Will sp pokemon take over?

Will sp pokemon take over?

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infmach said:
I don't think It was so hard.I could kill a Mewtwo LV.X with Crobat G and Skuntank G.

I just realized you said Skuntank.
Not Toxicroak.

Even so. That would take a while.
And Mewtwo hits pretty hard...
Yeah, lots of Gs, but not a lot of Mewtwo Lv.X/Dialga G Lv.X. I'd say 25% were G, but they didn't win. Nats will be about the same, Worlds will have a little more, and BR will have tons.

dmaster out.
Until BET Pokémon [SP] decks are not strong enough to win at a consistent level. The mechanic is not versatile enough beside one specific combo and the hyped Toxicroak deck takes care of itself in mirrors which hurts in tournaments too given that the deck is popular and odds are high enough to face a mirror at least once or twice before the cut is made. Once BET is released Pokémon [SP] will start to become a force when built to be consistent and flexible at the same time. To me the term 'toolbox' always implied flexible tactics akin to a swiss army knife. That is not the case with most Toxicroak builts and flexibility is hard to built into Toxicroak decks.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Not really beacuse If you get mewtwo out they will get dialga but it wil slow them down.
And there's always Flygon LV.X.

Guys, why in the world are you even worried over this? SP Pokemon aren't going to last forever and there will always be other options out there. I still have yet to see a SP deck that will be as dominating as our last season's GG.
The reason SP decks are placing so high is because
1.with palkia G X since you can do 80 damage to any pokemon by discarding to 2 energy with hydro shoot and there most likely be an energy gain attached
2.then you have bronzong to move one energy around every turn
3. So when palkia G x is about to die you move one energy to another palkia G before you poke turn and if you didnt attach an energy you put it on the palkia G on your bench
4. Then next turn your back to facing that same palkia g x you almosted killed back with 3 energies and a energy gain attached
1. If I could easily attach three energies with no energy acceleration whatsoever, I might as well be playing GG.
2. Energy Switch: "Fear me"
3. Again, we have the three energy issue, and I don't care how fast that Bronzong G is; you can't use it to attach an extra energy.
4. lolwhat? Let"s rethink that. No, 120 hp is easily 2HKOd, so I doubt you can Poketurn me every turn to actually avoid a KO with the loss of your Energy Gain.

Why are you even talking about Palkia G? It's one of the slower and less useful SP Pokemon.
You obviously did not get my argument then. You reasons are based on the fact that I'll actually let you setup like that. Since I play Rampardos, that's not likely.
My Gengar deck could 2 shot Palkia G Lv.X and Bronzong.

SP decks aren't so great. If we're getting all the way into this, Flygon Lv.X could really devastate a lot of SP decks.

And Zyflair, my Gengar deck crushes your Rampardos with Pitch Dark. You wanna play your little fossils? TOO BAD! (I also run Memory Berry :D)
Flygon Jedi Master said:
And Zyflair, my Gengar deck crushes your Rampardos with Pitch Dark. You wanna play your little fossils? TOO BAD! (I also run Memory Berry :D)
... And you can't deal any damage either. Even Dialga G is better than Gastly: It actually deals damage.
I think we're actually starting to see the position SPs have, and it is a pretty high one at that. Palkia G is doing pretty well in States, and Toxitank seems to be doing OK.

If this is what we're seeing in DP-PT, I can't imagine what SPs will be likely by Fall BRs....

Ugh, why are people still defending Rampardos? Sure, it beats Toxitank, but it won't fare well against future batches of SPs....
Zyflair said:
Flygon Jedi Master said:
And Zyflair, my Gengar deck crushes your Rampardos with Pitch Dark. You wanna play your little fossils? TOO BAD! (I also run Memory Berry :D)
... And you can't deal any damage either. Even Dialga G is better than Gastly: It actually deals damage.
I don't need to do damage. Eventually, your hand will become clogged with Trainers, and the one Rampardos you may have started with will face a Poltergeist that it can not live through. Either that, or you die to Fainting Spell.

I think SP Pokémon take away the evolution aspect of the game, which is key in Pokémon.
Blue Thunder said:
I think we're actually starting to see the position SPs have, and it is a pretty high one at that. Palkia G is doing pretty well in States, and Toxitank seems to be doing OK.

