Will sp pokemon take over?

Will sp pokemon take over?

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True. DOX did say the matchup (in his article) between the two is roughly even. I really believe it's just a matter of how many Snowpoint you run before I OHKO them all.
more than likely cause they are making more sets of them and the rest of the cards will be old news and people will be flippin out about sone of the cards in the next set cause i was it and it will be amazing so yeah it will probably take over.
turtleman44 said:
more than likely cause they are making more sets of them and the rest of the cards will be old news and people will be flippin out about sone of the cards in the next set cause I was it and it will be amazing so yeah it will probably take over.

Let's think about this. The only fast cards in the new slower format are SP. They are fast. Everything else is slow. So, yes, they will take over.
PokeChamp said:
turtleman44 said:
more than likely cause they are making more sets of them and the rest of the cards will be old news and people will be flippin out about sone of the cards in the next set cause I was it and it will be amazing so yeah it will probably take over.

Let's think about this. The only fast cards in the new slower format are SP. They are fast. Everything else is slow. So, yes, they will take over.

Yes, but then the slower options come to overun them with OHKOs later in the game. You see, a lot of PoTF non-SP Pokes are a bit slow, but that have high damage output, too.

I still stand by saying they'll be even.
SP Pokemon will indeed stand out (which I don't like), but as dmaster already pointed out, they'll be gone eventually. One point in the future, non-SP Pokemon will eventually have better options than SP Pokemon.
Or they'll go out of format. Or they will be replaced by Pokes that are even more overpowered than the ones are today (that's what happened to the last part of the Delta Species back in 07-08).

Either way, they'll die out eventually.....though the real question is when is that eventually?
Probably after the platinum series. Which will most likely be 6-7 sets (guess). It might be pokemon for 10 years or 10 months no one knows.
I don't think sp will take over, simply because there are still way too many playable decks. Shaymin is one, Torterribles is one, Magran is one, Blazran is one, Infernape, Empoleon(only in junior though I think), Dusknoir and it's many combos, just to name a few out of the many possibilities. A takeover to me is 50% of the format and don't see at least right now any deck being able to do that with the many options and when you think about right there are two good options and one okay option for sp, they are:Toxitank, Toolbox and Skuntank with either Mightyena or Muk. Then you compare those to all the other decks out there and I just can't see a takeover.
I have mixed thoughts whether or not SP Pokemon will take over. But I know for a FACT this years Nationals will be solely based on SP decks. Here's every singal reason why:

'TGI SP-Radar' is like a Bebe's Search, only its a none supporter.

'Aarons Collection' is a supporter which can grab any 2 SP-Pokemon or basic energys out of the discard pile.

'Champions Room' Which decreases your SP-Pokemons retreat by 1x

'TGI- 107 TechMachine' lets you snipe any of there Pokemon times the number of damage counters on that Pokemon

'SP-Energy' which counts as any energy for SP Pokemon.

'Flint's Sprit' Which lets you accelerate a basic energy to one of your SP Pokemon. It is a supporter thoe...

'Bertha's Kindness' Which removes 5 damage counters from 1 of your SP Pokemon. Again, thoe, it is a supporter...

Plus TGI Power Sprays, TGI Energy Gains, and TGI Poke'Turns oh yeah and Cyrus's Conspiracy. Not to mention all the other great trainers like: Volkner's Philosophy,
Cyrus’ Initiative,
Palmer’s Contribution,
Cynthia’s Guidance,
Pokemon Contest Hall,
Lucian's Appointment,

And, 15 new SP lv.X's (no joke) NOT INCLUDING Palkia/Dialga Lv.X, and all the other SP Pokemon which is probable like in the 40's somewhere (half of them are weak, the other half strong).

Guys!!! Were talking about this all in the next 2 sets.
Were talking SP Pokemon doing stuff to send your cards and your opponents cards too the Lost Zone.

Absol SP Lv.X at the most can discard 66 cards from the top of your deck (with Poketurn's/SSU's) sending it too the Lost Zone and does a T2 60-70 damage if he has a Dark Special attached. Combo this with Rhyperior, and omg...

Alakazam Lv.X which can move all damage counters around as often as he likes! This with Poke'Turn is sooooo nice.

This is heavy stuff. Some of you guys aren't big on SP-Pokemon (like me!) but whether you like it or not, realize I'm like 99.9.9999.9 percent sure this is what your going to face at Reginals, Nationals, and Worlds.

Mark my words,

Wow that is a good point. They do get alot of trainers to help them beacuse with out all those trainers they would not be around.
Deck Master, while I do agree with most of your points, your times are a bit off. With Regionals, we'll still be in DP-PT. Nats will be DP-BET, which brings more power to SPs, but not enough to make them a good chunk of decks. By BRs next Fall, however, we'll be in SP Plaza. Over 25% of the decks there will be SP.

Poke-Turn is going to get more and more broken as time goes on, also. Alakazam 4, Lucian's, and Flint's are all insane with Poke-Turn.
I said over, thank you very much. Also, we can not predict metagames at this point. We haven't even seen DP-PT fully develop. What happens in previous formats affects future formats, too. Unless a new G&G/Sneasel Neo comes out. (Which isn't goin to happen anytime soon.)
#1weavile said:
PokeKid Brandon said:
I think that it will be a bit more than 25% being Sp decks at BR.

AT least 50% or more...
Not even close. SP Pokemon have alot more choices later at BRs, but you really can't forget that there are still many choices beyond them; I still have yet to see a good SP counter against the Flygon/Metwo idea.
For once I agree with Zyflair. People really need to think outside of the SPs. For instance, if speed decks die down in usage, Yanmega/Shaymin, Swampert, Venusaur, Honchkrow and maybe even Lunasol could see some play. There is just too many good decks out and about that aren't SPs.

(On a side note, be thankful for this type of metagame; last year, all we could talk about was G&G and what could counter it, and maybe a little Magmortar.)