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  1. prophet1986

    Pikachu lv x!

    wow for a level 60 ash sure does suck at training that pikachu. ether that or is isnt super sayjin.
  2. prophet1986

    Pokemon If Pokemon was real....

    RE: If Pokemon was real... Ok, seeing as no one has said this. I personally would attempt to become like team rocket/team aqua etc. researching for the strongest pokemon etc. they are the same as big company's just more violent. i personally wouldnt condone stealing/murder. but...
  3. prophet1986

    Supreme Victors: 3 new cards revealed! *Please Lock*

    RE: Supreme Victors: 3 new cards revealed! can you say awsome?
  4. prophet1986

    Pokemon If Pokemon was real....

    RE: If Pokemon was real... I would get a wailord. and about 400 pigey's strap the pigey's to the wailord and make them drop him over a heavly populated area. ok realisticly. umbreon - my personal body guard.
  5. prophet1986

    HOLY <insert word here>! I have traders :D

    Oh i'm trading a steam account with gmod/hl2/hl2 2nd ep Updated June 27, 2009 two new wants
  6. prophet1986

    HOLY <insert word here>! I have traders :D

    Sorry guys re-read first post.
  7. prophet1986

    #6: Selective Genes

    Ipersonally think if it could end genetic disorder's then yes i would allow those. but to chose what skin colour or eye colour your child has.. that draws the line.. imprefections are what make us beautiful.. not those "perfect looking models" they are quite repulsive to me in a way.
  8. prophet1986

    Important Family Members

    My Great Gross papa was in WW2.... he was one of those germans forced to fight. he fought hard and long he loved his contry. hes one of those people who would never tell his story... but you knew.
  9. prophet1986

    Subway trains collide near D.C

    *Throws a possesed pikachu at you* there hug him :]
  10. prophet1986

    Subway trains collide near D.C

    ive heard from a freind about 25 injured and 4 confirmed dead :(
  11. prophet1986

    Subway trains collide near D.C

    thats the odd thing they were on the same track. word of advise do NOT use the MIRV under there....
  12. prophet1986

    Your deck building weaknesses.

    I see to many cards that can work together... so i cram way to many in. then i see a 78 card deck and spend the next 6 hours removing 18 cards
  13. prophet1986

    Subway trains collide near D.C

    I hope none of us were on this train. and to those who knew somone one those trains ... i extend my hope that they will be ok Article here
  14. prophet1986

    Pokemon Best Pokemon Song Ever?

    poke-rap. most addictive ever.
  15. prophet1986

    HOLY <insert word here>! I have traders :D

    all of them are mint.
  16. prophet1986

    Kingdra King's Art Gallery. Added Wolverine Tag! 09/07/09 Come one some one post!!!

    RE: Kingdra King's Art Gallery. Added Vick Tag! 6/22/09 Please don't let this die! i have to say i really like your sig syle.
  17. prophet1986

    HOLY <insert word here>! I have traders :D

    sorry XD no the packs arnt open and by full sets i mean all 111 cards in a set /etc,
  18. prophet1986

    HOLY <insert word here>! I have traders :D

    if you have anything on my wants list ill gladly trad the azelf. check back in a couple mins for that though
  19. prophet1986

    Banned Episodes

    I have a copy of the original aired ep(on my computer) from a freind in japan. Gave me a headache real quick.[hr] And james! *must rip out eyes. cannot be unseen