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    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon tcg simulator [CAPS] Playtcg has DP sets. Would love to play this once the EX sets are on
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    Collecting The English Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    RE: Lucky or not so rare... Because they are reprints and many people prefer to play the cheaper versions
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    Custom Sleeves

    There are actually official sleeves with the plasma emblem.
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    LSD (Landorus/Sableye/Darkrai)

    Your deck is too much overteched, either play DCE or play Fighting.
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    Which Is Better: Gold Potion vs Computer Search

    RE: Gold potion vs Computer search Computer Search is in most decks better. Landorus decks may find gold potion better.
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    Need Help With Six Corners

    Try playing it when ether comes.
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    The revival of pokedex.

    Hey guys, guess what? Ether isnt in boundaries crossed
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    NEW Format

    Palace Format exists 1 year already and its only being used in Japan.
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    EXs: Ruining the Game?

    RE: EX's: Ruining the Game? I have yet to see a catcher going for 20$ Competive decks will always be expensive. Remember Luxray GL Lv.X? or Uxie/claydol before they were reprinted? Didn't Lugia EX go for loads of money?
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    What is ho oh best paired with?

    Tornadus/Mewtwo/Registeel and techs for your meta
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    Japanese Tournament Season

    They just play for fun. I heard that they have 2 tournaments in tokyo each week or something
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    Any Budget-Friendly Decks To Get Back Into Pokemon?

    If you want to build a deck around december, then i suggest that you wait till boundaries crossed comes out.
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    BW-on: Hydreigon Darkrai!

    Prism doesnt work with Hydreigon. Blend already covers all your types
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    BW-on: Hydreigon Darkrai!

    Shaymin EX doesn't accel blend energy.
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    Japanese Metagame

    Nobody knows. best bet is searching on google for the japanese blogs.
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    THE Worlds thread. Who's going / Info, ask questions here. (Official Site in OP)

    They have a stock for friday,saturday and sunday. So you have more chances.
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    Bicycle and Computer Search, when they Hit, they'll impact the meta hard.

    Why are people hyping bicycle? Of course its a great card to have when you have a hand of 0/1 but you wont have that in BW-on.
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    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    Terrakion was never a staple in Zekeels decks. Many people played the DCE variant before US nats.
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    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    Since when was Terrakion a staple in zekeels?
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    THE Worlds thread. Who's going / Info, ask questions here. (Official Site in OP)

    RE: THE Worlds thread. Who's going / Info, ask questions here. It isnt allowed to sell stuff. However people are doing it everywhere even in the main ballroom.