XY X / Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

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RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

I'm thinking at least Xerneas will be Fairy. To be completely honest I think either of them could be the new type. Fairy/Dark (Yveltal) and Fairy/Steel or Fairy/Grass (Xerneas)? Makes sense to me.

Assuming neither of them are Fairy typed though, I'd say Dark/Flying is a safe bet for Yveltal (assuming he is dual-typed). Xerneas is a bit trickier on the other hand.

I am assuming it will be part Grass because both his appearance in the reveal trailer and its box art features trees/leaves/grass/nature in some form. So I am pretty sure that Xerneas will be Grass at least (although I suppose it's possible that it will not be). As for his second type (assuming there is one), I'm torn between Psychic and Steel. Steel really isn't that likely considering Xerneas seems to be an guardian of nature and Steel is manmade (maybe I'm applying too much real-world logic to Pokemon there).

I suppose Psychic could work. Looking at his glowing antler thingies, I can see the Psychic type working. We already have Celebi though; do we need another Grass/Psychic legendary? Also I know it doesn't really hold much ground when you think about Kyogre and Groudon's matchup, but something should be noted that if Dark/Flying and Grass/Psychic were the case, Yveltal's STAB moves both hit for x4 effectiveness on poor Xerneas, and one of Xerneas's STABs can't even hit Yveltal.

Assuming dual-typed moves are real, I think Yveltal would have Dark Wind or something similar that is a Dark/Flying move. Lawl at the x8 STAB bonus from that on Xerneas.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
Frezgle said:
I meant taken as far as mascot legendaries go in this generation only xU

I feel that, but I'm thinking of the entire Pokémon planet. Each legendary in ever generation has it's own unique purpose. I personally always thought that they together as a whole are what keep the planet alive. Like how greek gods all had their place and specialty that they reside over. It wouldn't make sense to me for them to just make land/sky/sea legendaries, because we already had that in gen 3. Meaning that these new legendaries would offer something different to the world.

Also by that, I just mean land, sea and sky as a general. I would think Xerneas may be a land animal, but his purpose could have something to do with foliage and keeping organic life in balance. Yveltal (?) would be like an overseer of the skies, really I have less ideas about him because his box is just the sky, which I think is less specific than plants. Whoever Z is, if there is one, could oversee the underworld or underground.

But these legends are never global, they're found in one region, known by people of one region, and so far have only caused local problems.
Just like your example of greek gods. They had Zeus throwing thunderbolts, but you travel north enough and you'll hear about Thor being the god of thunder.

Of course they wouldn't repeat very similar themes too soon, but there is nothing stopping them from doing so.
(Lugia and Kyogre are both deep-sea legends but still vastly different for example)

We don't even know what the XY legends are about.
So there could easily be one in the sea, even water type and do whatever XY will do, which I doubt will be similar to Hoenns creation myth.

I don't think it will have anything to do with the sea however.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Thief said:
Frezgle said:
I meant taken as far as mascot legendaries go in this generation only xU

I feel that, but I'm thinking of the entire Pokémon planet. Each legendary in ever generation has it's own unique purpose. I personally always thought that they together as a whole are what keep the planet alive. Like how greek gods all had their place and specialty that they reside over. It wouldn't make sense to me for them to just make land/sky/sea legendaries, because we already had that in gen 3. Meaning that these new legendaries would offer something different to the world.

Also by that, I just mean land, sea and sky as a general. I would think Xerneas may be a land animal, but his purpose could have something to do with foliage and keeping organic life in balance. Yveltal (?) would be like an overseer of the skies, really I have less ideas about him because his box is just the sky, which I think is less specific than plants. Whoever Z is, if there is one, could oversee the underworld or underground.

I have to agree. I think that if you comboned purposes too much, it would make them less unique and there are still more themes out there, so why not use them instead of returning to the old ones.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
Thief said:
I feel that, but I'm thinking of the entire Pokémon planet. Each legendary in ever generation has it's own unique purpose. I personally always thought that they together as a whole are what keep the planet alive. Like how greek gods all had their place and specialty that they reside over. It wouldn't make sense to me for them to just make land/sky/sea legendaries, because we already had that in gen 3. Meaning that these new legendaries would offer something different to the world.

