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  1. THIRD

    (2) Worlds 2008 Decks Release Date, Marley's Request from Stormfront Revealed! [9/29]

    Porygon2 just waste of bench compared to uxie and claydol. This card usability really limited to middle-late so it's kinda lame. I'm rather use searcher and hand refresher supporter than this. TGW is biggest counter against this card if your opponent just pick supporter.
  2. THIRD

    Best deck for the $$

    There's an article by lou cypher for swift budget friendly deck(mightyena). It's decent deck and mightyena that become focus of this deck is uncommon. I suggest you buy staple cards that you will always use in your deck first like for...
  3. THIRD

    Pokemon What Kinda Pokemon Are You?

    Cranidos(the one which used by stone gym leader in anime and not evoluted yet), small body but strong and have great pride.
  4. THIRD

    Unown G

    Your deck's not really rendered useless, you can still attack and spread damage and you can just use warp point if you really need it. Disadvantage of unown G is that you can't move him freely. You can tech in linoone GE too to move unown G to weaker opponent's pokemon.
  5. THIRD

    Flip a coin, if tails...Um...oh. crap.

    RE: Flip a coin, if tails...Um...oh. crud. You means one who played this stadium can kill opponent's pokemon from the time it set with just unlucky flip? :D Seems like you can put infinite damage counters.
  6. THIRD

    Ruling Ruling about fossil

    Yes,I Thought so.Thank you for your confirmation.
  7. THIRD

    Ruling Ruling about fossil

    One member on this forum tell me that ruling has been changed that basic fossil can searched by same way to search basic pokemon like bebe and roseanne.Is this true or false?
  8. THIRD

    Ruling Tentacruel LA vs. Metal Energy

    I'm guessing it 10 damage to active but 20 damage to pokemon on bench since special metal energy only work on active pokemon.
  9. THIRD


    Claydol will still be used for sure, it make many deck more consistent and faster. With claydol, virtually every pokemon searcher can have potential to become draw engine.
  10. THIRD

    Fun game: Make a deck with ______

    I don't like this pokemon, there's many better choice than use him in metal deck because he's so slow but here goes. NoseZone POKEMON: 21 2-1-2-1 Magnezone lv.x(electric trans and give 0 retreat cost to other pokemon that have metal on it) 1-1 Probopass LA(A tech to stall, spread to opponent's...
  11. THIRD


    If you don't want to use claydol, you can use TGW with chatot too.I'm use 1-2 chatot in my deck and it's excellent synergy with TGW because you can just refresh your hand after you use it.
  12. THIRD


    And it's risky too to not use claydol just because of all that TGW and absol. Use both draw engine and draw supporter is most safe for now. I myself think that cynthia is too overrated. Rowan just more useful in most of situations and cynthia's effect's not that good when you already set up...
  13. THIRD

    Energy Switch and Super Scoop Up

    33 percent chance of Night Pokemon Center is really bad compared to 50 percent chance of super scoop up. The only stall pokemon that fit SSU theme in my mind is Rypherior but never meet anyone who use that deck.
  14. THIRD


    I'm use TGW and Felicity for my draw supporter. TGW work nicely with claydol, give hand refreshment, and disruption to your opponent.Very flexible. Felicity,discard something you don't need anymore like roseanne and pachi in middle-late game. Some deck use buck to be more offensive too.
  15. THIRD

    How many basics do you have in your deck?

    I'm use 10 basic,half of them just tech like claydol and azelf. Mulligan's not that bad, at least kricketune survived in previous set and there's card like team galactic wager too.Less number of pokemon just make your supporter/trainer more useful too.
  16. THIRD

    Fun game: Make a deck with ______

    I'm dunno with weaville, I means his retreat cost already 0 so there's one less advantage for him to be dark. This pokemon's outdated, his whirlwind really good but just outclassed by yanmega(have same effect but energyless and it's spread) I like his 0 retreat cost and second attack though...
  17. THIRD

    Energy Switch and Super Scoop Up

    After some other read in pokebeach, I found it can be good too for some tech that people use such as spiritomb and azelf (both have their effect activated when they are put on bench).Does people still using dusknoir now, it looks like SSU can good too to counter him.
  18. THIRD

    Energy Switch and Super Scoop Up

    Both trainer's effect can be very useful at many situations. Super Scoop Up Sure, it's flippy but the effect's very great and has potential to save both your prize and night maintenance for later. Energy Switch Move your energy from your pokemon that don't need it anymore to charge your...