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    dark toolbox (zoroark/weavile/houndoom deck)

    Houndoon isnt that good of a fighting counter, krookodile is useless in a 1-1-1 line.
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    How much do you spend on cards when a new set comes out?

    RE: gotta win em all How much do you spend on cards when a new set comes out? Depends on how good the set is. atleast 2 pre-releases, maybe a box or buy singles.
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    klinkconrers (klinklang tornadus cobalion regigigas and more)

    -1 Zekrom EX -3 Lightning +4 Rainbow Energy. Zekrom EX is useless in this as you want to keep as many energy into playas possible.
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    kyurem and kyrogre spread deck

    Loses badly to Zekrom/Eels. You dont need 4 Kyogres and 4 kyurems, consider Kyurem EX.
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    Price Guide

    Chaoscards, decent prizes and ships really fast to me. I use ebay as a prize guide because its easier to see what others are asking for prize.
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    Empoleon Deck

    It takes 3 turns to set-up, Tynamo's are easily evolved within 3 turns. also Thundurus + Pluspower or Zekrom kills it with ease.
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    Empoleon Deck

    Why kyogre EX?
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    Is VVV good in this format?

    RE: Is this Deck a good descision? You dont need to LZ jumpluff. I play the deck just for fun at leagues. it's much better then VVV and more fun.
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    Empoleon Deck

    Zekrom/Eels can limit their bench. So you need more stuff to KO Zekrom with.
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    Empoleon Deck

    I highly recommend you to play Terrakion with exp shares. Those will help you greatly with the Darkrai and Zekrom matchups. Aerodactyl doesn't do a lot for the deck.
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    Darkrai vs MTC

    Super Scoop Up or more Eviolite. Regigigas EX could also be an option.
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    You only run 7 basics, while your main attacker is dependent on those basics. i would play 1 less dark claw and 1 less Sp. Dark for a sableye and a darkrai ex.
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    Rotation in Japan?

    There is no offical format in Japan, some tournaments are BW-on,some HGSS-on and some are using the Palace Format. the japan nationals format was BW-on.
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    Zekeels BW-On

    You dont have to run 2 Raikou and 2 Zekrom EX. You also run too much lightning and nothing to search your basics for.
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    ZekEel & Co.

    RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX
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    Will Raikou-EX make Eelektrik even more Broken?

    RE: is Raiku EX going to make eelektrick even more broken? Nope it isnt. Raikou EX will only effect slower decks and mirror matches
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    Some Possible Decks when Dark EXplorers comes out?

    Whats actually your source about ''dark toolbox is already tier 1 in japan''
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    Best EX?

    Zekrom EX didnt made Zekrom/eels the BDIF. 8 Energy needed for Mewtwo to even 2HKO Darkrai ex? Mewtwo needs to do 90, which means 6 Energy or 5 with pluspower. Assuming that darkrai ex already has 3 energy on it, it wont be that hard. Dark toolbox needs alot of resources which arent searchable...