Also by that, I just mean land, sea and sky as a general. I would think Xerneas may be a land animal, but his purpose could have something to do with foliage and keeping organic life in balance. Yveltal (?) would be like an overseer of the skies, really I have less ideas about him because his box is just the sky, which I think is less specific than plants. Whoever Z is, if there is one, could oversee the underworld or underground.

I have to agree. I think that if you comboned purposes too much, it would make them less unique and there are still more themes out there, so why not use them instead of returning to the old ones.

Sure, but its not like
-living in the sea
-causing heavy rainfall
-controlling waves or whatever else
is the same theme, just because it all has to do something with the sea. It makes perfect sense for every other epic legend to have some relation to such a basic theme.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Mitja said:
DrEspeon said:
I have to agree. I think that if you comboned purposes too much, it would make them less unique and there are still more themes out there, so why not use them instead of returning to the old ones.

Sure, but its not like
-living in the sea
-causing heavy rainfall
-controlling waves or whatever else
is the same theme, just because it all has to do something with the sea. It makes perfect sense for every other epic legend to have some relation to such a basic theme.

But Kyogre is the one who is said to have expanded the sea. Where as Groudon expands the land. Together they keep a balance of land and sea. In my opinion Kyogre sounds very familiar to Poseidon how Poseidon can summon massive tsunami's and expand the ocean. It seems like indirectly Kyogre would be considered the king of the sea while Manaphy is the prince.

Meaning I don't "sea" what other purpose another legendary water type could have. Unless it was to, like I said with Xerneas, to balance aquatic life. I just don't "sea' that because even Suicune seems to cleanse water as it runs over it. We haven't had an underground legendary.

(Do you sea what I did there...)

Update: I just read on bulbapedia:

"Notably, it may also involve 海王 kaiō (king of the sea), which are the first two characters in 海王星 Kaiōsei (Neptune). "
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

I think that Xerneas would be either Grass/Fairy or Ground/Fairy while Yveltal is Dark/Flying. I don't know if this has already been posted but X and Y are both axises. Yveltal is free and flying on the Y axis while Xerneus is land locked on the X axis. Xerneas being land locked is what makes me think it will be grass or ground. Both mascots are also based on Norse mythology. Xerneas is a combination of deers that all of different colored horns (thus making the rainbow antlers) that live under a giant tree which makes me think Grass/Fairy.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

My top 5 types for Xerneas are (in descending order):

and Yveltal:
That's all I got
I know fairy was just reveled, but Xerneas just doesn't strike me as very fairy-like (based on the confirmed mons) or Queen of the fairies/whatever. Just because a new type was reveled, doesn't mean a legendary will get that type. It happened in gen 2, we got a steel legend in gen 3 and a dark one in gen 4. I still think that the primary theme will be DNA and enhanced biology (Yvel) VS added technology (Xern) to see which is stronger, similar to the 16th movie. As a fresh new twist, not "awaken an ancient entity for power" plot, for the 4th generation in a row.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

^you can't really judge how fairy-like a Pokemon would be, considering we only 4 confirmed ones, 3 are the typical cutesy and another is showing how how they can be different to sprites/pixies.

I personally think Xerneas could be some kind of forest guardian or a mother nature/life force.
There was one thing somewhere, can't remember where, but it said something like 'Yveltal came down to destroy the Kalos region and Xerneas rebuilt it' or something. If this turns out true, then I can see this as a plot line.
>Evil team want to rule the Kalos region
>They do several propaganda things
>They take further action "if you don't let us rule this town we'll make sure you never get Pokemon again"
>*Evil teams lair is somewhere far away from civilization*
>In X, they destroy several foresty areas which angers Xerneas. Xernie is angered by this, and comes to stop them. Xerneas destroys the evil teams lair. Evil team learn the error of their ways and vow never to do this again. Xernie then restores the forest. It then allows the player, who has a pure heart, to catch it.
>In Y, Yveltal notices their lair, which has got labs and stuff. Yveltal investigates. Yveltal doesn't like what it sees, so it decides to destroy the regioin to prevent the evil team from reaching their goal. The player goes to Yveltal and shows it that not all people are bad, blahdiblah. Yveltal notices the player has a pure heart, and decides only to destroy the evil teams lair. Afterwards, it allows the player to catch it.

or something along those lanes.

