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  1. S

    Will CMT Die after Dark Explorers?

    Same for EXTC. but their tournament structure is to have to win 3 times in a row for the ''registration''. so everything is build to donk to even play in the main event. . 2 Sp Darks, 1 pluspower + darkness claw + zoroark is pretty hard to get. EXTC ko's something T1. it even doesnt have to be...
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    Meta Call for Regionals! Vote HERE!

    Looks like the OP is going to make a antimeta deck. gl with that.
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    Dual Ball or Collector in Eels?

    After DE, Dual ball will be the play.
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    (poll ) deck popularity

    Zekrom/Eel, CMT playtesting meesiemew and troll.
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    Will CMT Die after Dark Explorers?

    CMT wont die. Its the most fastest deck in the format. Terrakion will see more and more play depending on the darkrai ex hype. And the more terrakion the better CMT gets. Darkrai EX needs alot of resources to do well.
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    Zekrom and Friends! need advice...

    Its more metabased. Zapdos works better vs trainer lock while tornadus+ eviolite steamrolls donphan. if you really want to abuse skyarrow bridge run stuff like Smeargle/Absol prime
  7. S

    Zekrom and Friends! need advice...

    Your list is pretty good. a bit similair to mine. Skyarrow Bridge is almost never needed. Retreating Thundurus isnt that hard, Dual Ball and collectors are based on your own playstyle. I would remove 2 Skyarrow bridge for Pokegears or SSU (works similair like switch for recharging zekrom ex...
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    Returning Player that needs an update

    Rare candy has been nerfed. Big Basics are the best thing to run. the game became pretty expensive with mewtwo ex, however there are decks that dont run them.
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    Is it Mewbox still viable?

    Does actually anyone here know that Mewbox/Meesiemew got top 8 in the ECC? The deck is amazing, Only bad matchup is CMT.
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    DP deck. Empoleon control!!!!

    DCE > Upper in all situations
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    Have you been at the ECC too? i might have played against you.

    Have you been at the ECC too? i might have played against you.
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    Six Corners Discussion Thread

    Its a Mewtwo/Celebi deck.
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    Worst Way to Lose a Game

    Placing a 3 retreat beast in the active spot vs a Vilegar deck.
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    Question About Mewtwo EX

    i think it will be around $60,- It's really hard to pull it + Its hyped alot. And if Mewtwo EX will be dominating in the topcut for the ECC, its price will raise more.
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    Deck for "Next" Tournament

    How are you going to get enough energy at your attackers on time?
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    The Mewtwo EX Thread!

    1. Will Mewtwo dominate/become BDIF? No, Every deck counters decks where mewtwo is the main attacker 2. How will it most likely be played? As a tech, not a main attacker 3. Will a Mewtwo be used in almost every deck? Yes. 4. Will the Mewtwo techs be effective? Yes, best way to play mewtwo. 5...
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    Next Season- Popular Decks

    Atm, i run Lake,Eelzone and 6 Corners. After ND it will most likely be Zekrom EX/eel variants or Magnezone/eel
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    (1) Dragon-type Rayquaza, Salamence, and Haxorus from 'Dragon Selection' Revealed! [1/5]

    Look at Salamence's ability. That thing is a beast.