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  1. Tsubasa

    Best set released so far

    RE: What is the weakest card in the world? i agree with Porygon base too and add Rocket's Snorlax(Gym Heroes) even if it's with 90hp but the pokemon power and atk is lame...
  2. Tsubasa

    Ruling Rare Candy use to evolve kabutops???

    thx alot guys ^^
  3. Tsubasa

    Ruling Rare Candy use to evolve kabutops???

    okie thx alot ^^
  4. Tsubasa

    Ruling Rare Candy use to evolve kabutops???

    can rare candy use to evolve kabutops frm fossil? or it must evolve frm kabuto?
  5. Tsubasa

    ex series can't mix with base set?

    me and my grps of frds played unlimited style too, juz that they add in some weird rulez like can only play 1 pokemon ex in each deck lol... i guess if ur frds dun mind u playing cards frm any sets it's fine =) EDIT: yup only starting frm deoxys onwards... but as i say if ur frd dun mind...
  6. Tsubasa

    ex series can't mix with base set?

    it's becos only sets starting frm Ex deoxys and onwards can be use in the modified format in those city champship... only unlimited format can use cards frm all sets...
  7. Tsubasa


    yeah imo dugtrio(CG) is the best too.
  8. Tsubasa

    Ruling Question on pokemon tool

    okie thx alot^^
  9. Tsubasa

    Ruling Question on pokemon tool

    Can i discard the old pokemon attach on my pokemon if i wan to attach other pokemon tool on the same pokemon? or is there any way of doing it? For example i attached solid rage on my pokemon but i have lesser prize than my opp so it has no use. now i wan to attach a Energy Root on it can i do...
  10. Tsubasa

    Ruling How many basic pokemon do u hav in ur deck?

    i guess getting too little basic pokemon can be really bad for getting a bad starting hand >.<"
  11. Tsubasa

    Ruling Question on Wally's Training~!

    oh okie thx alot ^^
  12. Tsubasa

    Ruling Question on Wally's Training~!

    Wally's Training says that search a card frm deck that evolves frm my active pokemon(choose 1 if there are 2). wat does the choose 1 if there are 2 means? does it work like rare candy/pokemon breeder that can evolve to stage 2? or only stage by stage. Basic>stg1>stg2?
  13. Tsubasa

    Ruling How many basic pokemon do u hav in ur deck?

    yup but how about starting of the game?
  14. Tsubasa

    Ruling How many basic pokemon do u hav in ur deck?

    wun u guys have prob getting basic pokemon when starting? or juz heck care and let opp draw extra card?
  15. Tsubasa

    Ruling Highest Damage

    HA saw a higher dmg today, i was playing with my gf. she use exeggutor frm Ex FireRed and LeafGreen. she had her exeggutor with 3 DCE, 2 DRE and 1 psychic energy and she roll 8 heads out of 11 -.-" which give 300dmg to me lol but typhlosion is fire type so no weakness to it... imagine if it is...
  16. Tsubasa

    Ruling How many basic pokemon do u hav in ur deck?

    i got a question =) How many basic pokemon does you guys have at the least in your deck? mine mostly has 10-12 maximum. does 7-8 basic pokemon work? share your views =)
  17. Tsubasa

    Ruling retreating problem

    yup it's the same as getting special condition... i guess you shld noe that getting paralyze and so on cannot retreat but u can use any trainer to get it back to bench.
  18. Tsubasa

    Ruling Highest Damage

    my highest is not high, i use typhlosion(UF) with energy root with 12 dmg counters with weakness doing 340dmg, i have heard some much highers. it's really lucky that time lol i was at losing situation but won in the end thx to my typhlosion ^^
  19. Tsubasa

    Ruling special condition

    unless the pokemon have pokepower/body that says opp does not take a prize when this pokemon is knockout or smething like that... can't rem which pokemon and wats the exact wording. other than that it's like a norm KO.