I pretty much agree with you on Yveltal, the only type other than what you've got I can see is Ghost/Flying (and even then its a bit of a stretch).
I so agree with you on the 'awaken ancient entity for power'. That is getting old. I mean, its a great way to bring the evil team and the legendary together, but its slightly unimaginative and getting bleh.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

P.DelSlayer said:
^you can't really judge how fairy-like a Pokemon would be, considering we only 4 confirmed ones, 3 are the typical cutesy and another is showing how how they can be different to sprites/pixies.

I personally think Xerneas could be some kind of forest guardian or a mother nature/life force.
There was one thing somewhere, can't remember where, but it said something like 'Yveltal came down to destroy the Kalos region and Xerneas rebuilt it' or something. If this turns out true, then I can see this as a plot line.
>Evil team want to rule the Kalos region
>They do several propaganda things
>They take further action "if you don't let us rule this town we'll make sure you never get Pokemon again"
>*Evil teams lair is somewhere far away from civilization*
>In X, they destroy several foresty areas which angers Xerneas. Xernie is angered by this, and comes to stop them. Xerneas destroys the evil teams lair. Evil team learn the error of their ways and vow never to do this again. Xernie then restores the forest. It then allows the player, who has a pure heart, to catch it.
>In Y, Yveltal notices their lair, which has got labs and stuff. Yveltal investigates. Yveltal doesn't like what it sees, so it decides to destroy the regioin to prevent the evil team from reaching their goal. The player goes to Yveltal and shows it that not all people are bad, blahdiblah. Yveltal notices the player has a pure heart, and decides only to destroy the evil teams lair. Afterwards, it allows the player to catch it.

or something along those lanes.

I pretty much agree with you on Yveltal, the only type other than what you've got I can see is Ghost/Flying (and even then its a bit of a stretch).
I so agree with you on the 'awaken ancient entity for power'. That is getting old. I mean, its a great way to bring the evil team and the legendary together, but its slightly unimaginative and getting bleh.
We have nothing to support that Destruction vs Creation theory, other than just crazy fan ideas. The only reason I seem so sure about the DNA theme is just because we have so much more info to support it. I am just really tried of "awakened legendary" stuff, because it has been driven into the ground and back. I also think that this generation will be slightly reminiscence of gen 3 (BW=gen 1, B2W2= gen 2), since GF decided to "reboot" the series as a whole. Because of this, I think that there will be 2 different teams (they are more like companies, though) who have different ideas of how to improve Pokemon. Team X thinks adding technology and a tiny bit of genetic engineering is the best way, while Team Y thinks enhancing a Pokemon's biology by nothing but genetic engineering is best. As a result, Team X creates Xerneas, an Ambiguous Robot, to challenge Team Y's Yveltal, who is bio-augmented. I want to explain more, but there is a big storm on it's way. Sorry.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

CyberCat5555 said:
P.DelSlayer said:
^you can't really judge how fairy-like a Pokemon would be, considering we only 4 confirmed ones, 3 are the typical cutesy and another is showing how how they can be different to sprites/pixies.

I personally think Xerneas could be some kind of forest guardian or a mother nature/life force.
There was one thing somewhere, can't remember where, but it said something like 'Yveltal came down to destroy the Kalos region and Xerneas rebuilt it' or something. If this turns out true, then I can see this as a plot line.
>Evil team want to rule the Kalos region
>They do several propaganda things
>They take further action "if you don't let us rule this town we'll make sure you never get Pokemon again"
>*Evil teams lair is somewhere far away from civilization*
>In X, they destroy several foresty areas which angers Xerneas. Xernie is angered by this, and comes to stop them. Xerneas destroys the evil teams lair. Evil team learn the error of their ways and vow never to do this again. Xernie then restores the forest. It then allows the player, who has a pure heart, to catch it.
>In Y, Yveltal notices their lair, which has got labs and stuff. Yveltal investigates. Yveltal doesn't like what it sees, so it decides to destroy the regioin to prevent the evil team from reaching their goal. The player goes to Yveltal and shows it that not all people are bad, blahdiblah. Yveltal notices the player has a pure heart, and decides only to destroy the evil teams lair. Afterwards, it allows the player to catch it.

or something along those lanes.

