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  1. Joltic

    Darkrai EX / Hydreigon

    Cresselia is not a very good idea, it takes 4 energies to get going and ruins consistency within the deck. A much better replacement for cresselia is genesect ex with g booster since it can make use of the blends and offers a big attack which can be game changing, Even though you have to discard...
  2. Joltic

    Kyurem/Thundurus/Deoxys + Keldeo & Absol... Needs help with Lasers.

    @Lil Wayne, running 2 absol and a blend (GRPD) is a really good idea since with 3 deoxys, a silver bangle and your opponent having a full bench will total up to 180 damage which can KO any opposing ex. However since you don't use absol too much maybe try running a 4th kyurem, it really comes...
  3. Joltic

    Kyurem/Thundurus/Deoxys + Keldeo & Absol... Needs help with Lasers.

    -1 blend (WFLM) (could be replaced with a blend (GRPD) for absol) -1 keldeo ex (double keldeo is not needed anymore since lasers is no longer a threat) +1 blend (GRPD) (for absol) + absol (another great attacker, 2 is a good number to run) Enhanced hammer is not going to see much play so a...
  4. Joltic

    My new TDK deck

    You still need to run DCE since you play lugia, you really have to play it with 2 DCE's or its not that good in the deck. Or just take lugia out to free up some space.
  5. Joltic

    Darkrai EX / Hydreigon

    If no one is playing laserbank anymore, why play virizion? A) It's a very bad starter and can slow you down incredibly and B) it lowers consistency within the deck since if your not playing a deck the features special conditions it becomes a wasted card and you will find your self discarding it...
  6. Joltic

    My new TDK deck

    +1 frozen city (1 is just too inconsistent, 2 helps ensures you will have one out for the majority of the game) +1 silver bangle (3 is the bare minimum to run since you expect alteast 1 to be scrappered) -1 bicycle (its not the best draw support + running 13 supporters is fine) -1 ultra ball (3...
  7. Joltic

    Near Perfect (My Opinion) TDK Deck

    The changes seem fine but I would replace the extra plasma ball with a Skyla or a random receiver just like scizorlicious said, since a third frozen city isn't really needed and your only running 12 supporters so a couple extra may help.
  8. Joltic

    Near Perfect (My Opinion) TDK Deck

    I would replace keldeo with a frozen city since it would be good since your meta is blastoise, darkrai, and trubbish. I would also try and find something else to drop for a second frozen city as well, defiantly a plasma ball but also a silver bangle maybe? Running 8 tools may be a bit too many...
  9. Joltic

    Near Perfect (My Opinion) TDK Deck

    Nice list, I would prefer only 1 keldeo since your bench will practically always be full so you won't use both keldeos in a game. Its very unlikely that 1 will be prized but if one is its not much of a problem. Also try running one blend (GRPD) since its very good on absol and deoxys in which...
  10. Joltic

    Darkrai EX / Hydreigon

    Virizion is not really needed since hardly anyone playes laserbank any more, it just takes up a valuable space on your bench. I would also replace mewtwo with another pokemon catcher since they really come in handy against the mirror and mewtwo lowers consistency since you want to concentrate...
  11. Joltic

    Haxorus (Anti-VirGen/Plasma)

    Try coballion ex in the deck since coballion does make a nice partner with haxorous, and it also keeps in with the theme of anti plasma.
  12. Joltic

    My new TDK deck

    Hi again, I am here with my new list for TDK ready for the new season. Here is the list I have so far: Pokémon: 4 deoxys EX 2 Thunderus EX 3 kyurem (PLF) 1 Absol (PLF) T/S/S: 3 switch 1 float stone 2 tool scrapper 3 silver bangle 4 pokemon catcher 3 plasma ball 3 colress machine 2 bicycle 1...
  13. Joltic

    Articuno EX/Garbodor

    When you said "darkrai/Garbodor is mainly a tech against decks and it is def not the best in the format right now as it kills darkari's ability". That is not all that correct since darkrai/garbodor did make top 8 at worlds and is still a very formidable deck in this new format. I would...
  14. Joltic

    Articuno EX/Garbodor

    Articuno? There are so many better attackers in the format, why articuno? I just see no synergy between articuno and garbodor. Maybe try darkrai/garbodor since its the best garbodor variant out there. It's quite hard to utilise garbodor in the new format with lots of people playing tool...
  15. Joltic


    There's too much variation with the pokemon, I would find out which are the best pokemon and take out the others and replace them with more copies of the pokemon you need more. I know having alot of tech pokemon can help but try a more consistent approach with the deck, from doing loads of...
  16. Joltic


    Jirachi is the worst possible way to get out supporters, just run lots of supporters and random recivers, you'll find your self drawing into all your supporters rendering Jirachi useless. This will also prevent your opponent from taking easy prizes off your jirachi's. If you still want to play...
  17. Joltic

    Hydregion in the NXD-on format

    Virizion is needed a lot in the deck, sleep has had such a big effect on me last season so for me it's a must in the deck. For an energy search I world rather take out a juniper than an N, because on a number of occasions I have discarded hydragion with a juniper, it does give you 1 or more...
  18. Joltic

    Hydregion in the NXD-on format

    I was also considering Giratina EX since it can nicely make use of the blends and is a great tech for the suicune Mach up. Could it be a good choice?
  19. Joltic

    Virizion EX/ Genesect EX

    You might want to tech against victini since everyone's teaching it in just for the genosect/virizion match up. Maybe consider suicune and a couple of prisms just as a stable tech so you don't auto lose.
  20. Joltic

    Hydregion in the NXD-on format

    Yeah, I was considering another victini but I only have 1. Ill try and buy one off the Internet but if I can't I may play a second virizion ex.