zyflair said:
PokeChamp said:
What I mean is that even if you 2-hit KO it, you will still win.
When I OHKO you easily with two more Rampy ready to get out? Please.

Who says you will get out those Rampy? Not to mention, you'll need a Pluspower.
PokeChamp said:
Zyflair said:
PokeChamp said:
What I mean is that even if you 2-hit KO it, you will still win.
When I OHKO you easily with two more Rampy ready to get out? Please.

Who says you will get out those Rampy? Not to mention, you'll need a Pluspower.

Dude...have you even faced a good Rampy deck that knew what it was doing? A guy at my League runs a Rampy Swarm that is hard to keep up with.
The Fallen One said:
PokeChamp said:
Zyflair said:
PokeChamp said:
What I mean is that even if you 2-hit KO it, you will still win.
When I OHKO you easily with two more Rampy ready to get out? Please.

Who says you will get out those Rampy? Not to mention, you'll need a Pluspower.

Dude...have you even faced a good Rampy deck that knew what it was doing? A guy at my League runs a Rampy Swarm that is hard to keep up with.

Maybe not. If it can do what you say it can do, then I might be in trouble!

JMHO on the machamp v Toxicroak G
Rummage said:
*face palm*

I'm serious...it can't OHKO Toxicroak. And, it can't discard Energy Gains because who would attach them except to it unless they have another SP attacker?

Or is there something else?
Zyflair said:
PokeChamp said:
It doesn't even need that!
40 backlash + 60 damage + 10 poison =/= 130 damage.

d master342 said:
Well, if it's only for PokeTurn and nothing else mid/late game (which Rampardos shouldn't be getting anyway), another Energy will help you get the donk.

dmaster out.
Doubt it. I get about two in hand on average on T1.

First, if you OHKO, you'll get 110 damage from that, if you stay active and knock Toxicroak out, you'll get another 10 and another 10 when it comes back to your turn. It very much trades KOs, and if you don't retreat, you'll succumb to it to. Factoring in if the SP Player plays Plus Power, you're knocked out even quicker.

Lucky on the Energies is all then.

dmaster out.
I don't follow your logic. If you go first, then I'll KO one Pokemon per turn (meaning the game usually ends in six or less turns), and you can't KO all of my Rampardos by that time. Even if I go first, the only thing you'll be KO-ing is my Active, and that's usually not a Skull Fossil start. I'm interested to see which runs out first. My supply of Pluspower/Crobat G or your Energy Gain.
SP decks are broken in concept with the release of BET, but the problem is they are ridiculously counterable, with, um, certain cards.

EDIT: Toxicroak will utterly smash Rampardos sideways - Good luck dropping Uxies with Power Sprays all over the place. 40 backlash + 60 + 10 = 110 damage. That extra 20 damage is extremely easy with Crobat G's and PlusPowers and sometimes even Buck's. Could you consistently do it every time? Probably not. But will Rampardos even bring out a second one? Most likely not.

Anybody who has a problem with any of this can take it up with me on a game with RS.
Later on when the Pt ( or Pt2 comes out in english ), there is a deck called Gallade + Raichu. It is damn strong IMO , the damage is huge,

T2 gallade LvL up, switch to raichu/gallade to attack up to 80(raichu's attack) or 20+10 to each bench that has damage,

When these comes out, your dead,they even play dialga G, but what i heard is,they fail if their opponent wager's him/her,and it gets worst if he/she loses a wager,but averagely i think SP will not take over but go along with the other archtypes....

Will sp pokemon take over?

No. They won't.

Not if Mewtwo Lv.X has anything to say about it. Gengar can snipe annoying Dialga G Lv.X's on the bench that try to turn off Mewtwo, and then all of a sudden, your SP Pokémon, which could be a big part of your deck can not hurt Mewtwo. He is invincible. It will not be fun for you to fight against a deck that has a Pokémon that is invincible in it. You would lose. That would be bad.
Ariadosguy said:
SP decks are broken in concept with the release of BET, but the problem is they are ridiculously counterable, with, um, certain cards.

EDIT: Toxicroak will utterly smash Rampardos sideways - Good luck dropping Uxies with Power Sprays all over the place. 40 backlash + 60 + 10 = 110 damage. That extra 20 damage is extremely easy with Crobat G's and PlusPowers and sometimes even Buck's. Could you consistently do it every time? Probably not. But will Rampardos even bring out a second one? Most likely not.

Anybody who has a problem with any of this can take it up with me on a game with RS.

Here we are. Yes, that's why I beat you so bad. I forgot to mention that, my bad.