I pretty much agree with you on Yveltal, the only type other than what you've got I can see is Ghost/Flying (and even then its a bit of a stretch).
I so agree with you on the 'awaken ancient entity for power'. That is getting old. I mean, its a great way to bring the evil team and the legendary together, but its slightly unimaginative and getting bleh.
We have nothing to support that Destruction vs Creation theory, other than just crazy fan ideas. The only reason I seem so sure about the DNA theme is just because we have so much more info to support it. I am just really tried of "awakened legendary" stuff, because it has been driven into the ground and back. I also think that this generation will be slightly reminiscence of gen 3 (BW=gen 1, B2W2= gen 2), since GF decided to "reboot" the series as a whole. Because of this, I think that there will be 2 different teams (they are more like companies, though) who have different ideas of how to improve Pokemon. Team X thinks adding technology and a tiny bit of genetic engineering is the best way, while Team Y thinks enhancing a Pokemon's biology by nothing but genetic engineering is best. As a result, Team X creates Xerneas, an Ambiguous Robot, to challenge Team Y's Yveltal, who is bio-augmented. I want to explain more, but there is a big storm on it's way. Sorry.

I'm thinking that DNA is going to be relevant to the plot, but may not have much relevance to the legendaries.
This way, we could have a creation/destruction or life/death or whatever thing going on with the legendaries, but the evil team want to use their DNA in some way.
I really really really *insert a ton more reallys here* can't see Xerneas as a robot. It just looks so natural.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

P.DelSlayer said:
CyberCat5555 said:
We have nothing to support that Destruction vs Creation theory, other than just crazy fan ideas. The only reason I seem so sure about the DNA theme is just because we have so much more info to support it. I am just really tried of "awakened legendary" stuff, because it has been driven into the ground and back. I also think that this generation will be slightly reminiscence of gen 3 (BW=gen 1, B2W2= gen 2), since GF decided to "reboot" the series as a whole. Because of this, I think that there will be 2 different teams (they are more like companies, though) who have different ideas of how to improve Pokemon. Team X thinks adding technology and a tiny bit of genetic engineering is the best way, while Team Y thinks enhancing a Pokemon's biology by nothing but genetic engineering is best. As a result, Team X creates Xerneas, an Ambiguous Robot, to challenge Team Y's Yveltal, who is bio-augmented. I want to explain more, but there is a big storm on it's way. Sorry.
I'm thinking that DNA is going to be relevant to the plot, but may not have much relevance to the legendaries.
This way, we could have a creation/destruction or life/death or whatever thing going on with the legendaries, but the evil team want to use their DNA in some way.
I really really really *insert a ton more reallys here* can't see Xerneas as a robot. It just looks so natural.
I did lose power from the storm. But anyway, Xerneas is mostly organic, but it has some very well-hidden robot parts. What I mean is that other than the blue fur, the black material on the rest of its body looks somewhat metallic in origin, not to mention the glowing white on its chest and face and those blades on its legs. Also, those x's in its eyes look very strange, like the're not meant to be there naturally. This might do a better job of explaining why I think Xerneas is partially robotic. Also, I think Xern and Yvel will be more important to the plot than "bad guys woke me up and now i'm MAD" and will be very important to the plot, even more than Reshiram and Zekrom were, as well as the Kyurem hybrids. However, I still think that there will be twp rival corporations who take the place of the enemy teams. Sorry for any errors, the storm is still here and I might lose power again.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

To add to the general legendary discussion, there really have not been repeated roles among the major legends if you look at them in detail. They would be, of course:

Johto: Seems to be a sort of harmony type deal here. Lugia controls the chaotic legendary bird trio, and Ho-oh restored life to the Burnt Tower after it, you know, became burnt.
Hoenn: The balance between land and sea blah blah environmentalism.
Sinnoh: Creation, with the time and space legends, and the destruction of it with Giratina, the antimatter legend.
Unova: *Philosophy*, or more specifically how one uses it. The games have expanded the definition of truth and ideals for Reshiram and Zekrom and honestly you could go into a whole essay on these guys so let's not go there.
Kalos: ???

