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  1. K

    XY Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments & Possible Improvements

    RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements Gamefreak shouldn't have rushed the production of X & Y; from the unoptimized artwork to the graphics, the lag issues (especially the Mega-evolutions), etc... I don't think most complaints about X & Y are trivial; Gamefreak wanted...
  2. K

    XY Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments & Possible Improvements

    RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements The biggest letdowns (in X & Y) are the mega-evolutions. I do not understand, so Mega Ampharos is Electric / Dragon, but it doesn't learn any Dragon-type moves?? Lack of variety on new Pokémon (Z better have more Pokémon), easy...
  3. K

    OU: Strategy The X and Y Metagame Discussion Thread

    RE: Do you think the metagame will improve? What I meant is the balance of the metagame (in each generation). Since Generation RSE, the balance (metagame) has gotten worse. Next, Generation DPt, the balance got worse, now at Generation BW2, which, I'm (refraining to say 'destroyed the balance'...
  4. K

    OU: Strategy The X and Y Metagame Discussion Thread

    Do you think the metagame will improve in Pokemon XY? Realize it's too early to speculate the metagame for Generation XY, but with how BW2 metagame stands? I'm hoping Nintendo make a good effort next gen; BW2 metagame just got out-of-hand balance-wise. I'm sure Nintendo does not care about the...
  5. K

    XY What Current Pokémon / Moves Would You Like To See Changed into a Fairy-type? Why?

    RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves? Originally, Clefairy was to be the mascot of Pokemon, but switched to Pikachu so could appeal more to boys & girls. Many will be unhappy if this is a new...
  6. K

    XY Do you want any game mechanics changed in X and Y?

    Please add a New+ Mode; they didn't do one for B2W2, but seriously how convenient would it be to relive the story without starting over. Additionally, I want to include multiple save files with an increased level cap besides 100. Do you got any ideas how many times I rode on my bike just to...
  7. K

    (1) ‘CoroCoro’ Reveals New X/Y Details and Four New Pokemon! [5/11]

    In artwork, sort of agree, not enough change from 5th generation. Next generation bears lots of similarities to Gen. II in design.
  8. K

    (1) Supposed English Names of 'CoroCoro' Pokemon [5/13]

    Names are terrible. The names remind me of last generation. The names don't seem to be distinct, anymore like Gen I-III. Gen. IV, I could deal with but I can't deal with any of the names here.
  9. K

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    I wonder how this will affect the Eeveelutions? Wouldn't this make Sylveon the best Eeveelution, perhaps? If Fairy-type did come out...I don't think there would be any contest.
  10. K

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    That can't be good; makes me wonder why we have Normal then? If Fairy-type Pokemon are more offensive than defensive with like no resistances? Hoping this isn't the case, or the metagame becomes more speed-dependent than before??
  11. K

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Steel-types nullify Poison, so although, it may sound like a poor buff. This is rather a strong buff.
  12. K

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Scizor isn't even OU in Gen. V, maybe in Gen. IV, but nowhere in Gen. V... Scizor is too fragile to compete... I never had trouble taking Scizor out. Smogon is not very good when it comes to tiers. Just use a Water / Electric / Ghost Pokemon. Never mind, Ghost doesn't resist Steel-types.
  13. K

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    There's always complainers. To them, they think Fairy-type serves little to no logic; better off not explaining when this is only a rumor. Don't forget this is just a rumor?
  14. K

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Interesting insider information, no longer need to worry replacing the EV system. With Pokemon types, nerf Water / Electric / Ghost (PLEASE FOR ONCE), buff Poison & Grass, tweak (isn't necessary) Ice, Flying, & Ground (these three types have something in common). If this new type is to be...
  15. K

    (1) New Trailer for ‘Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo’s Awakening’ [4/17]

    Wha? Every Eeveelution looks like toddlers' artwork (except Leafeon). My opinion on the amount of effort they put on Eevee at all. Sylveon looks more interesting than any of them with a better name... What do you think Mewtwo's new forme based off of?
  16. K

    XY Could genetics be the general theme for X and Y?

    Fusion Pokemon? No doubt will appear from Nintendo. Gen. II absolutely none to do with Genetics (can only think of pre-evolutions). My opinions, Gen. II is the worst, however, the game was young, still bad sequel, as a generation for Pokemon.