If this is what we're seeing in DP-PT, I can't imagine what SPs will be likely by Fall BRs....

Ugh, why are people still defending Rampardos? Sure, it beats Toxitank, but it won't fare well against future batches of SPs....
People? I'm the only one defending Rampardos! I still have high exceptions of Rampardos even during DP-BET; it rarely loses against most decks, and it only lost against one SP deck (though I will admit that most people at my league cannot seem to be able to build a decent SP deck).

I repeat my old point: SP Pokemon are not here forever. States did have a rather high number of SP Pokemon, so I cannot deny they're an excellent deck to use (which isn't what I wanted to see). From my viewpoint, I'll just sit back and wait for this storm to be over.

Flygon Jedi Master said:
I don't need to do damage. Eventually, your hand will become clogged with Trainers, and the one Rampardos you may have started with will face a Poltergeist that it can not live through. Either that, or you die to Fainting Spell.

I think SP Pokémon take away the evolution aspect of the game, which is key in Pokémon.
Uxie doing Psychic Restore renders your stalling attempt rather useless. 20 damage > 0 damage. So you KO my Uxie with Polterigist? I'll gladly return the favor by burning my trainers and then sweep for the rest of the game. Let's not forget that SP Pokemon have an even more favorable matchup against your Gengar deck.
I didn't want to point you out specifically, for some reason.

Well, it is kind of obvious that SPs will die out eventually, but for now, they are here to stay. They won't be gone for a while, though the last SP set probably isn't that far away.
AHHHHH too many colors!!!

Zyflair is right! Your opponent isn't going to watch you setup perfectly and then attack!!

Think Realisticly....
Colors seem to be more popular than they used to be.....I like the fact that they are, actually.

Anyway, the only way Gengar really wins against anything is if it flips a lot of heads on its Power. Poltergist is still easy to play around, and even if you do Trainer Lock me, you're still dealing 0 damage, while I smack you for anywhere from 60 to 120. (The exact number depends on the deck)

You also can't Trainer lock for ever, The turn after you use Poltergist, I'll gladly burn all my Trainers and play all my Skull Fossils in my hand. Then what are you going to do next turn?

SPs are a nightmare for Gengar, especially against Toxicroak G. Poltergist is the only thing that will truly harm me, and even then, I'll laugh why you deal 0, yet you're getting 10 from Poison (I can put in Skuntank G in any SP deck, just for Special Condition benefits) every single turn in between turns. Sorry, but Gengar fails. Especially against Toxitank, the main SP deck.
Zyflair said:
PokeKid Brandon said:
Not really beacuse If you get mewtwo out they will get dialga but it wil slow them down.
I still have yet to see a SP deck that will be as dominating as our last season's GG.

You will never see that again. They're releasing too many SP Pokemon to be used in a variety of different decks that keep other decks in check. At least I don't think there will be a main dominating deck. I'll probably change my mind after the last set before Worlds, and see what people are running.

Also, Blue Thunder, Gengar is good. I don't know what kind of bone you have to pick from it, but no Energy Gain or Stadium can accumulate pretty quickly, and by that time, all they need to do is deal 50 damage to OHKO Toxicroak G. That's not a lot and do-able. Unless they get a bad start, Toxitank is definately almost an auto-lose. Believe me when I say Gengar definately dominated my States with 5-1, Top cut, and probably won in a sea of SP.

dmaster out.
Yeah, I had forgotten about Weakness. In that case, Gengar could badly hurt an SP deck. However, Gengar is not that good against anything else. The only thing that keeps it winning if flipping heads on its Power.

Though Gengar doesn't perform as well against Palkia and Dialga G. You have to lock 4 Trainers in my hand for an OHKO, and you even can't OHKO can of my Pokemon with Powers. Also, with just a single Crobat G, I can 2HKO and do a 20 spread to your Bench.

Even Galactic Toolbox with Honchy and Weavile can do better. If you have a full Bench of SPs, I can OHKO you with a Special Dark Energy and a Crobat G. Honchy can target your Bench and can easily 2HKO your Active Gengar.

Gengar beats Toxitank, but it doesn't do as well against other SP decks.