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  1. P

    (1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

    I'm calling it now: Noivern is related to Swoobat
  2. P

    (1) Pokemon ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Website Updates with English Localizations, Game Screenshots [5/14]

    Flygon and Vibrava are Dragon type, not Trapinch that evolve at level 35. Level 35 mean that at least 40% of the game is gone. It's not too early, for me.
  3. P

    (1) Pokemon ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Website Updates with English Localizations, Game Screenshots [5/14]

    I think that Helioptile can make good where charmander "failed". They are lizards, Charizard looks like a dragon but is Fire/Flying. I hope the final form of Helioptile will not be Electric/Normal, but can become Electric/Dragon.
  4. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Remeber that already exists the Pokèmon Dream Radar / AR Searcher, that let you transfers your Pokèmon in the cartridge. I think this app is going to be supported by Pokèmon X/Y and maybe updated with all the Pokemon
  5. P

    (1) Pokemon ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Website Updates with English Localizations, Game Screenshots [5/14]

    It's Normal for some reason, adding a Weakness could be one. But why? Maybe it will become too OP?
  6. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Why? Pidgey don't fit perfectly. Is like putting a car in a 1x1m box. You can shrink the car and make any kind of crazy thing to make it fit, but this don't mean that box was intended for a car. That form is more lenght than Pidgey and the wing don't fit perfectly. I think it's Mothim or Haryama.
  7. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    How many votes for Mothim?
  8. P

    (1) Pokemon ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Website Updates with English Localizations, Game Screenshots [5/14]

    Seeing that two Pokèmon, I can't think of any other Pokèmon except Gogoat. Gogoat can be rided, so it have to be at least high as the trainer. The two Pokèmon behind him don't satisfy this requirement. If we consider also the error given by the perspective, they definitely can't be. Anyway...
  9. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Yeah, i zoomed too. Two slots after the sprite there is a bird. "A taillow will confirm it being a Zigzagoon" i thought, but it's the new bird Pokemon, instead. Plus, every time a new gen. is approaching, Gamefreak announce a group of Pokemon that are commonly scattered in first routes...
  10. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    I don't think that is going to be Zigzagoon, maybe the gogoat pre-evo
  11. P

    (1) Pokemon ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Website Updates with English Localizations, Game Screenshots [5/14]

    I hope someone will find other screens! Anyway the bench thing remind me of assassin's creed x)
  12. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    How much adorable is this guy? Yes, i'm italian. It says "Ah, a wild Fletchling appeared!"
  13. P

    (1) Supposed English Names of 'CoroCoro' Pokemon [5/13]

    For me is going to evolve into a velociraptor with a crest around the head like this monster (is only an example): Great Jaggi from Monster Hunter But with a sort of "parabola" that replace the crest. If you think, helioptile have the name that sound like a dino and it's electric. Plus, it's...
  14. P

    (1) Supposed English Names of 'CoroCoro' Pokemon [5/13]

    I'm not arguing about the loss chance to make Charizard a Dragon-type, that would have make him obviously OP from a "starter" POV. But now that we have another "lizard" (The aspect is really really next to charmender' one) why couldn't it be a Dragon, at least, in the aspect? Or, even better...
  15. P

    (1) Supposed English Names of 'CoroCoro' Pokemon [5/13]

    Charmander is a Lizard and evolve into Charizard that is not effectively a Dragon-Type, but have clearly the aspect of this creature. Maybe the new Electric-Lizard, Helioptile, could follow the same root of Charmander? Being a Electric-Type Dragon? Or maybe will have the dual typing Electric/Dragon?
  16. P

    (1) Supposed English Names of 'CoroCoro' Pokemon [5/13]

    Maybe the panda will be "Pancham" or "Pandcham" ?
  17. P

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    @TrainerSivan thank you for the response ;) Anyway the name of mewtwo going around him makes all this look like "digimonesque".