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  1. S

    and yet another ho-oh ex deck

    Yes I use this deck all the time. The amount of times I don't get asupporter I to few in comparison to how badly consistency would be hurt adding some ns. I recently packed another sigilyph, so through more playtesting a second sigilyph is always possible.
  2. S

    and yet another ho-oh ex deck

    If I get more this was my plan, or a split on tornadus/tornadus ex [hr] 4 is enough supporters for me in this deck and digilyph is a mewtwo counter. About switch read post above if I don't use terrakion due to catcher abuse then I'll discard it.
  3. S

    and yet another ho-oh ex deck

    2 {G} 2 {W} 1 {F} 3 {P} 2 {R} 3 {L} 2 {D} 1 {M} 3 ho-oh ex 3 rayquaza (dragon pulse) yay my city got them. It's always late. 4 rufflet (chirp) 2 sigilyph (safeguard) 4 professor juniper 3 switch 4 xtranceiver 4 random receiver 2 enhanced hammer 2 tool scrapper 4...
  4. S

    Has the TCG gotten more expensive lately?

    I pay 3.25 per pack and 105.00 per box in usd, tax included. :)
  5. S

    Ho-Oh EX deck

    I run no pokegears. I don't run out of supporters cause after I'm set up I don't need to use my last supporters up immediately.
  6. S

    Ho-Oh EX deck

    U run 4 juniper, 4 rr, and 4 xtranceiver to increase my odds of a juniper. My builds only fault seems to be I need more tornadus ex and ho-oh. I only have 3 ho-oh and 1 tornadus ex. I want 4 ho-ohand 2 tornadus ex.
  7. S

    Ghost World (Chandelure/Vanilluxe)

    RE: Ghost World (Chandelure/Volcarona) Why is eviolite in a deck full of evolutions? And you have giant cape labeled twice. What ninetails is that? There's no ninetails that draws in standard right now.
  8. S

    Zapdos EX (IceShock # 7) {9/19/12}

    The card has no flare to me. The card isn't bad. It just does do it for me. I'll still get it to collect though.
  9. S

    terrakion ex/mewtwo ex/bouffalant ( need help)

    Id like to point out that catchers being near 20$ should not be a problem for him seeing his declared already has 4 in there. That completely invalidates ur reasoning to add electross. Also Durant is dead. Aggron does the same strategy, but is better it doesn't have to rely on a field full of...
  10. S

    SR Rayquaza. Over Hyped and Over Priced?

    Iwish there was a dislike button. Just because someone bought 2 packs of cards and packed a shiny rayquaza doesn't mean it's any more common to pull. For every person it takes $10 to pack a shiny rayquaza it takes someone else 20 boxes of cards to pull a shiny rayquaza.
  11. S

    Regionals Play?

    Cut out Accelgor/Gothitelle its inconsistent, since u can't always get that double colorless. Plus max potion and switch own this deck if Gothitelle can't be promoted in time. Consistency is most important in a large tournament.
  12. S

    darkrai ex / hydreigon finally!!! need help against terrakion PLZ!!

    RE: darkrai ex / hydreigon finally!!! Garbodor is going to be a serious enough threat to this deck that you will need to run atleast 2 tool scrappers anyways.
  13. S

    Ultimate Rayeels!!!

    Actually he/she said thundurus is an excellent starter for eelectrik based decks. In a seperate sentence he said too scrapper combined with raikou ex ensures garbodor will die and not come back. Also 4-3 eelektrik is fine. Granted it depends on the deck. Id actually take out the switches for...
  14. S

    So ho-oh is the only ex?

    So ho-oh is the only ex?
  15. S


    Take out the musharna line. Its more clunky and is catcher bait with no real useful attack. In that place u can add two mew ex. They can copy deck and cover. Also in that case they don't need any real set up since they are basic Pokemon. A standard downfall for an ex is that they give up two...
  16. S

    Battle Road winning Ho-oh list.

    What about tornadus and terrakion then. My point is if the op was to lazy to write the obvious ones, then how do I know the less obvious ones, let alone how do I know this deck is actually b+w and on. How do u Pokemon Joe know I'm being difficult? I care about the results of this deck...
  17. S

    Battle Road winning Ho-oh list.

    This statement tells me he has 6 terrakion you might wanna double check. Not one card has the "suffix" EX. So I don't actually see any EXES. The original poster needs to update his deck to better reflect what his deck actually is Also vulix yolk I understand a ho-oh ex deck strategy. How am...
  18. S

    Battle Road winning Ho-oh list.

    He only has 2.
  19. S

    Battle Road winning Ho-oh list.

    Um. No EXes?