Pokemon Will you admit to playing Pokemon?

My school is pretty cool about it. My friends and I were Ash/Brock/Misty/etc. for the marching band Halloween show, I have a Pikachu shirt I wear quite often, etc etc. I mean occasionally people are like "wow that's childish" but they're a considerable minority. It's kind of common knowledge that 90+% of people have played it and a substantial number still plays it.

I feel bad for all of you people that have it bad, where liking Pokemon gets you bullied. I have conflicting views on this one. You shouldn't be embarrassed of who you are and what you like. But, if you are getting verbally or physically abused... it's hard to enjoy playing it because of the crap it gets you in public.
It's certainly not something I go preaching on the mountains, but yeah, if I'm asked I won't lie about it. Then again, it's something that's really taken the back burner as of late, as many of you may have noticed. Regardless, quite a few people know and no one has cared at all.
I'm probably on the older side of the general user base here. (Not in my teens. :p) You'd think that would mean that I hide the fact that I am a big Pokemon fan, but I actually sort of do the opposite. Everyone I know pretty much knows how geeky I am with Pokemon, and sometimes I have even gotten old players to come back and try the newer games. :p
Of course I tell people, and I'm in high school. The girl I like doesn't even think it's that nerdy... :)
What's funny is that even though I was bullied as a kid, I didn't give a carp about it. In fact one of jerks who bullied me was in my 10th grade bio class. He ended up saying penguins were fish to the teacher and he got so much carp for it... I spread that story around the school, since then he never bothered me. Also, in my high school pep assembly, they had put together a picture slideshow and one of the pictures that came up was me in a Pokemon t-shirt and everyone laughed, I still don't know why. It's not like me loving Pokemon was news... The only problem I've ever had with Pokemon, was when my love of it would alter what people thought of my art. Everyone always thinks I'm drawing Pokemon characters, when I'm drawing my own content... However, no matter how made fun I was, I never really cared. I just outsmarted the bullies and I would end up with the last laugh. Besides, all the teachers at my school were always on my side so if I did anything against the rules (Which was almost never), the teachers would believe me above them. College is awesome by the way, you can wear your fandom loud and proud and nobody cares! I've made considerably more friends by being that open.
I play, and I'll tell people even if they don't ask. Then again, I'm not the most popular guy, so...

But I go to a school where probably 90% of people have played in their life, and even outside of school probably 20% of teens I know still play. Be proud of who you are!

Because pokemon is life.
I dont think it really matters if I do or not. If asked I will admit it. I don't really care what random people think of me.
Im playing pokemon at work with ymy ds xl (large screen) people comes and ask what is that i just say its a game because nobody really care for the game but more about the console. my boss came several times didnt even care i play during work.

i also played pokemon diamond 2 years in the army ( im from israel) still nobody really cared. most of the time people even came and asked to try playing.

But if i were in high school and played pokemon .. Kind of a risk in the only time everything other people says metters. (high school kids will almost never admit that but this is how it is all over the world)
In middle school if you openly announced that you play Pokemon you would be teased. In high school everyone plays it and doesn't care if you do, so yes, I would.
I absolutely adore Pokemon and I am very open about it! Everyone knows I love it and my family bought me a Pikachu doll and birthday cake last year lol.

I don't think anyone should ever be embarrassed by what they like doing. We all have our little secrets and our own opinions so what does it matter.

I'll share a little thing with all you guys here. Maybe it's just me but I love guys who share my passion for it. I can actually relate to what games guys play which is awesome instead of talking about make-up 24/7! That is how I met my boyfriend after all, we were both at a party and he had his GameBoy with Blue in it so I stole it off him Ahaha. I think it's so sweet how guys can still play Pokemon with me and in front of all my girl friends. Now that takes balls!
If asked I wouldn't care saying yes. Every one and their sister that's friends with me on Facebook know how big of an xbox nerd I am. So the fact I pay pokemon isn't strange. My roommate plays. My girlfriend does now, I actually got her I into it. I can understand how you would feel uncomfortable admitting it. I mean i didn't even admit it years ago when I played. People can make fun of me if they wish for it but that's fine with me. I work 50-70 hours a week, I'm a mechanic as well so I do a lot of that on the side. Im very busy and sometimes I need something "as silly" as playing pokemon to make feel better.
I work in an office. You won't believe how many of my fellow techies actually play Pokemon or have played it and are perfectly ok with the fact that I play it lol!
The thing is knowing who you can talk about it to and who you can't. It's really easy to figure out who is judgmental, shallow or not really worth your time.
Though to be honest, the subject of Pokemon never really comes up in conversations anyway, so you can easily avoid telling/admitting if you want.
I remember when I was in sixth (or fifth, don't remember) grade, it started to become cool to dislike Polemon. It got too childish for everyone. I still said I liked Pokemon. Turns out, most of the kids still did too, they just didn't want to admit it!

While it's a different story now, being older, I still don't care. Anyone who sees me differently because of it is a judgmental person who I wouldn't associate with anyways.

... I realize there's a certain degree of irony to that statement, but I think I made my point.
There was a time like Driger said it was cool to hate on folks who liked Pokemon I'd say this started towards Gen 2 and into Gen 3. Even so, I never was afraid to admit I played it and people respected me for it. I was sort of a "in between worlds" in Elementary, Middle, and High School. I was popular and inherited a lot of friends my older brother left behind but I still was a "nerd" too. So I got the best of both worlds to be honest. I could play with my nerd buds during lunch or after school but I still had many other friends as well and no one made fun. Back then I was in Football and Wrestling. This also helped shield my less popular friends cause no one messed with them cause of me. I've been blessed. But man is it hard to find anyone these days in Arizona who plays.....but that's another story....
If someone would ask me now i'd probably admit it since I play the games on VBA rather then on GBA or NDS.
I personally feel more comfortable saying I have pokemon games on my PC rather then on my GBA or NDS (but that's just me)...

However, If one would ask me this say 3 to 8 years ago I would probably deny since that was kinda an awkward period for me...
Anyway, If you don't feel like admitting, try avoiding the question. Nobody is gonna judge you for not admitting that!