Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Fridge, Fridge, Fridge. At some point, you just have to appreciate the irony and hypocrisy of the Nazi Regime. Believe me, I'm Jewish. My grandmother lost close friends to the Nazis, my grandfather fought with the French in the war (may his memory be for blessing), and some of my Jewish friends have very personal connections with the Holocaust. And yet, we are able to appreciate Nazi-related humor, including Nazi-kipz and the Untergang meme, for despite its somewhat-disrespectful nature, it helps us heal the wounds of the past and prevent new wounds in the future.

And now, the German version of my speech:

Warum lachst du uns davon? Das ist genau das, was die jüdischen Schweine Sie denken wollen! Wir werden dieses Land reinigen von allen, die nicht arischer und schaffen eine perfekte deutsche Rasse! Trotz der Tatsache, dass ich Österreicher, dass ich braune Haare und braune Augen haben, dass ich körperlich Behinderte, daß ich eine jüdische Großmutter haben, all das ist sinnlos in meinem Fall, weil ich der Führer bin! Wir werden den Krieg gewinnen, und wir werden Europa aus der jüdischen Zustand zu befreien!
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Perhaps. I appreciate you trying to help here. But I just can't bring myself to see anything funny in the holocaust, and I find the comments made offensive anyway. I'm sure you can understand why.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

The real holocaust Germany Nazis =/= The modern Nazis in internet memes.

Simply because the people who make the memes don't do that to like support the holocaust. They usually are ignorant to the suffering that occurred.

Therefore, I see no problem with the immature memes. If you dislike it (like any type of humor) the just ignore it.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Precisely. And now, if you will, please enjoy my cold sense of humor: (this one's a long one, should I do a url link instead?)
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Haha I liked that. The art was really cool simply because it is just sketched on there so nicely.

EDIT: lol. lost to the post below this. VVV
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Cool your jets Fridge, this is why no one wanted you in sarc.

No one's making fun of the Holocaust or belittling those who were killed. Stop throwing a fit every time someone mentions Hitler, the picture is making fun of him, not your grandparents' buddies.

You want offensive Jew jokes, go look on the internet and you'll find a ton that are way freakin' worse than a Pidove dressed like a Nazi.

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Is it really that hard to apologize? Fridge was offended by a joke about Hitler, and you can't even say a simple sorry? And then you go on to call someone obviously sensitive on the matter a Nazi?


I would crap myself if I saw that in my window lol
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I apologize if I offended anyone in anyway, shape, or form with the Nazi Pidove image. I don't find the Holocaust funny, nor does anyone else. I was obviously joking about you being a Nazi, if you'd care to read my post thoroughly. Furthermore, it happened more than 60 years ago. Move on.

Edit: Chuckled at the last political cartoon. In case people do not get it, I believe it is saying because less people have jobs, politicians get pay raises. Or something to that effect.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

^I laughed when you said to move on. Lol


I don't think this one was posted yet.


These are a dime a dozen, but I thought it was still pretty funny :p
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Haha, Both of those comics made me smile. Thank you shampoo-thief!:)
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Meh. I didn't want to be in sarc anyway after I realised most people in there acted like jerks :(

LOL at the one with Moses though :)

EDIT: I found the snowman one really funny hahaha didn't see it before.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose


More may come later... or not. Depends on my own personal spaghetti level.

EDIT: This one's from an RP I'm running on Serebii:
I don't think Pork is made out of the Grumpig line, just the Emboar line. They're Fire Pigs for a reason: they're self-cooked ;)