RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 10/18/10 I HAVE 200 LEGIT EVENTS COMING SOON.!!
UPDATE: I have gotten quite a few events the past couple of days and will update as soon as I can XD. Might not be until the weekend. or after XD.
EDIT. I now have Another Wish Absol Legit RED Farfetch'd Pokemon BOX Shiny Swalu Shiny Skitty Forgot to add my Shiny and non-Shiny Zigzagoons Pokepark Mew Celebi Jirachi Cacnea Tailow Psyduck Corsola and Spinda all legit. Also have the Adnan Whismur Adnan Minun and Adnan Psyduck. All of these are legit so if you ask for these be prepared for legit events please. NO HACKS event wise please.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 10/18/10 I HAVE 200 LEGIT EVENTS COMING SOON.!!
UPDATE: I just found out that my Link Wish Drowzee is NOT Legit. It has invalid trash bytes which means it is a hack. Could someone please replace my hacked one? Thanks.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 10/18/10 DJ giveaway events coming soon XD.
MAJOR UPDATE: I have added roughly 36 events from DJ's Giveaway to my thread. You will notice that more Pokemon now say (Legit and some have more than one. I can only trade these if your events you offer are legit ONLY. If your events are not legit please do not ask for these events as some of these are quite rare. The events I have added are Wish Pichu's Wish Bagon's Wish Ralts's PCJP events Wish Chansey's Wish Exeggcut's RED Farfetch'd's Wish Absol's 2 GCA Roselia's thare NOT FOR TRADE. PCNYSalamence's PCNY Duskull PCNY Zangoose PCNY Absol and more are coming soon. Remember I will only trade these if your events are legit.
EDIT: Guys I have bad news the person who is giving me these events has asked me not to trade them at anytime. These events will be PERMA NOT FOR TRADE. Sorry guys.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 11/04/10 DJ's giveaway events coming soon XD.
UPDATE: I got 6 JEREMY events from DJ's Giveaway. I have a new trader so I can trade these but ONLY for good offers XD.
EDIT: DJ's Giveaway: I can trade these events but they are not as rare as they used to be so I can trade them for normal trades just not for extremely Super rare events but for semi rare and lower XD.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 11/11/10 DJ's giveaway events coming soon XD.
UPDATE: I got more of the giveaway events. Some JEREMY more PCJP's and 3 Pokepark Wish and Charm events. Also have PCNY Milotic. It is only good offers and NOT FOR TRADE unless offers are good XD. I got 10 DJ events and 1 non DJ event which is the Milotic. Should be getting more events soon.
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 11/11/10 DJ's giveaway events coming soon XD.
MASSIVE UPDATE. I now hav all but 3 of my PCNY events legit All my JEREMY events are Legit and I also have the elusive JEREMY Shelder Legit and is PERMA NOT FOR TRADE. PLEASE DON'T ASK ME FOR THIS EVENT. THANK YOU. I have multiple copies of each new event but sadly they are all from the giveaway so I can't trade them XD.