BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

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RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/19/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Do you have JEREMY Sandshrew Legit JEREMY Slopoke legit JEREMY Shelder Legit and JEREMY Oddish legit? I only trade for legit events now so if I trade you a hack let me know so I can add it to my hacked lists. I hope your events are legit too XD.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/19/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

No i don't and i have a manaphy from the event that happen in japan since August to this month and a surf pikachu not the pokewalker
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/19/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

I have those too XD.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/19/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

If it is a Pokewalker one Sure XD.:) UPDATE: I now have Pokepark Plusle and Minun legit. Thanks goes to Deoxys Rocks for the legit Pokemon XD.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/19/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

No it's breed one but it has good moves do you want it
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

No thanks XD. If it was a Pokewalker event yeah I would. I am mainly an event collector XD so I have to keep all the space reserved for my events XD. Thanks for the offer though.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

i have a e4all manaphy do you have it
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Yup I do XD.:) Could you give me a list of all of your events so I can see if there is anything event wise that I don't have? Thanks.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

I have:
e4all manaphy
nz manaphy
tru manaphy
ash's pikachu
tcgwc pikachu
birthday pikachu
pc tokyo charmander
crown dogs
movie 10 celebi
goon's scizor
space c deoxys
smr2010 jirachi
mystry mew
pokewalker bronzor
pokewalker geodude(selfdestruct,rollout,rock blast,earthquake)
pokewalker voltorb(tackle,sonicboom,spark,rollout)
pokewalker magikarp(bounce)
world10 crobat
celebi lv10 from hoenn
newmoon shiny darkrai
kanto deoxys raised only by one
nws manaphy
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Is your Shiny NewMoon Darkrai legit? Please get it legit checked if you are not sure as I only trade for legit events XD.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

i have a clone and the legit you want the legit??
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Yeah either one is fine. The clone is legit also XD. BTW. I have contacted InuMimi about the Shiny Flygon and I also talked to her on the phone for a couple of minutes yesterday. She will get to you as soon as possible as she is busy with college. If it were her not busy with college she would have more time. She is also a head staff member on 2 of her sites but she will try her best to get to you XD.:) Be paitient XD.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

so u don't care if i gave you the clone
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Nope. I only trade for clones since they ARE the exact one of the original copy. Some members may think they are hacked when you clone because an AR is used. THIS IS NOT TRUE. The only time cloned Pokemon is a hack is ONLY IF YOU CLONE A HACKED POKEMON. I can't seem to get that through with some members. The only way I will trade is if my Pokemon are cloned and I will only trade for clones unless the member is getting rid of that Pokemon for good.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Well said. You won't believe the number of people I know who say they're hacked.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Yeah I ran into one of those on Neoseeker and I reported him. Not sure if he got banned or not though. Do you still need that Shiny Kyogre? I can't get it checked yet because Dark Dragonite has vanished from Pokemon Secure and no one has stepped up to help with the GBA checking. I am still waiting. Sorry for the long wait XD.:)
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

I'm interested in the 10TH Ann. Shiny Celebi level 70 (UT) and the Shiny Mystery Mew level 10 (UT)
I've got like 50 of each item now(I do a lot of game resetting, and trading to my main game xD)
-Except for hold items, like Life Orb and Choice Scarf

Anyways, I'd be willing to trade a Japanese LEGIT Shiny Lucario, hatched from Riley's Egg && a Legit Movie 10 Celebi(Japanese) for the 10th Ann. Shiny Celebi.
The only weird thing about it the Lucario that when it evolved the name became English, but I still have japanese dex data, and the owners name is still Japanese.

I can also offer a Legit Shiny Metagross on the UT Shiny Mystery Mew

I've also got these pokemon I can throw into one of the offers to make it more like able for you if needed : Almia Darkrai, an Aura Sphere Riolou(UT), TRU Arceus(UT), New Moon Darkrai(UT)

Along with any of the TMs/Pokeballs/Berries/Medicines you need ^^
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

ok give me your fc my is 1119 2485 6400
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!.

Can you be on in about 4 or 5 hours from the time I send this post? Also can you clone my Pokemon when we trade? Thanks.:)
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