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  1. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    @Timeshift: Interesting theory! :D I agree that the lighthouse town is some sort of port and that the scaffolding is evidence of a relatively industrial area. There's a good chance that it might be a Steel-type gym! I thought I might bring up some information from 2ch that details N, the...
  2. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    @Timeshift: I just wish that Game Freak would show us the entire map already! :( I'm still uncertain as to whether or not they're trying to hide BC/WF altogether... According to the official site, they emphasize how these two "entirely different" places exist on the same spot on the map. My...
  3. K

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    @Hellion: Oh, no worries! :cool: Given the context of what the old man next to her is saying, as well as the décor of the room in which they are standing, I would wager that they are, in fact, inside the Dragon Spiral Tower. @rockinpikachu: No, I think you're confusing it with Karakusa City...
  4. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    @Timeshift: Oh, glad that there wasn't any confusion! :D You make an excellent point, though! Actually, if the lighthouse town and the town south of the eastern mountains have gyms, that would make the "circle" symmetrical, with the towns on the far east and west being "plot cities," so to...
  5. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    @Timeshift: Oh, I wasn't saying that you were mistaken--rather, the magazine from which the scans were taken mistook the screenshot of the Bug-type gym as a blast furnace. The true purpose of the structure in the northwest corner is anyone's guess at this point, but I would wager that it isn't...
  6. K

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    Not quite, actually. In one of the recent videos from Pokémon Sunday, Prof. Araragi's aide mentions that she is waiting for you at Dragon Spiral Tower, which is located at the end of the path leading north out of Sekka City. Since we know that Sekka City is the town with the windmills and the...
  7. K

    BW/BW2 Is yanapuu part of 3 wise monkey's trio?

    I guess this makes Dento's gym pretty clear: Dento has Yanappu, the blue-haired guy has Hiyappu, and the red-haired guy (presumably) has Baoppu.
  8. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    That may be true, but 1-6 and 9 are confirmed locations. The numbers are purely arbitrary, so the order may not quite match the game (i.e. you might not necessarily move clockwise), but the locations listed are accurate listed at least in terms of their placement on the map.
  9. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    Actually, start in the bottom right corner, set it as 1, and work around the circle clockwise once you reach it: 1) Kanako Town (hometown) 2) Karakusa Town (first Plasma encounter) 3) Sanyou City (Dento) 4) Shippou City (Aloe) 5) Hiun City 6) Raimon City 7) (Lighthouse town) 8) (Airfield town)...
  10. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    @Timeshift: Let's see... I won't assume that the lighthouse town is Water or Electric--after all, Olivine City has a lighthouse, and Jasmine is a Steel-type leader. Perhaps the same is true in Isshu? Regardless of the lighthouse, though, the nearby castle seems almost too conspicuous not to be...
  11. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    Actually, the "Rai" in "Raimon" (雷) is the character for "Thunder" (kaminari), so I would agree about the Electric-type Gym. :D Plus, that fits with the amusement park and neon lights. Likewise, "Hiun" (飛雲) means "flying/drifting cloud," so I initially thought about Flying, too. As for...
  12. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    @Phoenix-f: I'm so impressed! =O I hadn't made that connection myself, but it makes perfect sense. Moreover, Hiun is presumably the third town (with a gym) that you enter--Sanyou, Shippou, Hiun--so the order fits as well. I also think that the sprawling nature of Hiun seems rather...
  13. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be? I honestly considered Fire as a possibility because the pottery is ultimately fired, and Aloe's outfit could be that of someone who operates the kiln. In looking closely at the picture of "Black v. Aloe," one can see two...
  14. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be? Well, to clarify, I don't know for sure that any of that is accurate. :( I just simply made educated guesses based on what seems most appropriate. My initial guess for San'you was 山陽, which can mean "southern side of...
  15. K

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be? Guesses as to name origins: Hiun City (southern metropolis) = 飛雲, "floating clouds" = Flying (?) Sekka City (northwestern windmill city) = 雪花, "snowflake" (lit. snow flower) = Ice (?) San'you City (tall/fancy buildings...
  16. K

    BW/BW2 New Abilities.

    Perception - Reveals opponent's next move in between turns (i.e. name of next attack, next Pokémon in line via switch/after faint) I thought that would be an excellent new ability for Dream World Espeon, since it fits in perfectly with its ability to read air currents and predict its opponent's...
  17. K

    BW/BW2 Mijumaru's evolution?

    Fake. 1) Pokémon, on principle, never use kanji (Chinese characters) in their name--only katakana (syllabary often used for loanwords). Thus, having 雪 in its name is illogical. 2) The way the name is written (雪ュマル) is improper Japanese, in terms of its syllabic structure. The small "yu" ュ is...