I don't believe in the whole destruction and rebirth theory because honestly I just don't I am sorry. The genetics/artificially created beings theory also seems unlikely. So far we have seen no hints put forward by GF about their origins being anything related to humans. Their designs, while streamlined, still look fairly natural. Their box covers have natural environments on them in the form of forests and the sky. Contrast that with the sort of fractal/nebula-like box covers of the 4th Generation, and the more stark and mechanical black and white theme of the 5th (yes I know Resh and Zek aren't robots but they are heavily influenced/intertwined with humans in their stories).

I myself would stay with life and death. Xerneas's presence causes the growth of life where it is absent, and maybe it has something to do with those mysterious Pokemon eggs that no one seems to know the origins of. Yveltal withers the life that it touches (good thing it stays in the sky), and functions as a sort of grim reaper, though it's not purely evil. The theme is both sorely needed and has not been done before.

Also I do hope that these two will be just as involved, if not more involved, with the story than the 5th gen legends. I'd love to see the player grow a bond with them or something, and then towards the end of the story they allow you to capture them.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

i still think that xerneas will be fairy/steel or fairy/grass
and yveltal would be dark/flying or dragon of some sort
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?


testing... :)
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

DrEspeon said:
Is that the real cartridge or a fan-made one?

Looks easily fake to me. Notice the sort of peeling-off sticker and the off-center Pokemon logo.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Frezgle said:
DrEspeon said:
Is that the real cartridge or a fan-made one?

Looks easily fake to me. Notice the sort of peeling-off sticker and the off-center Pokemon logo.

Looks fake to me too, although with gamefreak you never know what they will do just to troll you.

They might want you to think that Xerneas will be a grass type but it might not be.

They might want you to think that Yveltal is either dark or dragon type but it will not be (it would be funny if Xerneas is grass and fairy while Yveltal is flying and fairy)

I seriously didn't think that Palkia looked like a water type at first, to me it looked more like a psychic type. Now Dialga on the other hand looked a bit like a steel type to me. Basically what I am saying is that Gamefreak tricked me with Palkia so they might trick everyone else a bit too just by the covers. That said the background of the covers really does not say anything about the type, the background for Xerneas is a forest theme and Xerneas was shown to be living in a forest anyway in the trailers. Also remember that just because it has wings that does not automatically make it a flying type. That said if it can fly do not assume it has wings (Genesect has a laser cannon jet pack, seriously that is just badass, well not as much as Mewtwo but still, a laser cannon jet pack on its back? Gamefreak should do more pokemon that have a laser cannon jetpack on their back)
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

There is no tricking. You either understand that looks=/=type or you don't xD
You've learned that lesson with Palkia, I learned it with Flaaffy. Anyone assuming their types based on colors and "what type they look like", has yet to learn.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Mitja said:
There is no tricking. You either understand that looks=/=type or you don't xD
You've learned that lesson with Palkia, I learned it with Flaaffy. Anyone assuming their types based on colors and "what type they look like", has yet to learn.

Meh, to me Flaaffy has always looked like an electric type especially when you look at Mareep whose name is basically an anagram of ampere.

Palkia however looks like a big huge theropod dinosaur with wings that look a bit like fins, then again its water typing may be a reference to space being an ocean even though it still struck me as a psychic type and then there is the fact that you usually find pearls in the ocean.

However we do not yet know what type Xerneas and Yveltal are yet, we need to be patient and while some pokemon look like a certain type they can be a completely different type too, for example, Yveltal may look like a flying/Dragon or dark but it might actually be Dragon/dark or Dragon/Fairy or even Flying/Fairy. Same with Xerneas, the background are really would not mean anything since it looks like a deer and is usually depicted as being in a forest of some sorts, however we must not assume it is a grass type yet although it would be funny to see Yveltal being a fairy type it seems that one would be unlikely.
RE: X/Y Box Art Subtly Reveals Legendaries Typing?

Raptor9229 said:
Meh, to me Flaaffy has always looked like an electric type especially when you look at Mareep whose name is basically an anagram of ampere.

I doubt many people would have guessed Electric if they only knew about Flaaffy, a pink sheep; a Normal or a Psychic type is what many would have thought.
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